
A Royal Scandal

Torrhen's horse race won in breeze, along with the axe-throwing contest. Many people past by him, giving him envious glances, obviously, looking at the bag of golds he claimed at every competition he participated.

He quickly stocked the bags to his room, locking them carefully as he doesn't want someone taking it.

He looked at the golden ring in his left hand's middle finger. Torrhen smiled, as he now has a vessel for an another rune. A space rune.

He thought about putting a pocket space inside the ring, with time in stasis. He could collect many things in his person all the time. His shall suffice, with a bit of rotating energy output that will constantly stablize the pocket space.

He quickly brought out his strengthened knife and scribbles a rune in the ring. Then, he dropped a blood on the rune, signifying that it will only works if he wears it. Then, he engraved another rune, the energy stabilizer.

Now, he finished the storage ring. He can collect items and bring them out indefinitely, including living beings, with the exemption of humans as they are not a great choice putting in a stasis world. It will wreck their powerful minds.

Torrhen walked in the halls of Harrenhal with newfound confidence.

He decided to see the jousting competition while they prepare the melee fight. He walked up to Ned's side, "I see that you and your family are enjoying the show, all I see is that everyone doesn't want to hurt their crown prince." Torrhen smirked at this.

Ned calmly look at his friend, "Come, sit with us and see how the prince unhorses the knights." He smiled.

Torrhen sat and looked at his surrounding; he stopped at Robert and Lyanna, the former trying his best to have a nice conversation to the wild latter. Stag and wolf, what a show. "Looks like Robert is having a hard time with your sister. Seems that all his impulsiveness is catching our friend in the arse."

Ned found it funny while Benjen intrude the conversation, "All I hear is that Lya is complaining about Lord Baratheon's unfaithfulness after their marriage."

Ned and Torrhen shared a look but did not approach the subject again. The latter instead saw Prince Rhaegar unhorse Ser Yohn Royce, the crowds cheering and the Lords and Ladies currying the Prince's attention.

All that Torrhen notice was the prince's glance toward Lyanna. That's... not good.

He once again looked at his surrounding, the King on the top seat overlooking anyone who catches his glances, Ser Barristan standing on his side, Princess Elia and Lady Ashara was having a small conversation here and there. On the princess' other side is Prince Oberyn with Wilas Tyrell and Garlan Tyrell.

Torrhen noticed how Ser Barristan came down in the stadium in full armor after unhorsing Ser Arthur Dayne. Ser Barristan rode the horse to the Royal family and bowed, along with the crown prince.

Then, they took the lances on their squires hands and waited for the signal. A loud cheer boomed, and the two competitors rode fast with their lances pointing towards each other. The first tilt, the prince staggered but retained his balance, while the second tilt, both took each other's attack and staggered, quickly stablizing their balance. The third though, the Prince lift his shield up, defending Ser Barristan's lance, and shot his lance on the side of the Knight, unhorsing him.

The crowds had a deafening cheer, along with the Lords And Ladies of Westeros. The Prince waved and took a crown of blue winter roses with his lance, rode to crown his Queen of Love and Beauty.

The Royal family was bustling as they expected the Price will crown the Dornish Princess, but was silent after being left disappointed after the Prince rode past their block. He rode calmly on the silent crowd, stopping in front of Lyanna, who was surprise by the gesture of the Prince.

She doesn't want to be seen ungrateful person, so she took it, with angry Robert on the side but kept his fury. The Prince bowed and rode to his tent.

The crowds, with the powerful houses of Westeros, gasp at this event, while the Princess and her handmaiden left the block, evidently shamed in front of the scrutinizing gazes of the house and smallfolk. Robert stood up and left, shouting between "Give me my hammer!" or "I'll destroy some squires today!"

Torrhen and Ned shared a look; this was not good. They gave a look at Brandon and Benjen, gesturing for Lyanna to take care of. The Stag's best friends quickly left block.


The Wolf and Sun did not find the Stag, so they have given up. Torrhen had gone to the melee fight, quickly surprise when Robert attended as well, looking furious as ever.

Torrhwn walked to Robert and said, "I thought you would not fight in tourney?"

Robert growled, "I want to bash a head or two with my hammer."

Torrhen sighed, "Fine, but don't grumble when I defeat you, is that alright?"

Robert grumbled, but kept on swinging his war hammer. Torrhen once again sighed, as he brought his greatsword and great shield. He beckoned one of the squires to help him put on his armor.

The squires, evidently, had a hard time putting heavy armor on his person, wondering how Torrhen was able to move after all that weight. Torrhen's tall figure glistened on the crowds as he walked out of his changing tent.

Robert walked out as well, donning in black armor and yellow outer clothing and cloak, bearing the stag sigil on the front. He gripped his war hammer, as he greets his friend, "Don't get caught of my hammer. No matter how shine your armor is, you'll be dead if my hammer shit you down."

Torrhen smiled confidently, "Then, bear the weight of my sword, should it meet your hammer." He then took a look around, Ser Garlan the Gallant, wearing the green cloaked black armor, donning twin roses on the front. The Father-Son Royce of Runestone, Lord Yohn Royce abd Robar Royce. Ser Arthur Dayne, Ser Gerold Hightower and Ser Barristan Selmy of the Kingsguard.

Torrhen smirked, "At age of Ten and Six name days, I will compete with renowned Knights of Westeros, along with my furious war hammer friend, this will be a great challenger."

Robert growled, "Let's get on with it. I need some good bashing of skulls."

Torrhen sighed, "Aye." He brandished his sword and shield.

A,N: So I know I said that most of you will get disappointed, and honestly, I was laughing hard at you guys' comments, reasons that I only know. But don't get offended. I have plans; you guys will just have to keep reading.

As for those who got disappointed on Ashara's relationship with Brandon, it is what happened on many theories so I thought why not do the same but with a different ending?

For those who really got disappointed and won't be reading anymore, then I will just say thank you for reading while it lasts.

Again, do not get offended, we all have a choice as we are all different people with different stories. Even fanfics if you consider it. It just a matter of perspective.

Anyways, Thank for those who still read my stories and I'm sorry again for those got disappointed.

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