

Various summaries of Game of Thrones fanficions that I wrote over the past few months. Each summary would be 10,000-40,000 words long. If you want to use my summary and write a story based on it then feel free to do so.

Fortunate_Soul · TV
Sin suficientes valoraciones
21 Chs


* Tyrion Lannister arrived in the Bolton lands and was shocked by the prosperity in the lands. It was as if the old gods had blessed the Boltons or something. Then there was the fact that he was allowed to ride on a carriage and the road was so smooth that he didn't felt a single bump throughout his ride.

He was truly surprised by how different his whole area was than any other area in the North. Not to mention that there were inns at everyday's distance and some Bolton Guards riding up and down the road and keeping the King's peace. Such a sight was so uncommon that he was left flabbergasted.

Then they arrived near Wintertown and he was truly shocked by the Red trees that surrounded a good part of the city. He doubted that there were so many Weirwood trees in even the Isle of faces. Then he saw a child singing near the Weirdwood tree and was shocked when he found that it was not a child but one of the Children of the Forest that were only myths and stories up until this point.

He had no idea that this was just the start. After that, he saw giants, direwolves, a city that had the perfect sewage system and didn't stink at all, a tower on top of the castle that allowed water to come in the sink and bathroom with just a tap and many many other things that made him wonder if Lord Bolton was not a wizard in human form. He had no idea how right he was.

* His spymaster told him that Daenerys Targeryan had married a Dothraki horselord named Khal Drogo who had 40,000 warriors under him. That his brother sold her to the Khal in exchange for the army so that he could lead them to Westeros and gain back his Iron Throne.

Harry very much doubted that the Dothraki would ever cross the Narrow Sea as such a thing had never been done before and he pitied Daenerys for being sold off like that but he still told his spymaster to keep an eye on them and keep him informed if something changes. He doubted that the 7 kingdoms needed to fear Khal Drogo and his khalasar but it never hurt to be cautious.

* His aunt confronts him about Ygritte and he told her the truth. He also told her that he would not be siring any children with her. At least not yet. After hearing his explanation, his aunt calmed down and he rolled his eyes at her worrying tendencies.

* "King Robert is having a tourney. I want you to go there and win it in my name." He told his sworn shields. They protested, claiming that they needed to stay close to him in order to protect him. After a long argument, they came up with a compromise that one of his sworn shield with go while one will remain.

They were both equal to him so he tossed a coin and the female won. He magically changed her armor and helmet so that it would hide her identity. He also enchanted her armor to be light as a feather and sturdy enough to take a hammer blow easily and her sword to cut deeper and have more power behind it.

With such enchantments, he had no doubt that it would be easier for her to win. She had a deep voice so she would easily be mistaken as a man. He wondered what everyone in the tourney will think when they realize that they were bested by a woman. He also gave her a portkey to return back home quickly once the tourney was over.

* "There was an assassination attempt on Brandon Stark's life. The assassin burned the Maester's library as a distraction. Thankfully, the direwolves left behind by Lord Stark killed the assassin and Bran lived though Catelyn Stark was injured." The spymaster informed he wondered if this news was relevant for him.

After thinking for a while, he realized that Bran Stark most likely didn't fall from the tower but was thrown when he heard or saw something that he shouldn't have. And then whoever found out that he didn't die sent an assassin after him. He wondered who could have done such a thing. No doubt someone from the King's Party. In the end, he didn't really cared and simply told his page to send some books to Winterfell as compliments from him to replace the ones that were burnt down.

* Ygritte was reading a book when he came up from behind her and stared making love to her by kissing her neck and biting her ears, sending shivers down her spine. He then told her to keep reading as he bent her over and lowered her clothes before he pulled down his pants and took out his large fat dick before rubbing it in her crack and felt a wave of pleasure go through him at how hot and soft she was down there. Then he used a notice me not charm on them before he fucked her in the middle of the library.

* Margeary Tyrell was resting in her room at night when she felt the urge to go out in the gardens so she did. There, she met a mysterious knight that she didn't remember seeing before. She guessed that he was a hedge knight of no importance and talked with him. But the more she talked with him, the more surprised she became at his wisdom and knowledge.

They talked like that for hours before she finally realized how late it was. She apologized to him to leaving so abruptly as she had to wake up early the next day. She wanted to meet him again and told him so and he simply replied that he has other things to do won't be able to meet her again.

She wanted to meet him again so she commanded him to stay in Highgarden as she thought that having such a wise knight beside her would be very beneficial and he simply laughed at him before leaving while shaking his head as if he was disappointed in her. She wanted to chase after him but didn't for some reason. Instead, she went back to her bed and slept. That was the last she ever saw of that knight.

* Harry infiltrated the Citadel. Now that he thought about it, he should have perhaps done this at an earlier date but the Maesters never really caught his interest. But now that he was here and finding out their secrets, he finally realized how cunning and vile the Maesters really were.

He even found out about their part in killing the last dragons of the Targeryen Dynesty as well as the clever web of information that they had formed between themselves. He did thought that the Maesters did something like this but never to this extent.

In short, he was sickened and disappointed in these men whose main priority should have been spreading knowledge which they kind of did among the nobility but otherwise they simply hogged their knowledge to themselves.

He thought about burning the Citadel but then realized that a lot of the men working here were actually innocent and despite it's dark secrets, the Citadel was a very important part of the 7 kingdoms so he simply shook his head in disappointment and left.

As he left, he wondered about his recent meeting with Margeary Tyrell. She was a beautiful and cunning girl who would go far in her life. But she was not the kind of woman he was looking for.

He'll have to keep searching until he finds a woman that is suitable enough for him.

* His men brought back Jon Snow to him and he sent him to the Military School. He also received reports that Bran Stark had woken up. But he truly didn't care for the boy. Instead he was looking at the Valyrian glass candle that he brought from the Citadel and was using it to Spy on distant lands with the help of the instrument.

He realized that despite not having an audio or showing things clearly, it was very helpful as if he used it on a daily basis then he would know about any army that tries to attack him or his city. He wondered if he would be able to apparate to any place that he sees in the Valyrian Glass candle and found it to not be the case.

* "Catelyn Stark has kidnapped Tyrion Lannister." His spymaster informed and he stopped planting the Weirwood sapling and gazed at his spymaster with a frown.

He knew that Catelyn had left for Kings Landing after the assassination attempt to talk with her husband about something and Tyrion recently went south as well. He wondered why she would do it. She couldn't seriously think that Tyrion was the one who sent the assassin after Bran did she?

He shook his head at her foolish action. Tywin Lannister was not a man who would let such a slight at his family go without repercussions. He had a feeling that Catelyn the Fool might start a war between the kingdoms on her own.

He told the spymaster to leave and then took out the Valyrian Glass Candle and searched for Catelyn the Fool. He was surprised to find her going to the Vale instead of Winterfell like she told everyone else and then realized what a smart move it was. Perhaps not a fool then. Still, he couldn't let Tyrion remain her captive. So he turned to his second Sworn Shield and told him that he had a job for him.

* Catelyn and the rest of her group were being attacked by mountain clan bandits when a man in black armour arrived and easily killed the mountain bandits as the rest ran away in fear. Catelyn thanked him for his help before she saw the sigil in his breastplate and realized that he belonged to the Boltons.

She recognized him as Lord Bolton's Sworn Shield and asked him what he was doing here. He told her that his Lord sent him to retrieve Tyrion Lannister and bring him back to the Lannisters. She was shocked to hear this and all the remaining men stood guard against him.

He then told her that taking Tyrion like this would start a war. She told him that she must get justice regardless. They argued for a while and Lord Bolton's sworn shield easily tore down her arguments before Rodrick stepped in and told him that Lord Bolton was bound by oath to serve the Starks.

In the end, the Sworn Shield didn't want to start a war between the Starks and the Boltons so he simply told Catelyn that she was making a huge mistake by doing this and many innocent lives will be lost because of her. After that, he joined her party to ensure that Tyrion won't die in their hands.

Tyrion thanked the Sworn shield and asked him how he arrived for his aid so quickly but the man remained silent. In the end, Tyrion told him that the Lannisters always repay their debts and that he was grateful for his help but the sworn shield remained quiet so Tyrion huffed and became quiet as well.

* Harry was looking over at his naval power as well as his army in the documents when one of the stone in his pocket turned red and hot. He looked at it with concern and quickly made a portkey and travelled to Kings Landing.

There, he used point me spell and found where his female Sworn Shield was and found her sprawled on the ground along with some other Stark guards and two dozen Lannister men lying around her along with an unconscious Eddard Stark who only had a stab wound in his leg.

He didn't understand what was going on but didn't care. He saw some City Watch members coming from the distance and quickly cast a notice me not charm on both him and his female sworn shield before he pulled her away from the streets as apparating in her condition might kill her.

Then he took her in a nearby brothel and used imperius curse on the Establishment manager who gave them a private room. He then started doing his best to heal her.

He could see that she had suffered numerous injuries in her body and the main reason for her weak state was her loss of blood. Anyone else might not have been able to do what he did but thankfully he was a wizard and his diagnostic charms told him what her blood group was.

So he went to the whores in the establishment and checked their Blood group one by one. When he found two of them with Matching blood group, he took them and dismissed the rest.

Then he performed blood transfusion in his room and saved his female Sworn shield. Once she was stable enough, he obliviated the whores and everyone else in the establishment before Portkeying back to Dreadfort where he transferred her to the newly built hospital.