
Unsullied chapter 24

William hadn't yet gotten some information about the changes that took place when he came to this world, but today he has found out a few more details.

William was currently reading a letter, one sent by his uncle Ned Stark.

As a result of William's strong rapprochement with Sansa as a child, she wasn't so excited about being the future queen; she was still very "feminine," but her personality had suffered from contact with her cousin.

Besides complaining that because of William's influence, Sansa often came to question whether it was really necessary for her to marry Joffrey; she preferred to go and live in Braavos, a city that William had always told her several stories about; she didn't think that King's Landing was good enough.

The world William had told her was so much wider and so full of wonders, she wanted to see some of them.

William was inevitably happy with this notification; her efforts were not in vain. Even if Sansa was too spoiled, she didn't want to'sell' herself to get what she wanted; she was much closer to a stronger, more independent personality.

The letter still said that Arya was having a tantrum; she demanded to go see her cousin; Ned said he was seriously considering sending her here, but he needed to choose someone to take her; and so it was better that William come back soon.

Little Arya already had a natural tendency to be independent; added to the tales William had told her, she was a more elaborate project of 'trailblazer.' In the future, perhaps she would really find what lies west of Westeros.

Even if his uncle was 'rigid,' he was still very good to his family. It was undeniable that he was trying to make William wish he could return, and Ned was obviously eager to reunite them.

After the brief family report, more urgent news had been written. Ned had received word that the 'girl' Targaryen had engaged to a Khal Dothraki, and this worried the King, so he needed to send some spies to 'keep an eye' on her, but the King wanted to kill her, her, and her brother.

It was also reported that it was no big deal, as the Khal was trapped in the midst of many enemies and might not even survive.

Ned had carefully convinced the King to wait and gave the idea of sending William to interact with them, somehow to make them 'disappear' or lose interest in the Iron Throne.

But even for this, it was too soon. He asked if William would accept this request when the time came.

He was also informed that the order in White Harbor was partially completed, so the second stage would begin.

William quickly wrote a letter in response, saying he missed everyone and writing that at the time he was not planning to return, but in a few months he could go to them.

He also wrote that he would accept to contact the remnants of the Targaryen house but could not see a danger to the Seven Kingdoms; after all, even if Dothrakis were numerous, they did not like the sea. The Khal only wished a quality'mare' to give birth to a good'stallion'.

William also talked about the other topics.

Soon some steps were heard, and Emilly's voice followed.

"William, your servants wish to speak with you," Emilly warned.

He nodded, and then Emilly allowed some Lycans in.

The Lycans greeted him and slowly entered the room, his head slightly bent down, his arm straight beside his body, and his right hand over his heart.

"William nodded to them and gestured with his hands to warn them that he was dispensing with the formalities.

"My Lord, a ship has arrived; they say they came from Meereen; they brought some unsullied; they said they were yours." Lillith was one of the new Lycans; she possessed good skills in administration and diplomacy, thus causing William to choose her to take care of naval trade and create trade links with other places.

Even if many were recently removed from slavery, they were already accustomed to the existence of slaves. When they learned that their Lord had bought slaves, they reacted without much trouble. Who would dare be angry with their Lord's behavior?

Even if these unsullied ones did not know it, they were lucky; even as slaves, they should have had much better lives than many, but they still believed that even if these unsullied had been bought, they would soon be side by side, as brothers of the same race.

Their Lord was so good to them, and knowing that side of William, they eventually got it right.

William needed slaves. No, he didn't want slaves; he needed soldiers, and who better than the Unsullied?

Unfortunately, he did not possess much gold when he asked for these unsullied to be bought, so only 50 had been 'bought', but it had to be said that these 50 unsullied people would most certainly be the most disciplined soldiers he could ask for.

The quality of the soldiers would undoubtedly be improved.