
GAME OF THRONES Jaehaerys Targaryen

Reincarnated as Jaehaerys Targaryen the son of Aerys, the mad king.

MachoSpartan047 · Derivados de obras
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27 Chs

Chapter 7

Thanks to that voice, which gave me the option of being able to use magic, and to select skinchanger magic, and thanks that I have been able to establish a strong bond with my beasts, that they can transmit to me what they hear and observe, as long as I focus my mind can receive this information, by performing this action the beasts through the magical link they have with me, their bodies are strengthened by being imbued with my magic.

Thanks to Hypnos and Morpheus, I was able to describe part of those involved in the plot against my family, From the information I have discovered, septa of the Faith of the Seven are involved, I must discover who is the person that Wicer and the Serpent call Master, I must infiltrate the Great Sept of Baelor, to discover who is the leader of the plot, when I manage to discover all the accomplices, they will pay for all the suffering that has caused my mother, I swear this.

Hugin and Munin are flying over the city of King's Landing, they observe the caravans of the great houses of the west approaching the House Lannister, House Tyrell, House Arryn, House Tully, House Blackwood, House Numberos Martell, House Stark, House Baratheon enter the city.

The day has finally come, for my presentation in the Great Sept of Baelor, before the great lords and the crowds gathered outside the Great Sept of Baelor.

The Great Sept of Baelor also called the Great Sept or Sept of Baelor, is the center of the religious cult of the Faith of the Seven and the seat of the High Septon of the Faith. It is located in King's Landing, the capital of the Seven Kingdoms. The building is named after the Septon king, Baelor the Blessed.

After performing the ceremonies and rites inside the Great Sept of Baelor, he carries me up in his arms, leaves the Great Sept of Baelor through the main gate, and stands before the crowd.

My father King Aerys II speaks to the crowd- "Subjects and great lords of the Seven Kingdoms, today, I present to you my son, Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen, A new Dragon has been born in the west", My father raises me so that the crowd can see me, the crowd shouts: a new Dragon, a new Dragon, a new Dragon.

He observed the Supreme Septon, an obese man, who at the words of my father, King Aerys, twists his face, I see a man approaching his side, whispering a few words in his ear, suddenly A strong wind blows that moves his hood, there at that moment I can see his face, I realize that he is the man that Wicer and Alicent called the Serpent, this is the one who whispers in the ear of the Supreme High Septon.

My presentation to the crowd ended, and many of them left happy because for shouting they were given a piece of black bread, which they take home.

The royal family and the great houses march towards the red fortress, to celebrate the presentation of Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen in the great hall. Banquets, dances, and jousting were held for a week.

After renewing their oaths and commitments before the crown, the great lords leave the capital for their territories.

POV – Aerys Targaryen

In the privy council, two men are seated, King Aerys II Targaryen and his hand of the King, Tywin Lannister a tall, strong man with light green eyes streaked with gold, his hair golden blonde.

Aerys "Twin, my friend, the birth of Jaehaerys, has brought happiness and tranquility to my life, it has been a relief to my burden, to have a new Targaryen"

Aerys "Tywin, fifteen years have passed since my grandfather Aegon V died, he was a great king, in these fifteen years I have lost two sons who managed to be born alive, and after a while, they died, I know their deaths were not natural" Aerys gets up from her chair.

"Tywin, they were blows... damn hard but I tell you with Jaehaerys I know and I'm sure it will be different, Jaehaerys shows a vitality that I have never seen in a baby, his eyes show great intelligence, I am proud to be his father, I know he will be a great Targaryen."

Aerys stares at Tywin, approaches him, and places his hand on his shoulder. "Tywin, I know it's late, but I'm sorry for Joanna's death."

Tywin from under the table squeezes her hand hard.

Tywin "Thank you majesty, congratulations on Prince Jaehaerys"

Aerys "Tywin we must protect Jaehaerys, reinforce the security of Prince Jaehaerys, check the guards, maids, cooks, Septas, Septons, and servants if there is any doubt about their background, and eliminate them quietly, I want all the staff in the Red Keep your reports are clear.

Tywin "It shall be done, Your Majesty"

Aerys "Perfect, Tywin, you can go."

During this month blood flowed in the Red Keep, and personnel with a shady record were eliminated by the hand of the king.

In Oldtown 276 AD

Two years have passed since the birth of Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen, The reports sent by Grand Master Pycelle are very disturbing, The prince is two years old, and in his first year, he learned to speak and write the language of Westeros, High Valyrian and Dothraki language. At two years old he has the body of a six-year-old child, he has shown interest in reading, sword fighting, spear fighting, hand-to-hand fighting, archery, and horsemanship, According to Pycelle he shows great intelligence, he is a very reserved child, with the only person who shows his childish side is with his mother Queen Rhaella Targaryen, with the rest of the people he shows courtesy.

According to reports, the prince is always accompanied by a large Shadowcat bigger than a lion.

The citizens of the capital call Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen the Little Dragon.

The great masters of the citadel have met to try to answer the enigma about Prince Jaehaerys, The only thing that can explain his accelerated growth is that he has a magical body and that his Dragon blood has accelerated his growth. I give thanks to the seven gods, that the Dragons are extinct.

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