
Chapter 10 - Level 0

Kyle tried to group his body together to limit the amount of damage that he would get from slamming into the wall. The problem was that the space was too small and his speed from the bash was too fast.

As he hit the wall, he felt that his whole body was shaken and it felt as it was about to explode. His internal organs and the dantian shacked and started to internally bleed, causing Kyle's face to turn pale white and ugly with pain.

Kyle was in a miserable state right now, just awaiting his death by the hands of the lion as the bash was not something that he expected. The whirlpool as if knowing what was about to come started to swirl and minimise into a barely felt and visible whirlpool, but that did nothing. His whole body could barely move.

The beast in front of Kyle that was beaming with happiness and a sense of accomplishment, it roared.

'If I am going down, I am bringing you to the afterworld with me,' Kyle clenched the wolf fang dagger in his hand even tighter.

The beast was certain that the prey was his, and there was nothing he could do to resist. The lion went outside and to meet the leftovers of beats that were waiting in front of the cave. The lion was the king of the animals after all, and with an ear numbing roar it officially announced its victory.

While Lion passed back and forth, Kyles mind was busy with thinking of ways to survive. His whole body was bloody and with scars all over. He looked like a mess, and in reality, he could barely move at this point. Some of the blood vessels got raptured on his legs by Lion's claws, and his only option was to put everything into the last blow.

Kyle didn't give up just yet; he was looking for anything that he could kill in the cave as to get the last bit of energy that the system needed. The problem was that there was nothing in the cave. It was either that the Lion has driven everything away. Or it was that they were too scared to come close to him after what he did outside.

The Lion was finally ready to take his prize - this damn human that attacked and exterminated his subordinate beasts. In reality, Lion was happy that this human did so much damage to the beasts. The fact that Lion is going to kill this strong human will make every beast worship this Lion even more. The Lion was just about to pounce and finally kill Kyle, when out of nowhere, just from behind the lion, a wolf ran into the cave and pounced at Kyle. This took the Lion by surprise as usually, no-one would dare to take its prey.

After seeing the lion officially say that the human is down, the wolf closest to the entrance could still feel the energy inside pulsating. He wanted to get anything out of this encounter in exchange for all of his kinsmen being slaughtered. His instinct was to get the energy, so he rushed straight at it.

The wolfs pounce also took Kyle off guard who was only focusing on Lion's movements. This was a blessing in disguise for Kyle. 'This is the last energy that I needed to finish the whirlpool cycle!' What Kyle needed to do is just to survive the wolfs pounce and absorb the energy.

Once the wolf lept into the air, the whirlpool felt the energy coming from the beast and started to pulsate with joy and impatience, as if telling Kyle to get the energy as soon as possible.

The wolf was clearly very desperate, and he only went onto the attack without a thought of defence in this strike. Kyle made an unbelievable effort, and with bloodshot eyes, he rolled to the side. At the same time, after the end of the roll, he jumped onto the wolf, grabbing his fur with his hand, and with all strength, he started stabbing the dagger into the wolf as many times as he could, just to get the magical system notification.

After 10 stabs and no energy left, he finally saw it.

[ Do you want to absorb? ]

[ Yes / No ]

At this moment, Kyle wanted to cry in happiness. He was so desperate for it and staked everything on this last move. If the absorption didn't appear on time, he would have just died by the lion that has already started pouncing on him and the now-dead wolf.


Kyle had no power to press the interface, but after the key opened some door in him, he could concentrate on the command for the system to understand what it wanted. With the closed eyes, energy very swiftly started rolling into him. It was not a lot of energy from a single wolf, but all of the energy accumulated in the whirlpool up to this point got amplified by it.

The whirlpool span like crazy, making bizarre noise inside the Kyles dantian. It was as if the whirlpool was laughing with the kakaka noises.

'I just hope that all of this energy I provided for you was not for nothing, give me the strength to kill this Lion and I promise, I will get you even more, even purer energy!' Kyle needed power now, and after all of his efforts, he knew that he deserved it.

Ever since the time the pearl the size of the rice appeared, he didn't understand what it was for as it didn't allow any interaction with. Also, it took power instead of giving it back as dantians from the earth's light novels said. It was a total energy sink with no benefit.

Then at this moment, the whirlpool froze, and the sucking force from the pearl become incredibly strong, getting all of the energy that was accumulated. It was grey in colour at first, now it was turning to white, and at the last moment when the last of the energy got sucked in, it turned in to blinding azure colour.

[ Congratulations! ]

[ You have achieved Level 0! ]

[ You have achieved Body Tempering Realm! ]

Kyle didn't understand what it meant, but he knew that it was better than dying. His body now was fully covered in white light as if a blanket of light has covered every single cell of his. Kyle just like the first time when he meditated got sucked into the white world, where he got the book and the key.

He now felt where he travelled with his consciousness. This was the azure pearl that he accumulated the energy for. This was the insides of the pearl itself.

There, instead of just a white plane of nothingness, there was a statue the size of a mountain Everest, at least 5 thousand metres high, of an unknown old man with a beard that dropping from the chin to the floor. His attire was of a simple robe that didn't seem too amazing. His hands were cooped under the robe that hid them. The only huge distinction that he had was that where his hands were cooped, an azure pearl was suspended, not touching the statue but rotation and giving away Azur energy bursts.

The voice suddenly resounded —

Everything has been leading up to this point. Get ready to learn of the secrets that are inside Kyles body.

Simvolickcreators' thoughts