

"Have you heard?" A man asked as he placed the jug down on the table.

"Heard what?" The one sitting across him asked.

"About Shadow Wolf?" The first man asked again.

"You mean about his son?" The second man said.

"Yeah that!"

"I heard about it. Still, I can't believe that the Shadow wolf is father now. And it's Shadow Knight now if I believe."

"Why was his name Shadow wolf in the first place?" Another man asked, who was sitting in the adjacent table.

"You must be new here if you don't know about the Shadow Wolf." The first man said.

"I am new, I just arrived at King's Landing today." The third man said

"Where are you from then?" The second man asked.

"Im from Lys. I came here to buy some merchandise. Now, tell me about the reason for the name Shadow Knight." The third man requested.

"There's no big meaning to it actually. It's just that when the North started to fight against Targaryens and it's allies, he wearing pitch black full body armor and a pitch black great sword. He killed his enemies relentlessly and marched forward with his brother quiet wolf to rescue their sister from the clutches of the prince." The first men told him.

"Just because he wore black armour?" The third man asked.

"Not only that, no one from the South has seen his face, and there are rumours that he look hideous under his helmet and also rumours like that he is most handsome man in the world." The second man quipped in.

"Well, the northerners sure know him very well because of eradication of the house Bolton." The first man said.

"What? He destroyed an entire house?" The third man asked surprised at the news.

"Yep. Surprised right? Everyone was surprised about the news at that time too." The second man said.

"Why did he eradicate the house Bolton in the first place?" The third man asked.

"Rumours says that he did it because the Bolton's tried to do something to his sister. But the official reason is that the Bolton's has been flaying their people in their underground dungeon." The first man explained.

"Okay, I can see his name getting famous for that, but why was he named Shadow Wolf?" The third man asked again.

"The thing is, he killed all of the Bolton's in the night. And on the morning next day some of the people saw him walking out of the Bolton castle in his black armour with dried blood all over him. The people named him Shadow at that time, but when it was revealed that he was the third son of Lord Stark they started to call him the Shadow Wolf." The second man replied to that question as he drank bit of the ale in his hand.

"I think he was sent away to Essos after the Bolton family eradication." The first man said.

"To Essos? Then he might be well known over there too. So what's his name?" The third man asked.

The reply came from another man who passed by them "Cregan Stark."