
Game of Thrones: Rise of the Witch-King(EN)

A man with great ambitions dies, you already know the rest, find God...Reincarnation. See how he leads his House in Westeros, becoming the Witch-king while raising his future Kingdom of Angmar to great heights. I don't have Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings.

Lorenzo5798 · TV
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33 Chs

Chapter 10: King's Landing and Meeting the Lannisters

3rd POV

King's Landing, the city where the kings and queens of Westeros are located, the seat of the Royal Power, a place that was formerly under Targaryen rule, is now under Baratheon-Lannister rule (mainly Lannister).

In the harbor of King's Landing, you could see several ships and sailors who put boxes and products on their ships or took them out to sell.

You could see in the harbor some ships that carried the symbol of House Bolton, the Noble House of Westeros that has become famous lately both for its products and for its army.

His army involved not only humans but also non-humans, something that became a debate within Westeros, as many saw the danger that House Bolton posed if a war broke out or enraged them.

The Faith of the Seven was the one who feared this the most, they even tried to ask the King to do something about it, but Robert Baratheon did nothing, as he trusted the judgment of his friend, Ned.

They even tried to use the population of King's Landing to attack the ships of House Bolton, but the result was different from what they imagined, as not only did the Bolton Marines easily finish people off (several legs and arms were broken and some even died), as the City Guard also helped the folks of House Bolton.

Tywin knew that sooner or later this would happen, so he let the City Guard, who were in the pockets of House Lannister, keep an eye on the Faith and deal with them when necessary.

After that, the Faith of the Seven went quiet, and the citizens of King's Landing never again tried to attack or otherwise anger anyone involved with House Bolton, for fear of retaliation from the Marines or the Uruks who began to be part of the crews as extra security.

But now an important event would be taking place, for in the harbor of King's Landing a Ship of House Bolton had docked, but this ship was special, as it is Domeric Bolton's ship.

As the ship docked, several sailors began unloading valuable cargo, as well as several Uruks and Half-Trolls that left the Ship to stand ready and deal with anyone who dared to come near Domeric.

"Urgh, disgusting" Said Domeric with disgust looking at the city, which stank of piss, vomit, and manure, Domeric was seriously thinking about trying to talk to the Royal Family to offer to rebuild the city, to get rid of that damn smell.

But putting those thoughts aside, he started heading towards the Red Keep to meet with the Lannisters, he had already sent a message to Tywin that he was going to King's Landing, to which he didn't take long to respond.

When Domeric passed a place, people immediately turned and looked elsewhere or moved out of the way and bowed in fear of the Uruks and Half-Trolls.

But soon after Domeric was stopped by some Lannisters Gold Cloaks, the leader of the group bowed in respect to Domeric and said:

"Lord Bolton, it's an honor to meet you, I was sent by Lord Lannister to take you to the Tournament being held" Said the leader of the group with respect and flattery in his voice.

Domeric just nodded and followed the group of Gold Cloaks along with the Uruks and Half-Trolls.

The walk took a short time, as they took shortcuts in the city, and soon arrived at where the tournament promoted by Robert Baratheon was taking place.

Domeric, along with his escort, went to where the Gold Cloak pointed out that was where Tywin Lannister was.

Domeric's escort stayed close by watching the place, while Domeric moved on, then found Tywin sitting in a chair drinking wine.

"Ah, Lord Bolton, I've been waiting for you," Tywin said with a serious, formal face.

"Lord Lannister" said Domeric as he bowed to Tywin in respect.

"I hope the journey here has been a smooth one," Tywin said as he took a glass and filled it with the wine he drank, and handed it to Domeric.

"It was quiet, I brought some gifts too for the Royal Family and you" Domeric replied as he drank the wine after sniffing.

Tywin nodded and was somewhat surprised that Domeric had brought some gifts, not that he would deny it.

"The Gifts will be coming to Red Keep soon, they are being taken by the sailors" Said Domeric as he got some more wine to drink.

Tywin nodded and wondered what gifts Domeric was likely to deliver.

"Lord Bolton, follow me, the tournament will begin soon" Tywin said as he walked to where he could hear the noise of people screaming in excitement.

Domeric called his escort and followed Tywin until they finally reached the place where you could see several people, but the focus was on the Royal Family that was there.

There one could see Robert Baratheon, King of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, and his wife Cersei Lannister, along with Kingsguard Jaime Lannister.

Robert was a little away from Cersei, drinking as if the end of the world was near, while Cersei just looked at her husband in disgust.

But soon the attention of not only Robert, but the entire Royal Family and the audience was on Domeric who was with his escort and Tywin Lannister.

"HA, look who's here, Domeric Bolton! Come here boy, join us!" Said Robert as he continued drinking, not at all worried about the Uruks and Half-Trolls that were with Domeric.

"Your Grace" said Domeric as he kneeled to Robert out of respect as King of Westeros, even though he didn't deserve it.

"Bah! Get up boy, I don't care about that shit" said Robert as he held up a glass that was being filled with wine by a boy.

Domeric just got up and went to where the Royal Family was, more precisely Cersei Lannister.

"Your Highness" Domeric said as he bowed to Cersei, while at the same time already using some Charisma Magic as he needs to make a good impression on people like her.

"Lord Bolton" Cersei replied with a smile as she focused her attention for a while on the Uruks and Half-Trolls, but then focused again on Domeric.

"I've heard a lot of good things about your House, Lord Bolton, I have to congratulate you on your good management" Cersei said with her characteristic smile.

"Thank you for your kind words, Your Highness" Domeric thanked him in a formal tone.

Domeric then sat in a seat and watched the tournament without thinking of participating, as for him it was just a waste of time, and they are not as grand as the fights between the captains of the Bolton Army.

Jaime Lannister decided to participate in Jousting, which he did well, winning several victories, now he has one more.

"HA, as expected of Kingslayer, having the blade as sharp as ever" Said Robert as he held a maid in one arm and a cup in the other hand.

Both Tywin, Cersei, and Domeric look at Robert with some annoyance, and Cersei looks at him with annoyance, hatred, and disgust (a combo).

But why was Domeric looking at Robert with annoyance? Simple, he didn't like Robert, as he was a King who drank more and prostituted himself than led the Kingdom, as shown now, besides he thought Jaime Lannister deserved certain respect.

Of course, he knew about the shit Jaime had done, but that also doesn't take away from the fact that he saved King's Landing from destruction along with the population, so he shouldn't take that credit away from him.

Cersei and Tywin saw the annoyed look Domeric gave Robert, but they kept quiet.

Soon the Jousting was over and Robert left (probably to some brothel), leaving the audience, the Lannisters, Domeric, and his escort.

"Lord Bolton, I hope you had fun watching the tournament" Tywin said as he stood beside Domeric, Jaime was approaching his father.

"It was interesting, Lord Lannister, especially when it was Ser Jaime's turn to fight, it was just a show" Domeric replied as he looked at Jaime at the end, who nodded with a smile in thanks for the compliment.

"But now I have to go, I have to rest because tomorrow I will have to deal with some business, ah, Your Highness, some of my sailors have some gifts that I brought for the Royal Family, I hope you will accept such humble gifts" Said Domeric as he bowed a little to Cersei and said in a flattering tone.

Cersei just smiled and thanked him, Domeric then bowed to Jaime and Tywin and then left along with his escort.

Tywin LannisterPov

"What do you think of the boy?" I asked as I looked at Cersei and Jaime.

"Very nice and respectful, I liked him" Jaime replied as he looked towards the entrance of the tournament, where the boy Domeric and his escort left.

"Um, the same opinion as Jaime, I also saw that he showed annoyance to Robert when he talked about Jaime's title" Cersei said with disgust and anger when referring to Robert, which I can't blame.

"Lord Lannister, some sailors from House Bolton arrived with some shipments, saying they were gifts for both you and the Royal Family" Said a Guard who came to us bowing.

I, Cersei, and Jaime went to where they said the shipments were, when we arrived we saw a lot of things, some products that belonged to Casa Bolton, also exotic products from Essos.

"I have to say, this Bolton kid knows how to gift someone" Cersei said with some amazement as she looked at the gifts, and I have to agree, the boy knew how to gift someone and stay on their good side.

One of the Guards brought me a long, thin box, I asked to open it while reading the letter that came with the box.

"A gift for Lord Lannister, I hear you were looking for a Valerian Steel sword, I hope you like the gift.

- Domeric Bolton"

This took me by surprise, when the Guard opened the box, I saw a Valerian Steel sword, the handle was a Lion's Head made of Gold.

Domeric Bolton.....if before you had my attention because of the Economic and Military power of your House, now you have my TOTAL attention.

Domeric POV

I was now in my room drinking some wine, lying in my bed on my ship, the Aquila, probably the Lannisters have already seen my gift to them.

Where does the Valerian Steel sword come from? Simple, when the War against the Greyjoys happened and my Goblin forces invaded Pyke, they took advantage of the Chaos to "Borrow" a sword from them.

After that I only had to make minor changes and that's it, of course, the Greyjoy are looking for their sword, I learned this from the sleeper agents inside House Greyjoy.

Now I've probably made a great impression on the 3 Lannisters, now I can sleep knowing my job is done.

I mean, not sleep, as I had asked my men to hire me a "lovely lady" to help me sleep properly.

Soon I heard a knock on the door and I said to come in, the door was opened and a beautiful black-haired woman with big...seats everywhere entered my room.

"M'lord, I'm here to help you sleep" She said to me in a seductive tone as she prepared to undress.

I just nodded and drank some more wine before getting ready to enjoy myself.

After all, the night is young, so I'm going to have some fun while I'm in this city.