
Game of Thrones; House of the Manticore

Amory Lorch. One of the most despicable and truly evil characters in A song of Ice and Fire. A young man studying economics gets reincarnated as the son of that same Amory Lorch. Without any abilities or gifts to guide him in this new world, Landon would have to find a way to somehow survive and thrive in this world.

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3 Chs


Lancel fell on his bottom. He looked at the menacing iron born before him. Axe in hand, and a creepy smile on his face he reeked of ale.

"Don't come any closer." Lancel crawled backwards as he shouted at the man before him. "Hahaha." The iron born laughed.

"This looks like a highborn." The man said to someone beside him. "Let's get him as a hostage."

"Yea-" the answer was interrupted by a painful shout. Both the iron born and Lancel were stunned as they looked at the other man.

The man vomited blood as he fell on his knees. A spear embedded on the back of his heart. There was a boy holding a spear with both hands tightly. A young boy barely older than him with brown eyes and curly black hair.

"This bastard." The other Iron born rushed towards him with his axe. Lancel saw the boy with the spear try to draw his spear from the freshly dead corpse.

Just as the boy succeeded in pulling the spear. The iron born swung his axe. The boy luckily stepped out of the way as the iron born was too drunk to aim.

The boy thrust his spear into the iron born's stomach. It did connect but it was too weak to seriously damage the iron born.

The iron born swung his axe, cutting through the boy's chest as if he were paper. "Not so tough now are ya?" The iron boy grabbed the unconscious bleeding boy by the neck and walked to the ocean.

Lancel knew what the man would do next. The iron born were known to drown their enemies. Lancel finally gathered the strength in his legs to stand.

Lancel could grab the axe from the dead iron born and hack at the iron born from behind. s

So, when he gathered enough strength in his legs…

He ran.

He would get help from his father and other knights. Lancel thought. Besides the boy was already dead, he didn't need to put his life at risk for a dead man.. and calling actual knights would be much more helpful.

Tears welled up in Lancel's eyes as he tightened his fist. No, the reason for him running was not because of any of those. They were all excuses and Lancel knew it.

'I am a coward.' Lancel thought bitterly as he ran as fast as his legs could take him away from the port, away from the fire, away from iron born.

Lancel looked at the older boy In Front of him in disbelief.

His saviour was sleeping on the bed. Bandages were wrapped around his chest and his breathing was uneven and pained.

A Maestar sat beside him preparing a concoction. Lancel had gathered enough courage to thank his saviour but when he looked at the injured boy, he was reminded of his weaknesses, of his cowardice, he was just a boy of eight no one blamed him for running away but he did.

Lancel was supposed to be a Lannister, the cousin to Jamie Lannister, he was supposed to be a glorious knight just as his father and cousin yet, he was just a coward.

Lancel tightly gripped his fist as he walked out of the tent, not wanting to face it.

Landon Lorch. Son to Ser Amory Lorch, one of the most hated men in all of Westeros. A guy who stabbed a two year old child half a hundred times to kill her.

"Fuck." Landon cursed as he drank the concoction that the Maestar had presented him with.

Landon wasn't well known in high circles. He was a bit of a mystery; all that was known was that after the death of his mother under "mysterious illness" (his father abused her to death) Landon mostly stayed away from public view.

Landon had few friends and he had come to lannisport with some of them. Yet now all of them are dead.

Landon sighed as he remembered his previous life where the one he currently lives on was just a story and he wasn't even mentioned in it.

It had been a while since he had read a book from the "A song of Ice and Fire" series. So, he couldn't even remember most of what was going to happen, though he did remember the major plot beats.

Landon got out of his bed as he wore a coat that was generously given to him. Apparently he saved the son of some important guy so they wanted to thank him.

"The burning of Lannisport" as it was called was over and the seven kingdoms were quickly preparing for retaliation. The Iron Islands won't be able to win. That much was clear to everyone.

Landon walked into a hall. A table with some delicious looking food was placed in front of him. "Landon Lorch," The blonde man said. "Yes.. Ser Lannister." Landon said.

"May I ask you why you were in Lannisport? Your father told me that he didn't know you were there." Kevan Lannister said.

'And what a father he is.' Landon thought internally but said, "I don't remember. I suppose it has something to do with wanting to visit the biggest city in Lannisport but my memory is very hazy."

"Have you never been to Lannisport before?" Kevan asked.

"My mother told me that she had brought me here when I was very young." Landon said though his voice was very heavy when he said that, clearly still grieving.

"My condolences for your mother." Kevan said a bit more softly. It seems he remembered he was talking to a ten year old.

"Thank you, ser." Landon said.

The room was covered in an awkward silence but Lancel who upto this point was quietly eating his share of the food said, "Thank you, for saving my life."

It seemed as if it took a lot of courage for Lancel to say that. Kevan nodded.

Honestly Landon didn't know why he fought against the iron born. His memory was still too hazy to remember why he did what he did. Cause he was sure that Landon wouldn't do something like that out of the kindness of his heart.

"We are grateful to you for saving my son's life. He told us how you bravely fought against the ironmen and how valiantly you defended him. For this I, Kevan of House Lannister, offer you a place as my squire that is of course if you choose to accept. If not I will make sure you get repaid appropriately. A Lannister always pays their debts."

Landon thought about it. The whole reason why he came to Lannisport was to get away from his father. When he left for Lannisport he had taken three guards with him. All of whom were killed in the raid.

If he were to accept he would get what he wanted and more and as squire to Ser Kevan Lannister, his future would be pretty much secure.

If he were to refuse and ask for the reward in gold, he would have enough to live the rest of his life in comfort. But he was 10 and he couldn't protect the gold with him which was asking to get mugged. And even if he did somehow retain his gold, he would be too weak to do anything in the chaos that will follow after Jon Arynn's death.

So.. the choice was clear. "I accept." Landon said.

"Good, I will send your father a raven about this tomorrow." Kevan said.

…. -

Author's note:

The story will get pretty fast paced from here with many time skips until we reach 298 AC.

This is 290 AC btw.

And about the FL I am not sure. I thought of putting a Canon character but nobody in MC's seems that interesting honestly. Alysane is an option and I am half tempted just because Gold tooth such a cool keep it to have but I have also some better ideas for OCs

Should I just have an OC as FL?


OC (Probably going to be a Tully or Lannister)

The story is going to change wildly depending on which path I choose so I want to see your guy's opinion. Note I might not necessarily go with the one you guys pick. I just want to take your opinion into account.

Anyways, have a good day.

Perhaps toss a stone or two my way?