
Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Dragonwolf

NOTE! I do not own this story or its content, that credit goes to 'Revan Knight' on ff.net under the story name 'Wrath of the north', I am merely correcting some grammar issues and reposting on this website to give this story more recognition. If 'Revan Knight' wants me to take it down I will do so if he messages me on ff.net

xLucqs · TV
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14 Chs

Chapter 2

Note: I do not own this story

2600 Words

"Promise me Ned. Promise me."

Jon woke from his slumber, once again after dreaming of the death of Lyanna Stark. This was starting to become more than a little annoying. His mother's death was not something he wanted to keep reliving every night for the rest of his life. Sighing in frustration, he decided to get up, rubbing his eyes to clear the blurriness. Knowing he would be unable to get back to sleep for a while no matter how tired he was, he dressed in his winter robes and left his chambers, careful not to wake his slumbering direwolf Ghost. Perhaps a short walk would help him clear his head.

He made his way outside of Winterfell's keep, feeling a slight breeze when he opened the doors. He sat down on the steps leading to the entrance. He guessed that aside from the guards patrolling the castle walls that he was the only one up. It was still night and judging by the moon's position he still had several hours until the sun rose. Looking around, he saw the discarded remnants of reconstruction materials littering the courtyard. For his first month as the new King in the North, one of the primary focuses had been to rebuild Winterfell from the destruction Ramsay Bolton brought on it when he supposedly liberated it from the ironborn's occupation. Though this was actually the easiest of his problems.

Jon was pulled out of his brooding by a strange shadow moving across the courtyard. By the size and shape, he knew to look up for the source. His ice dragon Blizzard was soaring across the night sky silent as an owl. He couldn't help but smile as he saw his loyal friend eclipsing the moon in flight. At about three times the size of a fully grown vaylarian dragon, he was an impressive sight to behold. His forelimbs were another key difference from 'regular' dragons (as if giant flying, element breathing reptiles could possibly be considered regular in Westeros), as was his blueish-white scales and deep blue eyes. But his most unique feature was what led Jon to give him his name: while most people considered dragons to strictly be fire drakes, Blizzard's magical breath froze anything it touched. This was the last lesson that the Boltons and Freys learned before they were slain.

Jon's anger rose when he remembered the people who betrayed his brother (really cousin, but he'd always consider Lord Stark's children his siblings). In his mind, there was no excuse for turning of Robb the way they had. So what if Robb married for love rather than duty as he originally intended. It didn't justify luring him and his family into a trap and slaughtering them beneath one's own roof. Jon had been sure to pay them back for the injustice that befell Robb.

Of course, they were just the pawns that carried the massacre out. There was still one other who needed to be brought down: the mastermind of the infamous Red Wedding, Tywin Lannister. Jon would never forget what that monster had done to Robb, or his half siblings Rhaenys and Aegon.

Remembering his half siblings only brought back the reminder of his mother. His mother and his real father. Jon once more found himself reliving when he had learned the truth.


Months ago

Jon was currently sitting in the cave that he'd been brought to. After setting out on the great ranging with the other members of the night's watch, Jon had soon felt a strange sensation in his mind. It was like a powerful force was calling out to him, imploring him to come. Although he tried to ignore it, about a week after departing Craster's Keep Jon found it too... desperate?... to do so. So one night, while the rest of the party slept, Jon and Ghost had set off into the unknown, trying to find the source of this disturbance.

Their search lasted so long that Jon lost track of when he'd left. He knew the rest of the night's watch would consider him a deserter, but hopefully Commander Mormont would hear him out instead of just having him immediately put to death when he did make his way back. Finally, they stumbled upon a cave that had what looked like a child standing near the entrance. But upon getting a closer look, Jon saw this was no human child. He could hardly believe his eyes: the figure looked like a person that plants growing out of their body. Or maybe a better description would be a plant like human, as their limbs looked more like tree branches and leaves.

A child of the forest! He thought they were extinct.

"Jon" the child called out after she saw him.

"How... how do you..."

"We have been waiting for you to come to us. Please, follow me."

The child led him and Ghost into the cave, where Jon came face to face with even more of her kind. The child how had greeted him introduced herself as Leaf, and told him that their friend needed to speak with him. She led Jon further into her home, until finally they came across a man sitting at the base of an enormous set of tree roots.

"Greetings Jon. I am the three-eyed raven."

Jon recognized the man's voice as having the same sense as the disturbance that had brought him here. "I'm... I'm pleased to meet you. But how do you know me, and why am I here?" "I will explain everything. Please, sit down."

They talked for quite some time. The man explained that he was a powerful greenseer, meaning he could look into the past of any happening throughout history as well as communicate with people mentally. He had resided with the last of the children of the forest for years. He explained much of what was going on in the lands north of the wall, telling Jon something that chilled him to the bones. The white walkers had returned.

White walkers. The great evil that had threatened all of Westeros during the long night. The creatures that could reanimate dead bodies of people and animals to fight for them. The riders of ice spiders. Tales of these monsters had haunted Jon's nightmares for years during his childhood. All of westeros knew of these monsters, but none thought they were real: the southern kingdoms were all populated by the andals, who considered them nothing more than fairy tales, while the north's first men thought they were long gone, like the children of the forest were thought to be.

"But why bring me here?" Jon asked. "What does their return have to do with me?"

"Their return, nothing" The three-eyed raven responded. "But as far as stopping them is concerned, you are part of the answer."


The three-eyed raven laughed slightly at Jon's reaction. "Tell me, are you familiar with something called the prince who was promised?"

"The prince who was promised? No."

"There is an ancient prophecy that foretells the return of the long night, and only the prince who was promised will be able to stop it."

It took Jon a few moments to realize what he was hearing. "You think, I'm..."

"It's possible" the man replied. "Even with greenseeing, telling the future is extremely difficult. But I can say that you are one of the people who will lead the fight against the white walkers. The fate of life on this continent hangs in the balance of the coming storm."

"But how?!" Jon exclaimed. "How can I possibly be this prince that was promised? I'm just a bastard. I'm no more than a mark on Eddard Stark's honor."

"Is that really what you believe? I think it's time you knew the truth about who you are."

The three-eyed raven stood up, beckoning Jon to do the same. He led Jon to the tree roots.

"Grab my shoulder." Jon did so, and suddenly they were no longer in the cave.

They were standing in a beautiful southern forest. By the looks the trees, it was summer.

"What just happened?" Jon asked.

"We have stepped back in time. I intend to show you the truth."

Jon was about to ask again, but stopped as two figures emerged from the treeline. One was a man of dornish descent while the other could easily be identified as a Targaryen by his silver-white hair. He couldn't explain it, but somehow Jon immediately knew who this Targaryen was. "Rhaegar."

"The crown prince, the last dragon. And the man by his side is Ser Arthur Dayne, the sword of the morning. The events we are seeing are from the tournament of harrenhal."

"I know of that" Jon said. "That was the tournament that started the descent to Robert's rebellion. Rhaegar kidnapped my aunt Lyanna when she was betrothed to Robert baratheon."

"Is that what really happened? Watch and see for yourself."

They watched as Rhaegar and Ser Dayne pushed their way past a set of bushes, only to stop as they saw another figure by a huge lake. This figure was dressed in knight's armor, and their shield was adorned with a weirwood tree as its symbol. Rhaegar and Ser Dayne drew their weapons and stepped closer.

"Turn around" Rhaegar said. The knight did as they were told. "Remove your helmet and tells us who you are." The knight complied once again. But as they removed their helmet, a wave of long dark hair fell loosely to the side. Rhaegar and Ser Dayne dropped their swords in shock as the knight was revealed to actually be a woman.

"My name is Lyanna Stark. I am the daughter of Rickard Stark, warden of the north." Jon was in shock. Before him stood his aunt Lyanna, the woman whom Rhaegar Targaryen kidnapped, plunging Westeros into rebellion.

"I... you are not what we were expecting" Ser Dayne said. Next to him, Rhaegar looked like he was too stunned to talk.

Lyanna let out a slight laugh. "I imagine seeing a woman in knight's armor is something many would be surprised at. If I recall, you're the crown prince and the sword of the morning, correct?"

"Yes" Ser Dayne replied. Rhaegar still looked like he was strugging to speak. Lyanna turned to him. "I was touched by the song you sang at that dinner a few nights ago, sire. You are truly a talented singer."

"Uh..." Rhaegar couldn't seem to form a coherent sentence, until Ser Dayne wacked him on the back of his head. "Ow! Uh, I mean, thank you."

"If I may, I would like to get out of this armor" Lyanna said.

"Of course" Rhaegar said. "We'll let you." The two men turned around as Lyanna discarded her armor and put on an elegant looking dress. "Ok, you can look again. What were you doing here?"

"Well" Rhaegar said "your victory in the joust got a lot of attention. My father, in his unstable condition, thought you were an enemy and told us to find you."

"Oh. Well, I can assure both of you I am no enemy of the crown. I was merely trying to help a friend."

"What do you mean?" Ser Dayne asked.

"Those knights I beat, their squires had been bullying a friend of mine. I needed to get them in a position to teach their squires a lesson."

"You disguised yourself as a knight to help a friend?" Rhaegar asked.

"That's right sire."

"Oh, I remember" Rhaegar suddenly exclaimed. "You're the woman who my cousin Robert is engaged to. I must say, he is a lucky man."

Lyanna suddenly looked saddened. "Is something wrong?" Ser Dayne asked.

"Robert" Lyanna replied. "I know what kind of man he is. I won't be able to trust him to stay faithful to me. Did you know he fathered his first child the year he reached adulthood?"

"Well" Rhaegar awkwardly started. "I know his is a womanizer, but he was quite elated when he learned you two were to get married. I'm sure he will cast his ways aside."

"My brother Ned said the same thing" Lyanna said. "Though I doubt it will happen."

Jon watched the scene play out for a while longer until Lyanna decided to mount a horse and return to the tournament. Rhaegar and Ser Dayne stared after her.

"I don't suppose it is too late to reconsider my place in the kingsguard" Ser Dayne asked.

Rhaegar turned towards his friend with a strange look. "What do you think?" he replied.

Suddenly the scenery changed. Before him stood Rhaegar and Lyanna. They were facing each other and holding hands before a septa. To the side, a dornish woman stood holding an infant in her arms while a little girl clung to her leg. "Elia Martell and her children '' Jon said. This time the three-eyed raven did not respond. The septa sopke up, drawing Jon's attention back to Rhaegar and his aunt. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may..." he stopped talking as Lyanna lunged forward, throwing her arms around Rhaegar's neck and passionately kissing him. "Umm... go on kissing the bride."

To the side, Elia Martell laughed as her husband responded to Lyanna's actions in kind. Jon couldn't understand the scene playing out before him. Rhaegar had kidnapped Lyanna, how could she be so happy. Elia and her children approached Rhaegar and Lyanna as they finally broke their kiss and embraced Lyanna. "Welcome to the family sister."

"I feel so lucky" Elia's daughter said. "Now I get two mommies."

The scene before him changed once more. They were now in a desert near a single tower, with Ser Dayne and another man blocking a younger Eddard Stark and his companions from the entrance.

"The mad king is dead" his father said. "Rhaegar lies beneath the ground. Why weren't you there to protect your prince?"

"Our prince wanted us here" Ser Dayne replied.

The scene changed once again. Now they were inside the tower. Lyanna was laying on a bed soaked with blood, a newborn baby in her arms. "His name is Jaehaerys Targaryen" Lyanna weakly said to his father. "If Robert or the Lannisters find out, they'll kill my son. Please Ned, I beg you to protect him. Promise me Ned. Promise me." "I will keep him safe" Eddard Stark tearfully replied. Lyanna passed her child to him, and then she breathed her last breath.

The scene changed one final time to his father holding his nephew while he was sitting by a small campfire with one of his previous companions. Jon needed to get closer to hear what they were saying."

"I just can't believe the war was all for nothing old friend." "I know Howland" his father replied as he stared at Jaehaerys sleeping in his arms. "But how are we going to keep your nephew safe?" Holland Reed asked. "I don't have a nephew. My sister had no children, understand? This boy is my son that I fathered during the war, and his name is Jon. Jon Snow"

Jon didn't even notice when they were back in the cave. He was in such shock at what he just saw.

"So Jon, do you understand now?" the three eyed raven asked, pulling Jon back to reality. "You must have wondered why Lord Stark refused to discuss your mother with anyone. It's because he was trying to protect you. You are not his son, you are his nephew. Also, you are not a bastard. You are the rightful heir to the iron throne."

Jon fell to his knees in tears. His entire life had just been shattered before his eyes.