
Game of Thrones: The Black Dragon Soars

IDK what do with it. But here's the get-go. The Man Character, Torrhen Belaerys, is a son of the Valyrian House Belaerys, who were one of the top ten most powerful Valyrian Houses. I will explain everything in the Info Chapter, which will cover everything from House Belaerys to Torrhen himself.

Model3Blackfyre · TV
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2 Chs

Winter is Coming

Before I begin, this story will last anywhere from 65- 80 chapters, so it won't be the longest, but certainly a good length. Most stories do go on for 100 - 500 chapters on this site. so this will be Smallish. But that is only counting the actual Original Story, not the one im making. So it may reach 100 chapters, im not sure. There is a small hinted sex scene at the end, so be ready for that.


Brandon Stark was getting frustrated, his archery Lessons were hopeless, and he almost never even hit the target. Sighing to himself, he lines up another arrow, and missed yet again, as the arrow sunk itself into the barrel. With a glare and a mean stomp o his foot on the floor, he wished for this to be over. His elder Half-brother, Jon Snow came behind him, placing both hands over the young lord's shoulders. " Go on" Jon Encouraged, lowering himself to look at Bran's eyes. "father's watching." the two boys looked up above them, where Eddard Stark watched, his wife, Catelyn to his right. "...And your mother." Jon continued meekly, as Catelyn glared down at the 17-year-old boy. Bran took encouragement from Jon's words, and with a small nod to his parents, he got back to trying, again he nocked an arrow, aimed at the target, and fired... the arrow flying over the wall behind the target.

All of the surrounding boys laughed, with the only few left out being Bran's parents, and Torrhen Belaerys, who was fast asleep in a chair he had pulled up. "And which one of you was a Marksman at ten?" Ned scolded gently at the laughing boys, as he looked back to bran. "Keep practicing, bran. go on." he said. as Bran softly whispered. "Torrhen was." looking at the sleeping figure of Torrhen. "aye, He is good, but he still had to learn. hell, he's supposed to be learning from father, but all he can do is sleep." Robb said. "Relax your bow arm." Robb instructed as Bran went to fire again. Encouraged, Bran pulled back the arrow but could only look at the target in shock, as an Arrow flew past him to hit the bullseye. Snapping his head back he saw his sister, Arya with a bow in her hand. She quickly Curtsied, before running off as bran gave chase, leaving Laughing brothers and a smirking Torrhen behind.


The Area surrounding the execution block was annoyingly hilly, Torrhen thought to himself, Good for keeping the scene private, but awful to get to. The Stark party arrived, and quickly dismounted, forming an audience around the block. Standing between Robb and Bran he heard the pitiful, and trembling voice, rabble on, about the "White Walkers", an old Myth of the North. The Scraggly haired man in black was escorted to the block, where Ned was standing. the Lord faced the prisoner, as he spoke. "I know I broke my oath, and I know im a Deserter. I should had gone back to the wall and warned them. But I saw what I saw, I saw the White Walkers. People need to know. If you can get word to my family, tell them I'm no coward. Tell them I'm Sorry." the prisoner uttered, calm for a man who's head was about to be removed.

Ned nodded to the guards and the deserter was pushed onto the block, as Theon Greyjoy, the pitiful fool, as Torrhen had dubbed, offered Ned the Large Valyrian Steel Greatsword, Ice, the very one that was given to the north. While it was a Valyrian blade, the holt was not, if it were, it'd be far more decorated. But, the past is the Past. "In the name of Robert of House Baratheon, first of his name..." Ned began, as I heard Jon say, "Don't look away," Jon began, "Father will know if you do." he finished, as Ned continued. "...Lord of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm. I, Eddard of the House Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, sentence you to die." He finished, as he quickly lobbed the deserter's head clean off, inciting a sharp wince from Bran. "You did well." Jon said to Bran, before turning back to the horses. Robb and Torrhen turned as well, with the latter putting his arm around bran, guiding him to the horses.

"What do you think?" Torrhen asked, looking down to bran. "It was...Quick...." He said, inciting a low chuckle from Torrhen. as Torrhen stopped chuckling as they arrived at the horses, "Lord Stark is kind. he could have killed him much slower, but he let him off clean. a simple swing. You know what to expect now, keep up the effort." Torrhen said as he walked away, giving ned the time to speak to his second youngest son.


They didn't get too far on the road back to Winterfell when a horrendously ravaged stag halted the group a while down the road, and Ned dismounted to investigate further, the rest of the party soon following suit.

"What is it?" Jon asked, staring at the carcass. "Mountain Lion?" Theon assumed, not quite knowing what it was. "There are no mountain lions in these woods." Ned replied sombrely, following a trail that led away down to a stream nearby. Torrhen Unsheathed Nerofyre, while Ned unsheathed Ice. Following the trail with caution, only to find a giant wolf, with antlers through its throat, with five wolf pups whimpering around the massive beast. The group looked on in horror at the size of the wolf. "it's a freak!" Theon shouted, as Ned answered the question on everyone's mind.

It's a direwolf." ned explained, as he glanced at Rodrik who was kneeling. "tough old beast." He added, ripping the antlers out of the direwolf. "there are no direwolves south of the Wall." Robb said worriedly. "There are Five now." Torrhen said, looking at the five pups.

"Where will they go? their mother's dead." Bran questioned, as Rodrik said. "They don't belong down here." as ned began "Better a quick death. they won't last without there mother." ned said, as Torrhen quickly exclaimed "Wait, do you not see my lord, you have five trueborn children, Five wolf pups. they were made for them. the gods put them here for a reason." Torrhen said, as Ned Sighed, he already knew he was defeated after looking at brans eyes. "What about Jon?" Bran asked before Jon answered quickly. "I'm not a Stark." He said sadly. "Get on." he said, looking at the pups. the pups were rounded up.

They started walking, but not before Robb and Torrhen walked away, and towards a tree. "What is it?" Robb asked, as Jon pulled a pure snow-white wolf out, and Torrhen a pure black one. "the runt's of the litter." Theon said Smugly. That one's yours Snow, and that little ash-fire brat is yours, Belaerys!"


The entirety of Winterfell seemed to be out in the courtyard waiting for the king. It had been some time since news that the king would be coming had erupted throughout Winterfell and Winter Town. Everybody was there... with the exception of Arya, which had not gone unnoticed. "where's Arya? Sansa, where's your sister?!" Catelyn asked Sansa, who merely shrugged. A few moments later, and Arya cam running in with a guards helmet on. "Hey, hey, hey, hey. What are you doing with that on?" ned asked Arya, taking the helmet and handing it to Ser Rodrik and Arya moved over between Bran and Sansa. "Move!" She told bran, shoving him out of the way, leaving Torrhen to chuckle quitely.

The Procession then rolled in as Prince Joffrey rode in, Earning the adoration from Sansa and a deep Scowl from Torrhen. It was known to everyone BUT Sansa that he held a deep love for her, but every time he tried to court her, she seemed to not notice, even going as far as to openly Flirt with her to get her to notice, in front of Lord Stark, but even that went over her head. the deep Scowl did not go unnoticed by Joffery, who glared at Torrhen, but nearly fell off his horse with Torrhen returned the glare.

Following the prince came the Royal Carriage, and then the King himself on horseback, strolling up to the Starks with a stern, Kingly look. The courtyard gathering, Kneeling as he approached on his horse, staying like that s the king hauled his heavy self off the horse and walked towards Ned, Stopping before his old friend, and signaling for him to rise.

"your Grace." Ned Bowed, as King Robert bluntly blurted out. "You've got fat." a small awkward silence followed, as ned Gestured to the obviously fatter King Robert. the two laughed, as they embraced each other. "Cat!" Robert moved to Lady Stark, enveloping her in a hug. "our grace." Catelyn responded, as Robert Ruffled Rickon's hair and went back to his friend. "Nine years. Why haven't I seen you? where the hell have you been?!" He asked Ned.

"Guarding the North for you, Your Grace. Winterfell is yours." Ned said as the Queen took the Moment to descend from the Royal Carriage, with a group of handmaidens and the youngest 'children' of the King and Queen.

"Where's the Imp?" Arya asked, earning a scolding remark from Sansa, as King Robert went down the Line of Stark children, having a comment for all of them. afterward, the queen walked up to Ned,

who kissed her hand. "Take me to your crypt, I want to pay my respects." Robert told Ned from the end of the line, much to the Queens Chagrin. "We've been riding for a month, my love," Cersei said, Annoyed, but feigning kindness. "Surely the dead can wait...?" she said, as Robert pushed on. "Ned." Robert said, walking off. Torrhen looked strangely at the King, who he knew loved Lyanna Stark, but not understanding how he could dismiss such a beautiful woman such as Cersei Lannister.

Catelyn Turned and started Giving Orders to the Servants behind her to show the Royal Party to their rooms, prepare the meals and all the other things needed, the children were told to go off and get ready for the feast later that night.


Later that Evening, Catelyn was helping Sansa get her hair ready, as Torrhen was on the floor, playing with Lady, and his black Direwolf Balerion. " Why do you insist on behaving like a dog with them?" Catelyn asked, annoyed, which he only replied with, "because my family has wolf blood in them." he said, earning Catelyn's Ire. "besides, you can't expect them to get up, wear clothes and start shouting your family moto, now do you?" He said, having Sansa Giggle.

"Do you think Joffery will like me? What if he thinks I'm Ugly?!" Sansa asked as Catelyn Sighed, "Then he is the stupidest Prince that ever lived." she said, reassuringly. "Oh, he's stupid alright! and downright sadistic! I heard he tortured the animals at the castle! the guards call him Joffery the Mad Idiot prince! and it damn-well fits!" he said, as Sansa scowled. "Don't say such things about my Joffery!" Sansa said, looking back at him as Catelyn scowled. "Right, out, go and learn how to behave like a true highborn before the feast!" Catelyn Snapped at Torrhen, who scowled.

"I didn't ask to be born like this! I only want to love the woman I love, but she's too clouded in false Grandeur!" he said, walking out the door, holding the door open for Balerion, and Slamming it, behind himself, as Sansa and Catelyn continued where they left off.


The feast was in full swing, loud laughter filled the Great Hall of Winterfell as King Robert was getting intimate with a serving girl. Theon and Robb were talking to one another, Sansa was talking to the queen, Torrhen was telling a story of the direwolf to Arya, Myrcella and Tommen. "She was bigger than a Horse, with teeth the size of a small dagger! I can't wait for Balerion to grow as large and ferocious as she was, Ride him into battle, not quite what I expected out of riding a beast, but riding all the same!" He said, as Arya and Tommen were listening intently, while Myrcella looked at Torrhen, blushing redder than Sansa's hair.

after Torrhen was done with the story, Arya chucked some food as Sansa, who squealed, before Robb came and took Arya to bed. "If my brother had done that to me, mother would have been furious and not just sent her to bed, are you alright my lady?" Joffery asked Sansa, as Torrhen began to laugh. "If your brother OR sister did that, I may be able to look at your little pinball head." Torrhen said as Joffery snapped at him. "What was that, Dragon?" He said, trying to stand taller than Torrhen, Who stood up, standing the whole five inches taller than Joffery "You heard me, boy-prince. Run along and hide behind your big fat ego. Gods know that it smells Green." Torrhen said as he looked at Joffery. "I-I am not green! I am a M-Mighty Stag!" He said, with some courage, behind his stutter.

"And dragons carry Stags off cliffs for an easy meal. How about a little game to prove you aren't green, then." Torrhen said as Sansa looked at him. " Torrhen, do not do it!" he ignored her, taking out a Valyrian Knife he always kept on hand. "If you can hold this dagger with one hand, then you prove yourself to be hardened, and worthy of Sansa. If you can't, then you don't even deserve to be in the same room as her." he said, as Joffery scoffed. "eas-" he was cut off when he picked the dagger up, or more else was pulled down to the ground with it. "You fail." he said. as Joffery got back up, leaving the dagger down on the ground. "T-T-T-This pro-ves no-thing!" he said, stomping away.

"If I may ask, what is with that Dagger? why could my Joffery not pick it up?" Cersei asked, obviously angered at the point of Joffery being humiliated, but Curious none the less. "It was forged by Blood magicians by my ancestors of old Valyria. Only those of a sane mind can wield the blade. He is not. Strange. even the most Psychotic of men didn't fall as he did, my Queen." He said, respectfully, his problem was with Joffery, not the Queen.

"If you can, I would Like to hear more about your Family, the Belaerys, if I am not correct, Dear Torrhen. Please, after the two of us are done feasting, meet m in my room, I wish to learn the history of your house." she said, looking at Torrhen, who nodded. "Yes, my Queen. I will go there right away. but if you can, can I speak to Sansa? I have a few things I want to ask her." He asked, looking at Cersei, who nodded. Cersei left, most likely to complain about Robert's whoring, or to go to her room, and wait on Torrhen to come and speak to her.

"What are you doing?!" Sansa asked, hushed but still loud enough to be heard, obviously angered at hoe Torrhen had embarrassed her beloved Joffery. "I am saving you from that madman! he has no good intentions with you!" he said, looking at Sansa, who glared at him. "And you do? You get to decide how I live my life?!" she nearly shouted, as she scowled at him. "No, but if you go with him, he will do so with you!" Torrhen said as Sansa slapped him across his face. "You will not speak of my Joffery like that! He will treat me right! He will let me live my life how I want to! He won't have me live my life like a northerner! I would be queen, but you would get in my way!?" Sansa scolded, as Torrhen looked at her.

"You would abandon your family, your parents... you would abandon them...me all for some childhood dream? Everyone seems to notice he is not right in his head! his own damn father sees it! But you don't?! He will use you! He will mock you! And when he's done, He will discard you like trash, leaving you to someone else!" Torrhen said, nearly getting in her face. Ned looked over at the two and was about to make his way over before he was distracted yet again.

"And what? I should marry you, and live my life out in some old keep I have yet to see?! I should be content with life as some lowerborns wife?! I would be Queen! And it is what I deserve!" she sneered, as she slapped him again, before looking at him again "I never want to see you again! Ever again!" she said, glaring at him, as he looked at her, obviously hurt. "fine. I won't if that's what you want. You'll never see me again..." he said, abjection fueling his words, as he walked off, passing Ned on his way out of the large room, heading to find the Queen's room for the night, hoping that speaking of his house could help fix his dreary mood.


It had been half an hour since Torrhen had left, and found Queen Cersei's company. In that time, the two had drunk a bottle and half of wine each. "-And then, Father nearly tripped and fell when I and a Maid walked in on him and mother going at it. the Maid Shrieked loudly and it brought five guards bearing arms, only to find their lord naked with his wife!" he said, as both he and Cersei laughed at the fortune of the cakes father's misfortune.

Cersei looked over at Torrhen, her eyes narrowing in on him. before walking over to him, Straddling him. "M-my queen, what are you-" Torrhen began, as she put her finger over his lips. "Shhh... Just let it happen." she said, as Torrhen grunted, as she reached down and grabbed a certain object hidden away by cloth. "It's huge... unlike Robert." Cersei said, bluntly, as she un-straddled him and pulled his pants down, and engorging his cock in her mouth.

That night there were no guards that passed her room luckily. and if any did, they would have heard the slaps, moans and other sexual noises of the two, who continued for hours.

Ok. That wasn't an actual Sex scene, but there was a huge hint at what happened. Who knows, I may go back, I may not. Anyways, there are already a few noticeable changes, which will only get more and more obvious as time continues onward. first, a valyrian house in the north? yes. not completely valyrian. they still have the purple eye color, but they do however have dark hair. Black as night. there are around 13,000 Valyrians in the north, in the Dragon Keep's domain at the least. I would say in the whole north there must be 20,000. around a 2,000 fighting force, so they definitely aren't a joke. anyways, If you want, I may have flashbacks to it if you want, but there definitely will be more to come. If you don't, I will warn you before the chapter. Anyways, to-da-lo!

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