
Game of Thrones - A Song of Fire and Blood

For centuries the dragons roamed the skies as power incarnate. Their flesh fire and their hearts stone. And the dragonborn conquered the known world riding incarnates of power, and now a young dragon rises again.

KingMaekar · TV
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12 Chs


I looked at the narrow sea from Illyrio's mansion. It has been nearly sixteen years, since i had left King's Landing. Over these years i had grown from a boy to a man.

The constant training and hardwork i had undergone was now showing it's result, i am quite tall for my age and had developed a muscular body. Unlike the gaunt Viserys in the show, i now closely resembled Rhaegar instead.

As i was reminicsing, Daenerys came near me, to look at the sea. This was my favourite spot and she knew that. I was nearly twenty four years old now, while she was nearly sixteen years old.

This was when Viserys had Daenerys marry Khal Drogo, i had thought a lot about it but in the end decided against it.

Illyrio had suggested it vehmently, but i decided it was not worth it to lose a dragonrider for a khalasar.

"Illyrio, how are the preparations going."

I was keeping tabs on the timeline, Jon Arryn was still alive. But he was going to die in this year, which will set things in motion. So this year was quite important,

Jon Arryn, Ned Stark and Robert Baratheon will all die in this coming year. They were the main pillars through which the rebellion occured. With their deaths the realm will be thrown into chaos, and Petyr Baelish has proven that chaos is a ladder.

"Your Grace, preparations are going according to the plan. As you had said there were many exiled lords and soldiers from Westeros, many of them have flocked to our banner for a chance to return home. But the Golden Company refused our offer, as they are currently fighting for Myr and will not break their contract. However there are some who are willing to join us."

I knew that there were many lords and soldiers, who were exiled after Robert's rebellion and the earlier Blackfyre ones.

While many of Blackfyre one's were with golden company, the remaining had joined us for a chance to return. Many amongst them were Targaryen loyalists who had fled after the war.

After our stay in Myr, we had travelled all over Essos, where most of our time was spent. In Myr we had lived under a disguise, as there where many people who would recognize us there. Ser Williem Darry and Oberyn Martell had done most of the work in forming the company.

The decision of the golden company to fight for Myr was also in our favour.

Myr had contacted various sellsword companies for the fight over the disputed lands. And our company was one of them, that must be the reason why some in the golden company wanted to join us

"Illyrio, do we have funds to build a large enough fleet to carry a army. Because an army will not be useful if it can't even reach Westeros."

While we did have the fleet of Lucerys Velyaron, it was not large enough like the Royal, Redwyne or the Greyjoy fleet.

Stannis was not stupid, he must have limited the number of fleets in the possesion of Targaryen loyalists.

And many of the ships in our fleet had been destroyed, by the storm that occured during Daenerys birth. While the remaining taken by Stannis, so the funds given were barely enough to build a regular fleet.

"Your grace, most of our funds are being used on 'avengers'. While the remaing used over the debt of iron throne."

I sighed, it was necessary to control the Iron Bank, as they will prove to be a valuable ally. As the Iron Throne weakens, i will grow strong.

"Brother, are we going to go to Westeros now."

Daenerys was excited about that prospect, i could tell that. We have travelled to various free cities, never really staying for long periods in any one. We were always travelling and Daenerys grew to think Westeros as our destination. She never had the chance to see Westeros, so there was a yearning in her for the home we lost.

"Soon enough Danny, soon enough."

I turned and walked towards the mansion, while Illyrio followed me.

"Have you prepared, what i have asked."

Illyrio was clearly uncomfortable about the topic we were discussing.

"Your grace, what you want is quite difficult. I can somehow manage to find one, but what you specifically want is quite difficult."

"I know it is not simple, far from it. But you know it is necessary for me. You will have your answers in due time, but the conditions must be met."

"As you wish your grace, i will have them brought as soon as possible."

"You will, as we do not have much time remaining. Do we know about the houses that are discontent after the rebellion. Make sure to keep contacts with them

The time to act is coming near, we must be prepared."

Illyrio said nothing more and left after that. I knew he was confused about some of my recent actions, but it was also good for me. It gave me an advantage over him.

In these recent years, i have spent most of my time training myself. But the remaining time that i could salvage was spent on acquiring dragonlore, myths and knowledge of religons in Essos. Due to which many commented on the fact that i was eerily similar to Rhaegar.

From what i already knew and gathered, magical fire and blood sacrifice was necessary in hatching dragons. A life given for a life, if i wanted i could have done so already, but i was waiting. Waiting for the arrival of the red comet, which heralded the return of magic.

But i knew it was coming, so i was being patient. However the location of where i was going to hatch my dragons still eluded me. I am not able to decide on one though.

Many Targaryens before me had tried and failed to hatch dragons since their extinction. Most notable being my great grandfather Aegon V Targaryen, which caused the tragedy of Summerhall.

I do not want to follow their footsteps, so i am waiting with anticipation for the revival of magic and dragons.


She was having strange dreams recently, usually her dreams were filled with images of castles, rivers and mountains of westeros. But now she dreamed of skies, like she was flying in the skies as the wind whipped past her face. It was strange, scary but it was exciting. But then she would hear a song, she could not remember it however hard she tried. But whenever she heard that voice, she felt a sense of familiarity and longing. Like a something was missing from her life, that she had found and then the dream would end.

She wanted to tell this to her brother, he never made fun of her when she told him about her dreams. 'You are special' he would always say, but recently he was very busy. Well he was always busy, but now it was even more so. He was planning something, he always liked to plan things.

So for now she would say nothing, maybe she would get to know more in future and then tell him.

The time was passing slowly now, as the preparations were nearly complete, they would soon be departing from Pentos. The time was coming, i could feel it now. Something was premenating in the air, the stage was set and the pieces were falling into place, and the wait was nearly over.

We were currently in Pentos, but i had a destination in my mind Astapor.

The begining of an end, of our exile.