
Game of Thrones: The Immortal

A seasoned mercenary meets an unexpected end on a mission, only to awaken in a new body, in a world not his own. Transmigrated into the body of a noble, he finds himself reborn amidst the power struggles and political intrigue of Westeros. *Cover image not mine.

Northeast · TV
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7 Chs


After the thrill and excitement of the battle Helder took his time to assess the situation, the town was condemned, because the intricate balance that kept the place working was broken, most people were killed, and it could not be expected of the few survivors to rebuild it without assistance.

Even if his father the King had the resources to, Helder knew he would not do it, it was not especially productive and could not offer any benefits due to its size and mostly agricultural income.

But the fact was, for him, it was an opportunity, the people of this town had a mortal hatred towards the ironborn, and this hatred could be put to good use, in his eyes at least.

Inspecting his men and seeing that most were fine, apart from the unlucky one that took a hit to the shoulder, he commanded. "Take your time to recompose and bandage up, I will talk to the survivors and learn more from them about what happened."

Leaving his officers behind he strode towards the bound people on the square in front.

He could see the happiness in their eyes, tears flowing across their faces. In this world, slavery was harsh even compared to serfdom which was not known for its kindness to those under it.

The people were tightly bound, it seemed those sailors were indeed masters at this art, if they could escape and help them fight it would help immensely, but everything was under control now, no need to think further about it, everything went alright.

Helder focused on them and said, "Good people of Bonifer's Town, I'm Prince Helder, Heir to Banefort, your future King, the one who lead those brave men to help tear asunder those ironborn scum, despite our efforts you were wounded too deep, your people were massacred, your freedom was almost taken away, and I promise you that one day they will be no more, no more days under their terror, I will not let it continue, but I can only do this if you trust me if any of you wish to follow me you will be welcome and be handsomely recompensed."

Happiness turned into determination and those who can will definitely serve under him, for vengeance and glory, those who cannot will be managed within the territory, after all working people were needed everywhere.

The prince personally proceeded to untie everyone, cutting the ropes binding them, while inquiring more about what happened. He straightened up and asked "How these scum managed to invade the town, there are no rivers that near".

One man respectfully replied. "My prince, we don't know how, but there is a river north from here, it could only be from there that they came". As he spoke no one made mention to interrupt him, it seemed that he had a bit of authority.

Seeing all the other people nodding and assenting to this man Helder just nodded and patted him on the shoulder, and said "Very well, I and my men will investigate it further, now tell me, what's your name?" He knew that people that had initiative were rare, maybe the man could be a talent.

"My prince my name is Coren, I'm a bronzeworker and bastard of the late Lord Bonifer" replied the man with a humble tone, it seemed that he was not that prideful about his bastard status, after all even if they were not treated as badly as their Andal counterparts they were still not fully trusted by the First Men.

Helder calmly observed him, he had the typical Westerlander look, tall, broad, and blond. Due to having noble blood probably he had some combat training, but it remains to be seen.

Helder then proceeded to instruct Coren, "Gather everyone and separate those who will follow me in battle and those that will serve me in the lands" The baseborn man just nodded and started shouting for the refugees to gather.

Meanwhile, the prince walked in the direction of the sack that was moving, what a strange thing.

Approaching carefully Helder prodded the sack with the hilt of his sword, it moved as if scared, maybe it was a rare animal that the Captain wished to keep for himself, he then unsheathed his weapon and took a fighting stance, after all, if was a treecat it could very well rip his face off.

He chose not to untie the sack but to cut its rope directly, but seeing what was trapped inside he could not help but be surprised.

'A damn child of the forest, where did that man find such a being, I thought they were almost extinct after their war with the First Men' Helder's knowledge was not that much but in the Age of Heroes where he was currently, although the children of the forest were few, it was to to the extent of the future after Aegon's Conquest.

Thinking of the possibilities he shivered, such power and knowledge they possessed would be priceless even to him.

The child eyed him carefully, fear evident in her eyes, but knowing she was saved by this First Men it resisted its impulse to bolt away and said "Thank you savior, I'm Petal, and you have the children of the forest eternal gratitude, although we have not that much contact anymore, it's good to see that you First Men still respect the pact".

Helder looked the strange thing in the eyes, trying to exude as much pressure as he could, and said. "Heh, so you speak for all children, these are some big words that you are spewing, I don't need your gratitude, I want one simple thing only, after all, it's only fair, after all, I saved your life".

Petal looked like a scared cat, the fear that was in her eyes intensified, and she said "You humans only know benefits, what do you want, don't be unreasonable".

The prince said swiftly. "You don't trust us and we don't trust you, that's why we swore the pact before the Old Gods through the Heart Trees, and you will do it again, just that this time this new pact is between you and me, the only thing I want from you is that you will teach me your magic and rituals".

Support with power stones, this chapter was not edited, if you find any error feel free to point it and I will correct it.

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