

It was a peaceful morning when Leo Balsey woke up with a start, jolted from his slumber by a vivid dream. His heart raced as he recalled the haunting words echoing in his mind, "Run, Leo, run!" He instinctively touched his ribcage, relieved to find the wound he had sustained had finally healed.

Moments later, Jared, Leo's trusted butler, burst into the room, his face etched with concern. "What's wrong?" he inquired, his voice laced with urgency.

Leo took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. "Just a nightmare," he reassured Jared, who visibly relaxed at the revelation.

As Jared carefully removed the last bandage wrapped around Leo's ribs, a sense of relief washed over the young man. He had missed school for the past two days, and the thought of falling behind weighed heavily on his mind.

Jared, ever the attentive caretaker, couldn't resist a playful jab. "Are you trained in martial arts just to defend yourself?" he asked with a hint of mischief in his tone.

Leo couldn't help but smile at the question. "Yes," he affirmed, his mind drifting back to the countless hours he had dedicated to honing his skills.

Jared's expression turned serious as he remarked, "I haven't seen anyone train like that in years."

With a nod of understanding, Leo followed Jared's instructions to take a bath. However, his eyes widened in surprise when he saw the tub filled with ice-cold water. "What's this?" he exclaimed, his confusion evident.

Jared's response was matter-of-fact. "It will enhance and speed up the healing process faster," he explained, leaving no room for argument.

After the invigorating bath and a light meal prepared by Jared, Leo gathered his belongings, including a packed lunch for school. As he stepped out of the house, Jared's voice stopped him in his tracks. "You've forgotten something," he called out.

Leo's brow furrowed as he tried to recall what he might have missed. "Yes, my backpack," he said, retrieving the essential item before setting off towards Sophia's house.

The thought of Sophia filled Leo with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. He hadn't seen her since the altercation with Jack and his bullies, and he couldn't help but wonder how she was faring.

As he approached Sophia's home, Leo pressed the doorbell, and a woman's voice greeted him. "Who is there?" she inquired.

"It's me, Leo Balsey. I live two blocks away, and I'm a friend of Sophia's," Leo responded politely.

The woman introduced herself as Sarah Lopez, or Mrs. Lopez, as she preferred to be called. "Sophia told me all about the fight you had at school," she said, her tone laced with concern.

Mrs. Lopez inquired about Leo's health, prompting him to reassure her that he was on the mend. She then called out for Sophia, her voice echoing through the house.

Moments later, Sophia appeared, looking slightly flustered. She explained that she hadn't been to school since the fight, having been bedridden with a fever. A wave of relief washed over Leo as he offered her a warm smile, understanding the challenges she had faced.

Sophia excused herself to freshen up, and Leo found himself captivated by the family photos adorning the walls. A particular image caught his eye – a young Sophia, her infectious grin and sparkling eyes frozen in time. Nearby, a police officer's photograph hung proudly, a reminder of the family's dedication to serving and protecting.

As Sophia emerged from the kitchen, her lunch in hand, Sophia couldn't help but notice the subtle changes in his appearance. "You've gained some weight," prompting Leo to chuckle and attribute his transformation to the indoor training he had been doing with Jared's guidance.

Along the way, Sophia couldn't resist teasing Leo about his newfound physique, prompting him to promise an introduction to the ever-diligent Jared.

Upon arriving at school, Sophia's attention was immediately captured by Dale, who stood in a corner, watching the pair with keen interest. As Sophia embraced Leo warmly,

However, Dale's gaze lingered, and as he turned away, Leo caught a glimpse of him whispering something to Jack . A sense of unease settled in the pit of Leo's stomach, but he pushed it aside, determined not to let the past interfere with his present.

The friends parted ways, each heading to their respective classes. In Leo's classroom, the teacher inquired about his absence, and Leo skillfully navigated the situation by claiming he had been on a family vacation – a harmless white lie to avoid unnecessary complications.

As the lesson commenced, the teacher instructed the students to open their math textbooks to page 650, which covered the topic of triangle areas. Leo listened attentively, his mind fully engaged in the lesson.

When the bell rang for break time, Leo made his way to his locker to retrieve his packed lunch. However, his path was obstructed by the unwelcome presence of jack and Dale , who taunted him with their usual insults. Leo remained calm, refusing to engage in their petty games, and continued on his way to the cafeteria.

As Leo settled in to enjoy his meal, Dale and Jack approached him, their intentions clearly hostile. Jack's taunts were met with a sly smile from Leo, who nonchalantly continued eating. However, when Dale made an offensive gesture, Leo's instincts kicked in, and he swiftly disarmed him with a well-aimed strike of his spoon, causing Dale's finger to bleed profusely.

Stunned by Leo's unexpected retaliation, Dale cried out in pain, prompting Jack to intervene. In a flash, Leo delivered a swift punch, sending Jack crashing into a nearby wall, rendering him unconscious. The remaining students in the cafeteria erupted in laughter and cheers.

As Dale and Jack retreated in cowardly fashion, vowing to seek retribution later, Leo basked in the glory of his triumph, his name echoing through the cafeteria like a battle cry.

Returning to class, Leo found himself the subject of hushed whispers and admiring glances from his peers. As they awaited the arrival of their history teacher, two students engaged in a hushed conversation, their words laced with awe and respect for leo who had so skillfully beat jack like a child..

When the teacher arrived and distributed a test, Leo's focus remained unwavering. As the results were announced, the teacher's voice rang out, calling for Leo Balsey. Rising to his feet, Leo couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as the teacher revealed his perfect score of 10 out of 10.

After class, Leo received a summons to the teacher's office, where he was greeted by Mrs. Alice, the history instructor. She expressed her admiration for his academic prowess, remarking on the rarity of encountering such a talented and dedicated student.

Leo, ever humble, attributed his success to a gift from God, but Mrs. Alice was not easily swayed. She probed further, and Leo revealed his true identity as the son of the renowned businessman Ramsey Balsley, the owner of the esteemed Balsey Corporation.

Astonished by this revelation, Mrs. Alice bid Leo farewell, her respect for him amplified by his remarkable lineage and accomplishments. As Leo departed her office.