
ch 20

"A dynasty ends at night, and with the sun a new one rises."

It was surprising to hear her words. Elia hadn't spoken since I had introduced myself to her on the smugglers raft. We had boarded my ship, and set sail since then. We were already too far away from King's Landing to see the result of the battle. For all we knew, it could still be raging, or it could be a pile of green flames if Lewyn didn't succeed in his mission. It didn't make any difference to me or the people on this ship.

"You do not hold hope for your children?" I asked, hinting that they were the true heirs to the Kingdom. "It is your son's birthright."

Elia continued to stare out into the ocean ahead of us. Her daughter, Rhaenys, was asleep in my quarters. Aegon, the heir to the Targaryen Dynasty, still rested in her arms, quietly sleeping as he had since we left.

"Who would support him, Dorne? The Reach will turn now that the city has fallen. And if my husband is dead, there is no hope." Elia responded with defiance in her eyes. "You have a new king now."

I snorted. "Robert is great at a few things in his life. Drinking, whoring, and killing. That does not make for a good king." I responded, thinking about the times to come in the Seven Kingdoms.

"Better than the insane." Elia muttered, obviously talking about Aerys. There was no angle to argue with her about that, nor would I want to argue with her about that. "Do you think I am safe in Dorne?" Elia asked then.

"Not for very long, no." I answered, having already thought about her predicament. "But your family can afford a life of luxury in the east, or wherever you wish to raise your children." I said, coming to the most logical conclusion.

"We will still be hunted." Elia expanded.

"Yes." I agreed, without even thinking about it. There was no doubt that Robert, and those loyal to him minus Eddard, would try to kill her for the rest of her life. One day, they might even succeed.

The silence continued for a long time, until Elia eventually retreated into my quarters, rarely would she leave them until we reached Dorne.


Legendary title attained!

Title: Petyr the Conqueror.

Not even Empires are safe from you. Men look for you to lead them and will follow you without question.

Kings Landing has fallen.

"My sister!"

It was heartwarming to see a man on the verge of being cripple move so quickly to see his sister, despite the overwhelming pain he must have been in. Gout was a motherfucker, and Doran Martell, despite not being 40 yet, knew all too well.

He was a tall man, taller than me. His black hair had yet to grey, and ran from the top of his head to the bottom of his chin. His eyes weren't as jaded as one would expect from someone of his health. The yellow silk on his frame were very similar to what Oberyn wore and probably breathed better than anything I had in my possession.

Elia embraced her brother, and Rhaenys rushed forward and clutched at Doran's leg. They stood there for a while, hugging and whispering how they were so happy to see each other. It got to the point where it was slightly uncomfortable for me to watch, so I began taking in the sights around me.

Sunspear was absolutely beautiful, as one would expect. As we arrived on our ship, the first thing you could see was the reflection of the sun off of the Tower of the Sun, and the Spear Tower. The Rhoynish design was very similar to the Arabic designs of my old world and the domes were stunning.

From my vantage point, I couldn't see the Sandship that was spoken of in the books. Nor could I make out the Shadow City. As soon as Elia had revealed her presence to the guards down by the docks, we had been immediately led up through the Threefold Gate, allowing us to skip the labyrinth that was the Shadow City, and going straight to the Old Palace.

I had seen only nobles and soldiers up to this point. They had sent 10,000 spears to King's Landing, but that was not their entire force. They had another 2,000 men in this very city, just by my estimations.

"Lord Baelish."

I turned back to the Prince of Dorne, Doran. "Prince Doran." I greeted with a slight bow of my head.

"You have delivered my sister safely to me. Ask your price and I will deliver it should it be mine to give!" Doran spoke towards me with passion as he limped towards me.

I held the man's eyes, and intentionally didn't let my gaze fall to his gimp. The man lived with gout, he didn't need me to remind him of it. I also did not need to be seen as thinking the man weak and pointing out his flaws. That would not do for my purposes.

"I have but one request, and a story to tell Prince Doran. A story of your uncle that is best kept told behind closed doors and away from unwanted ears." I told the Prince of Dorne.

"A story that I would very much like to hear. Follow me Lord Baelish, tonight we will feast to the safe return of my sister!"

"I am not one to dance with words, Lord Baelish." Prince Doran said as he sat down in his seat. We were in his solar, or the highest room in the Tower of the Sun.

"Oh I do not believe that, my Prince." I said with a grin as I sat down across from him. His hands found a golden chalice, already full of wine. Dornish wine was exquisite, and I was jealous at not having a cup of it at the moment.

Another cup was sat down in front of me by a servant just as I finished my thought process. The woman had been in the room when we arrived. She was beautiful, with full lips and a pleasant face. It was hot in Dorne, and her clothing reflected that fact. I tried my best not to look at her breasts through the sheer clothing she wore. She was obviously someone who Doran kept around for a reason. The servant practically screamed 'seductive Mistress'.

"Thank you." I said, accepting the cup of wine. I drank out of it quickly, but savored the taste of the wine. We had been on the seas for a while, we ran out of our better wine, having to settle for rum and lesser watered down wine.

I was also stalling. What did I want from Doran? What could he offer me? Sand, gravel, and Limestone were the biggest raw materials I needed and Doran had those aplenty. But those were abundant in and around Siñon. I didn't need to import those materials just yet. My operations weren't large enough to need more than I could mine myself.

What was I lacking at the moment? Good standing with Robert and the other Lords of the realm was the most obvious thing. There were rumors floating that were killing my reputation. So an alliance with the Martell's was something that I could get behind. But what would cement it?

"I will be honest with you, Prince Doran." I began, determined to start the conversation off completely honest with the man. "I had no intention of saving Elia. I made a deal with Robert Baratheon, and Jon Arryn to take the city of Kings Landing, and that is why I was in the city."

I paused to see Doran's reaction. He had none. He was watching me with calculating eyes, processing my words.

"In the tunnels of the city, Aerys had his alchemists lay wildfire underneath every major structure. Flea Bottom, The Street of Steel, Sept of Baelor, you name it and there was a cache of wildfire. I caught wind of this fact and snuck into the city. My plan was simple: move a small amount of wildfire to the gate of the city, light it and watch the army do the rest of the work." I revealed and paused once again to let the words sink in.

Doran's eyes narrowed when he heard of the wildfire, and his face hardened when he heard Aerys' name and plan.

"Where does my uncle fit in this story of yours?" Doran asked, making some basic connections between my story and what I was telling him.

"He found me in the tunnels. Lord Varys and Prince Lewyn confronted me and could have killed me that night. Instead, they asked me to do them a favor. Lewyn asked that I smuggle Elia out of the city in the confusion of the battle, and in return he would stop the alchemists from blowing the city up, something that the rebels very much wanted to stop. I accepted." I finished, telling him the basics of the plan that Varys and Lewyn approached me about.

"So my uncle has already fulfilled our end of the bargain." Doran said with a shrug and look that said 'you're shit out of luck, my friend.'

"I could have taken your sister anywhere. But I chose to return her to her home, a place where she and her children will be protected and allowed to live their life. Surely that should be taken into consideration." I argued, laying out another fact of the situation. He wouldn't get out of helping me that easily.

"Perhaps…" Doran said as he leaned on the table with his hands folded in front of him.

"You've heard the rumors about me?" I asked, switching gears and going into a different stage of the conversation. Now that he agreed he owed me something, it was time to get onto what he could provide. And I had something in mind.

"Yes, but we in Dorne do not care for such things." Doran answered.

I couldn't help but notice how he wasn't speaking much, opting to let me speak. It was a different tactic than I was used to from other Lords. Lord Arryn liked to dominate the conversation, and lord over you while he did it. Doran acted like he didn't care about me, or the conversation. And that gave him power during negotiations. If you didn't need anything from the other party, they would be forced to offer more to sway you.

"If only the other kingdoms were the same way." I said. "I need legitimacy in their eyes." I continued.

Doran's eyes lit up. "Ahhhhh you seek a bride." Doran breathed out as he leaned back against his chair and smiled. "Who then? If you dare to mention my sister I will have you castrated and hung from the walls Lord Baelish."

"Not Elia, no. A Martell, despite my accomplishments, is still beyond my worth I believe." I shook my head and agreed with the man. The last sentence wasn't true at all, for the things I had planned required a queen, but I would have to find it elsewhere.

"Who then, are you worthy of, Deadlyfinger?" Doran asked with a grin, using my own words against me.

A flash of light purple flew across my mind's eye. A fleeting memory of someone I had met a long time ago. In reality, it was only 2 years prior that I had seen those purple eyes, but it felt like a lifetime ago.

So much has happened since that feast at Harrenhal.

"Who is the most beautiful woman in Dorne, with laughing purple eyes?" I asked, with another grin.

Doran's cheery demeanor fell slightly. It took him a moment to realize who I was talking about. "Ashara is not doing well." Doran said as he looked out the western window of his solar. Was he looking towards Starfall?

It was said that Ashara would give birth to a still born girl in the books, if my memory serves me correctly. In her grief, she would jump from one of the Towers of Starfall into the sea committing suicide. Losing a daughter, being a dishonored woman with no hopes of marriage, and the loss of losing her brother Arthur Dayne proved to be too much.

Could I save her? Should I? Would the same fate befall her?

"I can arrange it." Doran said confidently as he stood up. "But you must remember Lord Baelish, you asked for this."

I did not like the look in his eyes when he said that. They were ominous, and it made me wonder what I was missing.

The feast that night was grand, and consisted of dishes that I had yet to have in either life. I drank too much, of course. But I had been at war for a long time, and I had taken my role very seriously. It was time for me to let loose a little, and I did.

Doran drank with me, Ben drank with me, Davos even drank a little too much. It was a celebration, and we celebrated. Although the three of us also drank mournfully as well. My companions knew we would have a long road ahead of us. I had lost the prestige that I could have attained in the rebellion, and that was a shame.

So we drank, and we forgot for a moment.


You have slept in a bed, and have fully recovered from any and all ailments!

I read the prompt, and only for a moment did I resent it. Was it too much to ask to be hungover? It would make me feel more consequences to my actions. I shook my head, clearing my head of depressing thoughts. It was a blessing to never have to experience another hangover, or real sickness in this life.

I climbed out of the bed that Doran had provided for me. And moved to where a tray of fruits and a glass of water could be found in the room. I partook in them, if only to keep my mind off of things. It did not work.

It had taken me quite a long time, but it was only just now becoming obvious to me the consequences of being an outcast in Westeros. There were countless Lords I had planned approaching about a possible marriage. Those had all been thrown out of the window.

It was only during the conversation with Doran did I realize it. And even then, the only person I could ask for was Ashara Dayne. A woman that had high birth, but was essentially seen as tainted for the rest of her life. Even worse that she did not deliver a healthy baby. Most lords would wonder if that was a sign for their heirs she might one day try to birth. They would write her off. A beautiful face, but not one that could provide any worth.

Well I knew that miscarriages were a natural part of life, even if they wreaked havoc where they could be found. It was a tragedy, nothing more. Although, they were not an indicator if a woman could have children, only that she MIGHT have more difficulty than others.

Ashara Dayne would prove to be a fine wife.


I turned back to the bed, to see limbs climbing out of it and removing sheets. Last night came back to me in perfect clarity. The woman had a talented mouth, and she was not afraid to use it. Although I did my best to keep up with her in the night. Moans, and an insatiable lust reminded me even more of the things we had done. It was a pleasant experience, that was for certain.

But I was careless, as I had been with Lady Grafton. The woman might bear a child, and that could be seen as a slight on my soon to be wife.

"Should you bear a child, find me. You will live a life of luxury alongside him or her." I told the woman as she revealed herself to be the same woman in Doran's solar the day before, the one I believed to be his mistress.

She laughed, in the seductive yet melodic way that was common amongst Dornish women.

"It is not my fate to bear children, my lord." The woman responded. I would have thought that to be a sad thing, but she said it so casually, as if she had accepted it a long time ago. "You have another problem to deal with." She finished seductively.

For a moment, I thought she was going to turn into an assassin and I would have to kill her. My heartbeat quickened, and I turned around to where she laid on the bed, prepared to defend myself.

She meant something entirely different. I saw two tanned legs spread perfectly, inviting me into them. Her right hand was in between them beckoning me to join it once more, as I had the night before. The light shone off of her tanned skin so perfectly. Her toned abs, supple breasts. My hormones took over.

She moaned once again, and my feet moved of their own accord.

"You should stay a bit longer Lord Baelish, Dorne has a lot to offer to a young lord. Pleasure is only an introduction." Doran said as we walked side by side.

I smirked at the pleasure comment, and my eyes sought out the woman I had taken a liking to. She was hidden off with the servants, walking with them and waiting for a command, but she met my eyes and a beautiful smile graced her features. Flashbacks of that same face contorted into bliss graced my memories.

"It is tempting to stay, My Prince. However, I have been away from home for far too long. I need to get back as soon as possible. I set sail to Starfall today, as soon as my ships are stocked." I told him, being completely truthful. I was supposed to be there already. My original plans, before Elia, had me already arriving there and taking stock of what had been done, and what was to do.

A hush ran through the crowd, and then oohs and awes rang out around us. I looked around, and so did Doran to discover the source. Everyone's eyes were pointed towards the sky, with looks of wonder painted on their face.

I followed their gaze, mirrored by Doran beside me.

A brilliant light of red began to grow in the sky before my very eyes. I was enraptured by the cosmic phenomenon, and I stood there for a good ten minutes, watching the red streak grow and grow until finally it looked like a red sword painted in the sky.

"The Red Comet." I said as I tried to memorize the comet and its properties. I could understand why there was so much lore around the thing. I could see why people damn near worshipped it. It was one of the most beautiful and mesmerizing things I had ever seen.

It took me too long to realize what this meant.

Daenerys is born. I thought for a moment.


Two eggs still sat in my inventory, almost completely forgotten to me. A plan formed in my head in the next few seconds. I turned to Doran once again.

"Actually, my Prince. I have one more thing to ask of you."

"They are completed, My Lord."

I looked up to see Ser Davos waiting there. I was currently sitting underneath a hastily built tent, with sand all around me. I stood up at his words and looked around. Six horses were just roaming about in between the sand dunes, supplies were tied on to their saddles. There were enough supplies to last us a week in the desert, I only needed one night.

I began walking to the highest sand dune, and climbed it with Davos following right behind me. As I reached the peak, I looked down.

Two wooden structures had been completed. They were nothing more than wood stacked in a way that would allow people to stand on it. Or for someone to be tied to it.

"Save us My Lord! We are sorry for what we did! Nobody should be burnt to death!"

I ignored the man's cries, they meant nothing to me. You see, I had asked Doran for two of the worst people that ever walked the earth. He had provided two men. Both were murderers, but that was not the worst part. Both of them had raped young girls before killing them in a brutal fashion. They had been waiting for Doran to decide a worthy punishment for them. Well, I had one. Although I felt bad for allowing them the role they were about to play in the history of Westeros.

I would make sure that nobody remembered them, for I would be the one to write the history of this world.

"Are you sure you want to do this, My Lord?" Davos asked as he leaned in closer to me. "Nobody would miss these men, but if what you say is true, and this works…"

His eyes went to the table that had been set up right before the funeral pyre. On two plush cushions, my two dragon eggs sat, waiting. In between them, a single knife laid. Ben stood beside them with his shirt off, panting from all the work he had done today. He stared at the red dragon egg, with an intensity I hadn't seen in him since he was in battle.

Initially, it was only the two rapists that would build their own funeral pyres. But eventually Ben had to help them stay motivated, so at first he threatened them with his sword, but when that didn't work, he just joined them in cutting and stacking the wood. There was a reason I liked him so much, he wasn't afraid to get down and work.

"I will not bring death and destruction to this world Davos." I placated the man. "I am not a Targaryen." I added at the end to try and convince him.

"I am not convinced you will be able to control them." Davos argued aggressively. I didn't answer him, I just smiled and set a hand on his shoulder before walking towards my dragon eggs.

I arrived at the table, and Ben's eyes landed on me. I smiled at him and I grabbed the knife.


Ritual activated!

A haze settled over me, and I took a deep breath of air, but it felt like I was breathing fire. My entire body warmed, even more than it already was. My eyes found the Red Comet above me. It felt like a deity staring down at me, it had a presence. Was it judging me?

My body moved of its own accord, and the knife that was on the table graced my hands. I turned.

Confusion filled me as Ben now stood beside me. He did not have his normal green eyes that I associated with Lannister heritage. Instead, they had changed to a piercing Violet that screamed Targaryen.

Why was he beside me now?

He smiled as he held out a palm to me. My own hands moved quickly and with the knife I cut his hands. The confusion was swept away by understanding.

'Ben 'Red' Rivers'

The red dragon egg made so much sense now. I had originally thought that the two eggs were symbols of a weirwood tree. The white for the bark, and red for the leaves. But had they been for Ben and I the entire time? Was it a coincidence?

Why had the game chosen Ben as well? Or was it this world that chose him? Was it the comet? Did they find him worthy of riding the red dragon?

Ben's hand whipped to the red dragon egg, and he picked it up as gently as one would a child. His hand roamed the surface of the egg, and scarlet blood could barely be seen on the scarlet red egg, but I knew it was there.

My eyes went to my own hand, and the knife slid across it. I mimicked Ben and picked the white egg up. Normally, it was cold like a stone. Now, though, it was almost scolding to the touch. But it didn't hurt me.


Somehow I managed to feel shocked at the thump inside the egg. It was heartbeat, there was no doubt in my mind. My hands moved of their own accord once again, and I covered the egg in my blood. I was methodical in it's application, although I did not know why.

I blinked.

Then I was standing in front of the left stack of wood, although it had yet to be lit. Both of my hands moved forward, with the egg inside of it. I carefully brought it to the unlit wood. And then, in the most exquisite detail I could imagine, a massive flame extended from the egg in all directions. It was like an explosion, and at the center was the egg. The wood caught flame as if it was covered in kerosene.

Fire surrounded me.