
Game of Thrones: The Sun of Winter

The Wandering Wizard, Sean Cliffer, is one of the last wizard of the modern day of Earth. he  lived his life for a hundred of years, learning and experiencing the real world. Especially for a wizard, always hiding and lurking in the shadows. And always afraid someone will find out, as they say, humans are afraid of what they don't understand. This time, his magic has failed him. It was already past of his limited time, only with his power was holding his life in a thin thread, finally snapping. But, what he did not expect was, it was only the beginning of the end. Another life of challenges. Reborn as a second son of an highborn family, a spare in case the heir met a terrible death. His new name is Torrhen, of house Karstark, born of the year 266 after Aegon's Conquest. The second son of Karlon Karstark and Berena Flint, younger brother of Rickard Karstark, the heir of Karhold. There's a new player in 'the Game'. **************************************** Disclaimer: I do not own Game of Thrones. A/N: This story was inspired by 'Harry Potter Reborn as Bomeric Bolton', 'The Road to Hell'. and so much more Fanfics about Game of Thrones. I don't know any good pairings for now, so suggestions can be written on the chat. And, my English isn't that very good, so be easy on me. As for the update rate, maybe I can put 4-5 chapters per week. Having college studies to think of. Also, there will be foul words and violent actions in the novels. What can you expect in Game of Thrones, eh, lad?

DaoistbmKU1Q · TV
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19 Chs

The Sun of Winter

The Sun of Winter. Our house's words.

Okay... I'm going to be honest. I don't know what to say about that. I can't even understand it.

Our blood descended from the Lord Paramount of the North, House Starks, sigil of direwolves, which probably all living north of the Wall.

How did we become the sun from wolves? Why not just regular wolves?

Enough of that anyway. Westeros has a rich history, especially from the North. Apparently, the honourable Starks was responsible for the bloody history of the North.

Now that was interesting, until I read about Winter King Torrhen Stark, 'the King who Knelt'. Well, if I was in his place, I wouldn't risk my people's lives fighting literal dragons. A wise decision.

Four name days had passes, I was finally given permission to handle swords, wooden swords at that.

Even though I only read and read most of the time, I take some moments to strengthen my body by stretching here and there, along with running and jumping around Karhold. Guards and Nursemaid often find themselves running after me, the 'mischievous child' of Karstarks.

There was already talks about me going to other place for fostering. Some talks and gossips from servants, I realize I was to go to the Vale, as Jon Arryn's ward. When my Eight name day, I will leave home to learn the value of honor.

Before all that happen, I must learn how to fight at least one kind of weapon, preferably sword. I could become a Knight, but I have to convert to the Faith of the Seven. When one will be Knighted, they have to swear to the Seven. Unfortunate, but at least I flee to the Free Cities as travelling warrior or a Sellsword.

Being a Wizard, I can mark Karhold and go on travelling with ease. I could teleport, but it will deplete half of my life energy. That will be my greatest card, my lifeline.

Another unfortunate thing about my magic, No one can know this. I do not know how this will affect my family or the people of Westeros. Most people would call me a heresy, small population would call me blessed.

Therefore, my magic will be the last of last of hidden card.

Any way, my sword training is going along pretty great. Some mistakes here and there, the Master-at-Arms would point out, but it is going well. Cultivation of life energies non-stop, was a great boon for a young body. Maybe two decades of this will make my skin like a dragon's hide, bone like a castle-forge steel and my blood pumping like bursting dam.

For now, I have the strength of two Five name days old boy, strong vitality and sharp mind. Every moon's turn, I would merge my absorb life energy, to permanently enrich my body.

This would end up draining me at night before sleeping.

No matter, sacrifices has to be made. I will diligently train until my last energy.

"Stop spacing out, Mi'lord. Shields up, always!" Said by the Master-at-Arms at the side, as I battle a Ten and Three name days boy, both of us using wooden swords and wooden shields.

He lunged into me, swiping his sword to where my knee is. I dodge but he continued his swinging. This left me defending with my shield up, blocking and dodging often.

Tired of defending, I bashed my shield to his person after seeing an opening and flurried my offense. From time to time, I would use shield-bashing to bring out any opening to his joints and I would attack them, ruining my opponent's defense in the process. I took this time disarm him from his sword, with shield remaining.

It was good, he'll remain into defense. Not giving any chance, I kicked the side of his shield, leaving an open spot at his side and I seized the opportunity to attack him.

With a shriek, his back met with the ground, gripping to his side. I've set down my sword and shield, then run up to him. I held up my arm for him to take.

Bitter, he finally took the arms with acceptance. I just chuckled into this. "A good fight, Greg. You're getting better,"

"Nothing like you, Mi'lord. I'm just limping at your age." Greg's smile twitch, still bitter.

"It was just luck, Greg. Next bout, it will not happen again." I said, trying to be humble as much as possible.

Before Greg could reply back, a servant came up to Torrhen. "Mi'lord, Lord Karstark is asking for you."

"I will be there, after cleaning up." I replied.


Karhold is separated from the main keep and the tower keep, just beside the Grey Cliff.

I walked up to my Father's solar. He is always strict and impatient, my Father. Often, my Mother always keeps him occupied. My mischievous act was also not helping from containing my Father's patience.

I acted mischievous because being noble was big attention enough. By acting, I could cover my true personality.

Why would I be worried about attention? I found out three years earlier, as the Nursemaid was going out for a fresh air with me on hand, I sensed someone watching. No malicious attentions, just observation. I found that our long time stable boy was also a long time spy from the south.

Having spies in your home means someone powerful, grasp every information about anything in home.

I'm still not enough powerful to use mind magic thoroughly, it will drain my mental energy as well as great risk to harm your own mind, should any mistake was made.

With my observation, I could perceive their surface intentions, and that was it.

"Yes, Father?" I said, peeking into the room. The solar was not bad, considering it was the medieval period in these world. Organised as well as it could be, white sun sigil on the top of the fireplace, bear carpet floor, wooden table and chairs, a braavosi-made paper and inked quill and an old man on the Lord's chair.

"Seat, Son. These arrived earlier, today." A raven scroll was thrown in the table. I scanned the room one more time before taking a seat. I waited a few moments and took the scroll.

It was a permission from Lord Arryn. Permission for him becoming Lord Arryn's ward after his eight name day.

"So, after my name day's celebration, I would ko to the Vale for fostering?" I realized the gossips were true. I guess I could make a powerful spy network with servants and maids' gossip.

"Yes. For three years you are here, you will train with weapons and study with the Maester." Karlon Karstark said. I don't know why, but Father was joyous before, he would laugh like a barbarian or jape like a drunk.

I gave a skeptical look on my Father and said, "But Training and studying was all I do." I said, while putting the letter on the table.

"Then train and study harder. We're only the Stark's Bannerman, I will not have our name be put on the mud with your attitude. By the old gods, Rickard was like you, still is. And don't get me started with you older cousins, Cregan and Arthor." Karlon ran his hands on his non-existant hair. Though, he's almost as large as the Umbers by a foot.

I chuckled slight and said, "Then, harder it is... if the servants can catch me."

My Father just sighed. "Just get out and prepare for supper."

"Yes, My Lord." I stood up and nod. Then, I left my Father's solar.

A/N: I will noy use any 'I' next chapter. I will refer it as Torrhen. Pretty exhausting to think of.

Next chapter, I will change the Point of View.

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