
Game Of Thrones I The Chronicles Of Aquiles Viridium

The narrative begins 27 years before the events of "Game Of Thrones". It mostly unfolds from the perspective of Aquiles Viridium, a man who died in the year 2024 in our world. After his death, Aquiles will be sent to the world of "Game Of Thrones" with the aim of stopping the Night King from destroying the world. Aquiles does not belong to any major or minor house of Westeros, nor does he hold any title. However, he possesses powers, and with these powers, Aquiles will begin his conquest. Follow him along his journey, from a humble peasant to Emperor of Slaver's Bay and subsequently, Emperor of the World. The first main story arc is already written, but as English is not my native language, the chapters will need to be rewritten in English before being posted. I have no plans to extend the story any longer than necessary. If you decide to start reading, know that it will be a slow-paced, detailed story. This is the first novel I've written, I hope you enjoy reading it. ------------------------------------------- Tags: Transmigration, Male MC, Magic, Anti-hero, Overpowered MC, Harem, Fanfic, War, Violence, Murder, Dragon 1 Chapter/Day (Until the End of the First Season, "The Conquest of Astapor") Chapter Length: 1400 - 2000 words Warning: The MC is not a hero. He is an anti-hero who tends towards being a villain. If you are looking for a kind and merciful MC who forgives his enemies or saves people in danger all the time, this novel is not to your preference. The same goes if you want an unchanging MC without character development.

Spartan1 · Derivados de obras
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33 Chs

Travel (Part 1)



Aquiles had spent the entire day at the brothel with Emma and Elisa, and the next day, he set off towards the city's port as soon as the sun rose. Upon reaching the port, Aquiles was greeted by the frantic bustle of people, as well as the beautiful sight of ships docked in the harbor and many other ships arriving and departing in the constant ebb and flow of the waves. The bustling activity of people at White Harbor's port did not surprise Aquiles; Emma had already told him that the port was always busy and full, regardless of the time or day.


As he walked through the area, Aquiles could feel how the atmosphere was infused with the sounds of maritime activity, from the creaking of ropes to the authoritative commands of the captains to their subordinates. Just like the skilled merchants in their stalls along the port, offering goods ranging from exotic foods to sparkling jewels. The salty smell of the sea mixed with the aroma of spices and perfumes, creating a scent unlike anything Aquiles had experienced since coming to this world.


Without wasting time, Aquiles headed towards the first ship he spotted, a large vessel made of brown wood, with purple sails and no emblem. It wasn't difficult to spot who the captain was; he had a commanding posture, wore better clothes, and directed the other men to unload bags of grain and closed boxes.


As soon as Aquiles approached the man, the Captain saw him on his left side through his panoramic view and turned to face Aquiles, observing him attentively. Without stretching or procrastinating, Aquiles spoke directly as soon as he saw that the Captain's attention was on him. "I am looking for a ship that can take me to Braavos. Is your ship headed there?" Inquired Aquiles in a respectful tone.


The Captain looked at Aquiles coldly and replied curtly, "No, damn it. Now get out of here, you idiot." Aquiles didn't appreciate the man's gratuitous insults, but he simply turned and withdrew.


After leaving, he continued to persist in his search for a ship bound for Braavos, trying one after another, but without success. Hours passed, and even after dozens of attempts, he couldn't find a ship bound for Braavos. That is, until as he continued to navigate the bustling port of White Harbor, he spotted a new ship approaching the port, and once again, Aquiles decided to try his luck.


The approaching ship had a hull of dark brown wood, boasting a worn layer of blue paint from the sea spray and the rigors of travel. Its presence was striking in the port due to its considerably larger size than most vessels docked in the port, presenting a solid structure designed to face the turbulent waters of the sea on long voyages. At the bow of the ship, there was a carved wooden sculpture of a woman, portraying the bust of a nude woman with her hands covering her breasts.


The deck, modest compared to noble ships, housed work areas for the crew and some cabins. The ship's sails were completely white, without any emblems, stretched in the wind, providing a sharp contrast with the faded blue of the hull, giving it a subtle beauty. The masts, without extravagant adornments, fulfilled their function of supporting the sails, while the worn ropes told tales of past journeys.


As he watched the ship approaching, Aquiles saw the sails being lowered so that the rowers could take command of the movement, facilitating the docking of the ship in the city's port.


Patiently, Aquiles waited until the vessel finally docked. After the vessel docked in the port, a gangplank was carefully lowered, allowing the crew to begin unloading the goods. The captain, an elderly man, coordinated the operations, giving orders to the sailors regarding the unloading of the cargo.


Aquiles waited for the first group of people to finish descending, pushing the boxes, and then ran across the gangplank to board the ship. As he climbed aboard, Aquiles moved closer to the captain's back and respectfully called out to him: "Captain..."


The Captain turned, facing Aquiles with a serious and cautious expression. "Yes?" he replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty as he searched his memory for any hint of recognition towards the stranger before him.


"I'm interested in going to Braavos. Is your ship heading there?" Aquiles asked in the same respectful tone as always.


Upon realizing that he had never seen the man in front of him in his life, the Captain shifted his gaze from Aquiles' face to his attire for a moment, assessing him and noting that, despite his dirty clothes, they seemed to be of high quality, which they were indeed. Rickard Stark had given these clothes to Aquiles because his own clothes had been torn by the bear when he saved Lyanna.


"Yes, we are, and if you have the necessary gold, I can secure your place on board for the return trip," the Captain replied in a friendly manner, opening the door for negotiation.


After 5 minutes of conversation, Aquiles and the captain reached an agreement. Aquiles agreed to pay 20 gold dragons in advance at the time of departure and another 20 gold dragons upon arrival in Braavos. "And when do we depart?" Aquiles inquired, observing the sailors unloading a few more crates of goods.


"Normally, we would spend a night in the city to rest on solid ground. But my nineteenth child is due in a few months, so I want to return home as soon as possible. That's why we'll be leaving today, shortly before nightfall. If you have anything else to take care of, it's best to do it now!" replied Captain Oswell, whose name Aquiles had discovered during the previous conversation.


The old Captain's name was Oswell, he was a man standing at 1.71 meters tall in his fifties and had lived practically his whole life at sea. His wrinkled face was adorned by a thick and graying beard that fell beyond his neck; his eyes are black, just like his hair had been once. His hair was largely grayed and long. The old man had a solemn expression and wore a mishmash of colorful clothes, as well as a wine-colored overcoat, large enough to almost drag on the ground, and his boots were black.


Aquiles pondered for a moment, feeling the hurried atmosphere of the port. "There's nothing urgent, but since I still have time, I'll take the opportunity to buy some things from the stalls," Aquiles stated as he turned around, beginning to head towards the stalls surrounding the port.






As Aquiles moved away, a sailor approached cautiously, a puzzled expression etched on his face. "Captain, why did you agree to take this man to Braavos? Don't tell me that age has made you forget our destination is Lys?" the sailor asked in a low voice, a faint smirk playing on his lips; he had been nearby and overheard his captain's conversation with Aquiles.


The captain smiled greedily. "I'm only 50 years old, how could so little age make me forget? Did you hear the bags jingling at his sides, Jonas? And how the man didn't even hesitate when I asked for 40 gold dragons to take him?" the captain queried as he watched Aquiles descend the ship's gangplank. "That man's pockets are overflowing with gold, in fact, he himself is a walking goldmine!"


Jonas was Captain Oswell's first mate, 20 years younger than the old captain, and had been working with the old man for over 10 years. Jonas was a Caucasian man of medium height, standing at 1.69 meters. His short hair stood out in a very light blonde tone, while his blue eyes expressed a sharp gaze. His physique was robust and somewhat potbellied, revealing the dexterity acquired from lifting hundreds of glasses of beer, wine, vodka, and many other types of drinks over the years. He wore a black overcoat, and underneath the coat, some dirty white clothes with a few wine stains just below his double chins; like the Captain, he also wore a pair of black boots.


An expression of understanding finally formed on the sailor's face. "So you want to steal his gold, then capture him and sell him in Lys to some Pleasure Garden?" Jonas whispered uncertainly and cautiously, ensuring no one else could overhear. In Westeros, slavery was prohibited, and if his words were heard, Jonas knew there was a great chance he'd end up being beheaded. The captain nodded once affirmatively, confirming what Jonas had said.


Although slavery was forbidden in Westeros, it was a common practice in Essos. And in Lys, some of the best bed slaves in the world could be found. "How much could he be worth?" Jonas inquired, keeping an eye on his surroundings and lowering his voice.


Captain Oswell regarded the sailor seriously. "I was born and raised in Lys until I was 20, then I spent my whole life traveling the world on this ship, just like you, Jonas. So tell me honestly, have you ever seen a man as beautiful as this in any Pleasure Garden in Lys or any other place we've visited?" the captain asked in a low voice.


The sailor shook his head once. "With the beauty of this slave, he'll fetch us more than 2,000 gold dragons when auctioned!" Captain Oswell asserted with absolute certainty, and an ambitious smile quickly adorned both men's faces as they shifted their gazes to Aquiles, who was entering one of the stalls surrounding the port.