
Game of Thrones: Auron Blackfyre's Tale

A Civil Engineer with a hobby in music suddenly woke up in the TV Series he is watching. He transmigrated in a body of a young man from House Blackfyre in Game of Thrones. A brand new adventure awaits him as he explore the world of Planetos leaving footprints in Essos, Westeros and even in Sothoryos. "What Iron Throne? They can wrestle for it all they want while I enjoy sight seeing, have my own private army and bed all the women I want. I'll just watch them kill each other in the sidelines." Auron said. However, does fate will really let him do what he wants or he will be forced to intervened? See how he apply some modern ways in this merciless and shitstink world of knights, deception, undead and dragons.

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43 Chs

Chapter 10

After parting with Tristan, I returned to my tent to prepare for my performance tonight. But before that, I gotta check what's that pulse I felt in my ring.

In terms of appearance, I think it's still the same except for the aura which is more greener than the last time. I removed the ring from my finger and focus my thoughts examining the description. There, under the 'Advance Archery', I can now see 'Advance Swordsmanship' instead. I indeed brokethrough.

'So the pulse indicates a level up on a skill. I wonder if there's another rank above the Advance?'

Saving that thought for later, I shifted my focus on the story I'm going to tell. I should wear a little bit of costume to match the setting. Hehehe.


Third Person POV

The sun has set and darkness covered the sky. A large of group of men gathered around a bonfire drinking their ale. The men were unusually silent seemingly waiting for something or someone.

"Hey, lieutenant. Where's the brat? We're already waiting here for an hour and we haven't seen even his shadow." Torman complained.

Tristan shrugged and said, "I know nothing. That brat only said we have to wait here."

Then silence permeated once again.

Out of nowhere, a man wearing a black hood stepped into light from the shadows with a ghastly hiss.


The group of men was startled and all of them drew their sword with the intent to hack him into pieces if he makes any suspicious move.

The man in the hood panic and he immediately uncovered his head.

"Woooo whoaaa whoa, what the fuck are you guys doing, it's just me, Auron. Sheath your swords for god's sake. You bunch of pussies got spooked by this?"

All of them got embarrassed rubbing the back of their head while chuckling sheepishly.

"It's your fault lad. We thought you wouldn't show up. And what in the seven hells are you doing wearing that tattered thing." Pykwood blared.

Auron rolled his eyes and said, "It's part of tonight's performance, you know. It adds some mysteriousness to the atmosphere. See it's already effective. Hehehe."

"Get on with it, brat. Don't waste anymore of our time."

"Very well...Ahemm. Let's start."

Auron once again covered his face with his hood before standing in the middle. All eyes were on him, eager to hear the story he's boasting.

"Long long time ago.. there was once a legend in a far away distant sea. A terrifying legend that sailors seek in order to gain fame and glory. It is said that if you are able to tame and take home that legend, you'll gain its riches like no other.

The legend is about a big black ship that sail through the sea without any crew and they called it The Shadow. The rumor about it is it was cursed by a maiden who was tied in its bow until she drowned to death. Yet before she die, she cursed the ship to eternally accompany her, tied to her spirit, seeking revenge to all the sailors who persecuted her. It is said that if ever you encounter this ship when you sail, you better pray to any gods you believe in as no one has ever returned when they see The Shadow exept for one blind old man who lives to tell the tale."

"The blind old man tried to warn the sailors to stop hunting the Shadow but they paid him no heed because of their greed. They thought he was just a crazy blind fool trying to stop them from gaining their glory and riches but only my old ancestor took interest in his story."

"My old ancestor bought him an ale as he urged the blind old man to tell him his tale. With a gulp from the bottle, the old man began to tell his story when he was still a young man. He was still vigorous, a heroic young lad. He wanted to make himself famous so he took up the challenge like most of the sailors did. He was convinced that he's going to be the one to claim The Shadow. So he form a crew and started to sail."

Auron then started to stomp his feet in a steady rythm and then he started to play the lute. As if on cue, he started singing in a hoarse voice.

A/N: To enjoy the story more, I suggest opening your YouTube app, search and listen to the Tale of the Shadow by Sail North.


"I set upon the sea

To search for phantom sails from tales my mum told me

A ghostly galleon filled with gold, she sails alone

No crew, nor captain's guiding hand Can tame the one the sailors call The Shadow

Sun and horizon met

I weighed the anchor, hoisted sails, my course was set My cutthroat crew conspiring with the stars our guide

They point the way through perils fraught And lead us to the one they call The Shadow

None can tame the one the sailors call The Shadow

Lean left!

Hard right!

Hold tightly to her helm She'll try to drown you just for spite

Heave, ho! Til first light!

She'll give a fight to all who try to claim The Shadow

None can tame the one the sailors call The Shadow

A mighty tempest grew The banshee cried, "Turn back", but our resolve was true

We pointed bow ahead and shouted, we'll break through! The jaws of hell can't hold us back

There's nothing that can keep us from The Shadow

The winds blew stronger still

The ocean raged against us, tried to break our will

The sirens in the water, thirsty for the kill

Our vessel reelin' to and fro To bear us to the one they call The Shadow

None can keep us from the one they call The Shadow

Lean left!

Hard right!

Hold tightly to her helm She'll try to drown you just for spite

Heave, ho! Til first light! She'll give a fight to all who try to claim The Shadow

None can tame the one the sailors call The Shadow"

"As thunder split the sky

The lightning drew a shape beyond the tempest's eye

A chill ran through me spine as legend came alive

"Avast!", I cried all hands as we Prepare to take the one they call The Shadow

"All hands!" Auron shouted like a pirate captain.

As he continue to play the lute, Auron's strumming turned to slow before stopping completely. He looked at his fellow soldiers and saw all of them immersed in the story. Majority of them was even in the edge of their seat. After reigning in the silence, he continue to sing the song without the music.

"As we approached her shell, the skies went silent, seas went calm as if by spell

No signs of fight or flight were in her, all was well, until I tried to take her helm..."

Then Auron abruptly strummed the lute followed by the stomp of his feet. The music came in strong it managed to scared a few guys in the front.

"Her rigging came alive She hung my crew before me eyes She stole my sight and cursed me, Captain of The Shadow

She took my eyes and cursed me, Captain of The Shadow!

Lean left!

Hard right!

Steer clear of her, I fear she'll eat your soul, she'll take your life Heave, ho! Til first light!

She'll claim the souls of those who try to tame The Shadow

None can tame the one the sailors call The Shadow

None can tame the one the sailors call The Shadow..."

Auron ended his story with a cliffhanger.

"When the old blind man finished his story, my ancestor took a swig from his ale to wash away his fear but when he looked up once again, the old blind man disappeared without a trace."

"Where did he go?" Denys asked.

"I don't know. Maybe he was still alive as his life was already tied with The Shadow. Who knows may be he was among us."

"Don't scare us, lad. I tell you, fear is my breakfast. No one can make me feel afraid! Ahem! Brothers I'm going to take a piss, who wants to come along with me?" Pykwood said trying not to sound scared.

He heaved a sigh of relief when he saw a few men stood up raising their hands.

"How is it boys? Did you enjoy it? Is it worth your coins now?"

"Aye! That was terrifying, thrilling and exciting at the same time. It's as if we were there." Tristan said after pondering for a few seconds.

"I never thought you could tell a story like that." Little pussy said while there's a shine of glint in his eyes. He was clearly amazed about the story.

"I'm glad you guys enjoyed it. Don't worry, it won't be the last time."

"That'd better be. Or we will drag you here every night no matter what yer doing, hehehe."

Auron shivered at their threat. He had a feeling that they will really do it if he fail to keep his promise.

Eventually, we called it a night and started to tidy up the scene. No one is drunk this time but no one really seems to care. They were still immersed with the story remembering every detail of it. Like a bunch of movies fans who just watched an epic movie from the cinema. Some of them even agreed to sleep together. They said it wasn't because of the Shadow. They insist they weren't afraid and called it bonding of brothers.

Auron sneered at them and he returned to his tent. He dive into his bed with Marlena's boobies as his pillow.