
Beaten and broken

Sam Edwards woke up in an unfamiliar place. As his eyes adjusted to the dim light, he realized he was in an abandoned warehouse, tied to a chair with a chain and padlock binding his hands behind his back. To his surprise, he saw the notorious criminal, Andre Cain, standing before him with a menacing grin.

"You killed my partner," Sam said, his voice trembling with anger and fear.

Andre let out a sinister laugh that echoed through the space. "Oh, you mean that cop we took care of at the docks? We had to eliminate him because he was interfering with our business dealings." He rummaged through Sam's pockets and found his police badge. "Well, well, if it isn't Officer Sam Edwards himself. The one who boasted on TV about bringing us to justice for your partner's death."

Andre's laughter grew louder as he delivered a brutal blow to Sam's face, causing his lips to burst and blood to spill from his mouth. The metallic taste of his own blood filled Sam's mouth as he struggled against his restraints, helpless to defend himself.

, Andre stepped out to make a phone call to his boss, Aaron Balsey. Aaron, who was enjoying a leisurely game of golf, answered the call with a growl, demanding to know why he was being disturbed on the weekend.

Andre's voice quivered with fear as he explained the situation. "Boss, we have a problem. Remember that cop we killed at the docks? Well, his partner came looking for us last night, and we've got him tied up at the old warehouse near Downtown."

Enraged, Aaron slammed his golf club into the ground and jumped into his sedan, speeding towards the warehouse with tires screeching. His face was hidden behind a menacing hockey mask as he entered the dim warehouse, and Andre greeted him with a nervous smile, while the rest of the crew welcomed their boss with reverence.

Aaron approached Sam, who was struggling against his restraints, his face bruised and bloody. "Did you see this baseball bat?" Aaron taunted, holding up a spiked bat. "It was a gift from my father when I turned 18 after I killed a rival gang leader in this city. Now that my dad's gone, may his soul rest in peace, this bat is all I have left of him."

Without hesitation, Aaron began pummeling Sam with his fists, the sound of flesh striking flesh echoing through the warehouse. Sam coughed and sputtered, vomiting blood onto the concrete floor. Then, Aaron unleashed the spiked bat, striking Sam's back with brutal force, eliciting cries of agony that pierced the eerie silence.

Andre eagerly handed over Sam's police badge, gloating over their catch. "Look who we have here, boss," he sneered. "The famous Officer Sam Edwards, who was boasting on TV about bringing us down. You came to us all by yourself, Sam? What a hero you are, seeking revenge."

Aaron's laughter filled the air as he mocked Sam's futile efforts. Raising the bat once more, he brought it crashing down on Sam's ankle with a sickening crunch, shattering the bone. As Sam's vision blurred from the excruciating pain, one of Aaron's men covered his face with a sack, muffling his anguished screams.

"What should we do with him, boss?" Andre asked eagerly, his eyes gleaming with sadistic delight.

"Dispose of him," Aaron replied coldly, his voice devoid of emotion.

Andre barked orders to his men, who untied Sam from the chair and dragged his broken body to a waiting Mitsubishi Express van. Despite Sam's cries of agony, they tossed him into the back like a rag doll, his battered form crumpled on the floor.

With Sam's lifeless body in the back, they sped off into the night, eventually dumping him in front of the police station before fleeing the scene. A passing officer discovered Sam's battered form lying on the ground, covered in blood and barely clinging to life. Checking for a pulse, the officer realized the gravity of the situation and immediately called for an ambulance.

The emergency room doors burst open as paramedics rushed in, wheeling Sam's gurney with urgency. "Incoming trauma! Unconscious!" one of them shouted, alerting the medical staff.

Dr. Martinez and his team sprang into action, quickly assessing Sam's condition. "Let's get him intubated and on a ventilator. I need a CT scan for that head injury, stat!" the doctor commanded, his voice calm but firm.

As nurses worked to secure an airway and start IV lines, the doctor carefully examined Sam's misshapen ankle. "This ankle is definitely broken, looks like a displaced fracture," he said grimly, his brow furrowed with concern. "We need to reduce and immobilize it before we can get those scans done."

With the help of his team, Dr. Martinez applied traction to Sam's injured leg and carefully manipulated the bones back into alignment, eliciting a pained groan from the unconscious patient. They then secured the ankle with a temporary splint to prevent further displacement.

"Alright, let's get him up to radiology for those CT scans. I want to rule out any bleeding or swelling in the brain," the doctor instructed, his voice betraying the urgency of the situation.

As the nurses prepared to transport Sam, Dr. Martinez turned to the paramedics, his expression grave. "Any idea what happened? Did anyone witness the attack?"

The paramedic shook his head solemnly. "Afraid not, doc. We were just called to the scene where this officer was found beaten and unconscious, his body dropped in front of the police station."

Dr. Martinez sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair. "Okay, we'll do everything we can for him. Let's just hope he regains consciousness ."

An hour later, the sound of frantic shouting echoed through the hospital corridors as Sam's wife burst through the emergency room doors, her face contorted with fear and anguish. "Where is my husband?" she cried, her voice cracking with emotion.

A nurse approached her swiftly, trying to console her and explain the situation. "Ma'am, please try to remain calm. Your husband is in a coma, but he's stable. The doctors are doing everything they can to help him."

As the medical team fought to save Sam's life, the criminals responsible for his brutal attack remained at large, their identities shrouded in mystery.