
Chapter 2: Human-Elf History

"Where i am. I remember i got a quiz and then suddenly an explosion happens. Oh.. my head hurts. Why its only white cloud and a tower? What for? Maybe i'm dead? I'm really dead? (Mathias crying) I want to live long. I want to see my grandpa"

"I remember my grandpa once said about a tower and a book. Wait. Where's that book? Ah.. maybe my grandpa just joke about that book"

"First, i need to found important details here this place of white"

As Mathias is walking, he found himself immerse in cloud of white. He tried to sat down and the key in his pocket fell down.

"I see. This i the key my grandpa gave to me. But, i forgot what this key for. I just remember hmmmmm about a tower"

"Where the f is that tower"

Its almost 8 hours of walking, no food and water but Mathias haven't seen any sign of a tower or anything only a scene of clouds in white forms. He sat down and sigh.

"Grandpa, help me"

"I don't know what i'm looking for nor i don't know where i am. I miss my mom, dad and you grandpa. Give me a sign"

Mathias crying and tears drop in the key. The key glow up and a tower in a form of circle sprout. It is an old tower in circle form with glassy silver paint outside. Its quite old yet it is full of magical things.

Mathias slowly use the key to enter the tower.

Guardian of the tower appear. An elf girl.

Guardian of the tower:

" Welcome. I am Zefi. I am an elf and the guardian of this tower. May i know your name?"

"I'm... I'm Mathias Zeken"

"Welcome Mr. Zeken. You are the only human who successfully made the tower appear. I gonna tell you what is this tower about and what role you need to do for being the first human to enter this tower"

Zefi snap. A magical tour has began from the history of the tower.

Over 1500 years ago, a battle between the humans and elf began. It is the period of Nickel in the Land of Vaccan.

The battle between them began when the King of the elf and the human King empire brought into misunderstanding about a treaty of peace.

Before that misunderstanding happens, elf and human has a good relationship with each other. Both live harmoniously and peaceful.

Because both live peacefully, elf taught humans about magic. However, human can only use that magic through a griamore.

Ancestor elf put some of their powers in a book and that what is a griamore all about.

In some time passed by, this griamore is been used by many humans and elf to make evil doings.

Because of that, the peaceful place of Vaccan disappeared.

Human and elf began to start war with one another. Thus, Land of Vaccan perished and was divided into two kingdom.

The Kingdom of Haka which is the kingdom of humans and the Kingdom of Beri which is the kingdom of elfs. Both kingdom are against one another and they are have same rule.

Under one rule for everyone, regardless being human or elf.

That is....

'No human and elf will have a romantic relationship. Its the ban of bearing a human-elf babies'.