
Chapter 23 - Kyle to the rescue

As the items from the dead ogre and spider queen formed. Suddenly a series of flashes started to appear in both of the piles. There were now less and less of the items, but they didn't look like body parts anymore. They looked like something you would buy at the auction house.

This, of course, meant that the quality would be better, also Kyle knew that what system made was of the best possible quality, so there was no reason to feel bad about this crafting.

As everything finished, Kyle noticed that there were 2 enormous crystals. One was of spider queen's that was purple and black in colour, of the size of his head. The second one was of orange colour also of enormous size.

He really wanted to check what items he got from them as well as to check how did his powers increase, but he had to get to the safe area first. Also, the cave that was once home of spiders was now empty. That meant that the treasures were up for grabs!

'I am going to check what is inside the cave and then later sort through everything in someplace safe.' Kyle collected all of the items into his storage space and ran back into the cave.

Kyle went deeper inside, looking for anything that he can use to escape. In fact, the cave was massive, after walking for at least 5 minutes he couldn't see it's end, then suddenly a massive cobweb appeared, that had a countless number of cocoons in it. Behind was finally the wall that marked the end of the cave.

Nearly all of the cocoons were full, and Kyle would off left them here if not for the fact that he saw a familiar weapon tied to one of the cocoons.

It was a large axe that Kyle saw back in the tavern. The reason he remembered it was because it was of the human that spoke to him instead of the guild leader and because this was one of the only weapons he saw with the mana crystals.

So far Kyle's mind was only worried about surviving and escaping as first it was the ogre chasing him, he didn't think about what happened to the guild and where was the main party that set out into the forest. Now, after seeing the number of moving cocoons as well as the weapons that were lying either in the webs or on the floor. This allowed Kyle to connect the dots, 'These cocoons have the White Wolf guildmates inside?!' Kyle didn't want people to die right in front of him, and so he came up to the cocoon of that human man and slashed it open with a wolf fang, surprisingly it easily sliced through the silk.

He carried on opening all of the cocoons and putting the bodies of unconscious humans on the floor. Nearly 30 people were lying on the floor when the human woke up.

"Oy! What happened here?! What did you do?!" The man started shouting at Kyle that was in the process of dragging another body to the line.

"Me? I saved your ass from being suffocated and killed!" Kyle didn't want to explain himself and carried on freeing more people.

The man suddenly remembered where he was and what happened to him before and straight away started frantically freeing people from the closest cocoons. In the end, they have freed around 150 people, and the last cocoon was left. It was off the white-black colour and was very hight up on one of the cobwebs. Kyle didn't really know how to get it as it was that far away.

"That is our guild leader. I will bring her down," The human as if he climbed the cobwebs every day carefully lowered the cocoon to the ground.

With that, he tried cutting through it with his own sword to rip the silk, but the white-black silk was much sturdy than the normal silk. The strike caused his sword to break in half. "God damn! This is harder than a rock!"

Kyle saw that the black cocoon wasn't moving so he didn't have much time. He came close and sliced at it with the wolf fang. The feeling that Kyle got when he touched the material was as if he is cutting through steel armour. The sparks flew everywhere. As he sliced through it, he just started to understand how much more powerful he has gotten, 'The power that I just showed was incredible… I can't wait to experiment more.'

With the cocoon broken, a body fell out of it. It was a tender elf that had leather tight clothing, with steel pieces protecting her vitals. She was full in some type of goo that was also leaking from the cocoon. She was tightly gripping 2 daggers before she was put inside, as now they were lying next to her.

The human gasped and put some type of leather around her body, he started to look through his bag and pulled out a glass bottle that had black-green liquid inside. He looked angrily at Kyle and poured the insides of the bottle inside her mouth.

"I hope this will be enough said human.." He looked at Kyle and said, "Don't get second thoughts. This is only life potion we have. Don't tell anyone that I used it." He was still on his knees, patiently waiting for the elf to show any signs. After a full minute passed, the elf started coughing, and the same viscous goo started coming out of her mouth. It was disgusting.

After the elf stopped coughing, she stood up and was ready to talk, but then dropped to the ground with no power to move, "Ghh, Arnold, what happened," the elf barely spoke and passed out.

"Well, I have the same question to you, Arnold," Kyle asked. That seemed to be the name of the human.

"I will tell you. You rescued all of us, but first, we need to get to the camp. The main reason we are in bad shape is because of the spider queen... how did you get inside?" Arnold looked around and couldn't see any spiders. This was the deepest parts of the nest, after all.

"It got driven away by some huge ogre, I used this chance to go inside," no way would Kyle tell them the truth that he absorbed their energy by himself.

"Gods had mercy on us and sent you to save us. You will be rewarded, don't worry. Thank you!" Arnold bowed to Kyle. "Can we move outside? Did they go far away? I know that it is very selfish of me asking you for a favour after you saved our lives, but could you help us get to the camp?"

Kyle thought of what to say, "Yes, it would be relatively safe to walk, but we somehow need to carry those 100 people? We should wait for them to wake up." Kyle didn't like the idea of going back and forth to the camp, carrying someone. Plus he chose to help them to improve his karma. He had to consolidate his power anyways.