
Game Of Thrones: True Threat From The North

a young lord, 15 years old, his name Anoriaon FearStark, an off shoot branch of the Starks, the young lord of Throcatore castle and his uncle Ser Ianñ will show the othe houses if the north why the first word of their name is Fear. the young lord gets visons and a small fraction if a distant gods power and memories, will he use this knowledge and power to good use? or will he lead a conquest across the continent of Westoros. how will the Lord who wields helberds react to his dangerous surroundings? 2 chapters every 3 days

slingingcocaine · TV
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3 Chs

Chapter 3,

The other houses left winter fell and headed south for the river lands, it would be a great chokepoint for ethier side.

Ser Ianñ and Anoriaon stayed at winter fell with the young stark boys. There were a few more egurds then the 540 under direct control of Anoriaon and Ser Ianñ.

As the two leaders of Throcatore castle stood on the walls of winter fell, with the breeze swaying Anoriaon's black curly hair. Fog rolled over the hills and wind flapped the banners hanging on the walls.

It had the Stark banner and the FearStark banner on the front walls. "My Nephew, maybe we should try out thise seige machines you thought of" asked his uncle who held his thichk fur cloak close to him.

"Maybe we should, we have time, maybe we could even teach those tactics to our men, we just have to defend the north against raiders really maybe some lannister sellswords, as ned stark once said 'Winterfell could hold with 500 against 10000' we have 500 don't we"

"Yes we do, let's get started on one of the seige weapons, I'll gather some craftsmen or craftswomen" Ser Ianñ said with a light smile.

"I'll get some paper to draw the design" his uncle nodded at these words then walked down the steps.

The young lord soon followed after his uncle. They went different directions, Anoriaon to the measter's chambers and ser Larvianñ to the nearby wintertown with a pocket full of gold.

Anoriaon walked into the measter's chamber noting the coldness, you can already tell it's going to be a cold winter. Measter luwin was there sitting in a chair surrounded by papers.

"Lord Anoriaon, what business do you have with me?" asked measter Luwin in his old jolly tone. "I need a few large peices of paper, I'm making some test seige machines, as well as testing some war tactics" replied Anoriaon in an equally as jolly tone.

He was not very jolly, he wanted to go to the front lines and earn glory. But he would spend the next few years killing the occasional bandit that was stupid enough to cross his path.

Measter luwin leand forward and grabbed a few large pieces of paper. Anoriaon walked closer and grabbed the papers from out of measter luwins hands.

He took a seat at one of the other desks then started drawing, he drew fast. The image and how the siege machines worked was burned into his skull.

He drew with ink and quill making no mistakes.

He then produced a complex design of a, as Dain the iron foot would say 'twirly-whirlies' they could destroy tens of men each shot they fired, but they took a few minutes to reload and the ballista bolt it fired was hard to make. He gave detailed drawings of the important peices.

It would be usefull if you were under seige and do to the design it could be transported by a few mules.

He did something similar with battle formations. All in under 40 minutes, "hey, measter luwin, what are the words in Valaryia for 'false gap"

"I belive it is pertia geep, though I don't speak it fluently" replied measter luwin. He nodded then wrote down the words on top of the paper.

He wanted to be fancy and most people don't know valrayian, most people don't know how to read. He brought the papers outside. He passed his guards and a few Stark guards. He found his uncle with a few men in the courtyard.

They weren't soldiers but civilians. He walked down to the small group. "Uncle, have a few drawings with me" said Anoriaon in a happy manner.

His uncle turned around "hand them over, I want to see them" "I only made one seige engine, the others are battle formation, I do not think we should share the battle formations with the builders" said Anoriaon with a sly smile.

He handed over the seige engine, Ser Ianñ looked at it for a good thirty seconds before handing it off to on of the ten or so builders.

The builders also gave it a good thirty seconds before passing it off to the next until it returned to Ser Ianñ and then to Anoriaon.

One of the older looking elders stepped forward and said "it will take a few days maybe even a week of non stop work to make the weapon and the large supply of bolts"

"Understood, just please start work, my uncle and me will help you aquire the supplies, I can make the metal bits of the machine, i make the metal parts first then tomarrow or the day after tomarrow I will give it to you" Anoriaon said while giving a a small bow to the group of crafters.

Anoriaon then headed to the forge with his uncle and the drawing. They spent the rest of the day forging the metal parts, and making the large bolts.

They weren't really bolts, once they went up in the air their wings would spread out and turn into almost a drill, it would massacre any who got in its landing path.

It would be somewhat slow but no arrow or javelin would stop it, to much force, it would just be thrown out of the way by the immense air being pushed off.

It was like a fan but far faster and larger and sharper. It was massive even with only with the metal parts, the ones who saw what they were doing thought it would never work as a ballista bolt.

They finished up the day by forging that last large pieces, tomarrow they would work on the bolts which had to be specially made.

They went to some quarters in the great fortress, winterfell. Anoriaon had a dream in his sleep.

It was a deeper dive into the world he saw two days ago.

But the god or the one who claimed to be a god was not there too narrate so he only could interpret.