
Game Must go On!

Noah was a man who had lived a life filled with regrets. He had made many mistakes and had died with a heavy heart. However, fate had given him a second chance. Noah was reborn as the son of a rich family with a unique system that allowed him to travel to different worlds. As he grew up, Noah discovered that he had the ability to gain different classes in each world he visited. These classes gave him special abilities and skills that he could use to survive and thrive in each world. With his system, Noah traveled through various fantasy worlds, facing many challenges and meeting new friends along the way. Noah soon realized that his journey was not just about gaining power and abilities, but it was also a journey of self-discovery. As he traveled through different worlds and met new people, he began to understand the true meaning of life and the value of his existence. However, Noah's journey was not without its dangers. There were many enemies who sought to exploit his power and many trials that he had to face. Yet, with each challenge, Noah grew stronger, wiser, and more determined to succeed. As he continued on his journey, Noah came to realize that his past life had not been in vain. The mistakes he had made had taught him valuable lessons that he could use to make the most of his second chance at life. With his system and his newfound knowledge, Noah set out to create a legacy that would transcend worlds and stand the test of time.

GodofTranslation · Cómic
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The sound of screeching brakes filled the air, and in that split second, the world around Noah turned into a blur of light and darkness. He felt a sharp impact against his body and the sensation of being lifted off his feet.

The next thing he knew, he was lying on the pavement, surrounded by a pool of his own blood. Pain shot through his body as he struggled to breathe, and voices in the distance sounded muffled and far away. Panic set in as he realized what had just happened. Noah had been hit by a truck.

As he lay there, fading in and out of consciousness, memories of his life flashed before his eyes. The happy moments, the sad ones, and everything in between. He thought of his family and friends, and how they would react to the news of his death. It all seemed so surreal.

But as the darkness began to close in, something strange happened. Noah felt a sudden jolt of energy coursing through his body as if he were being pulled towards something. And then everything went black.

When Noah opened his eyes again, he found himself in a completely different place, surrounded by darkness. He felt uncomfortable as if he were trapped in a small dark room. Soon, the darkness was broken by warm light, and he could feel a joyous and happy atmosphere emanating from it. However, the joy was short-lived as giant hands, resembling those of a god, emerged from the light and began pulling him towards it.

"Look at our beautiful baby! They have your eyes, sweetheart," a voice exclaimed.

"Congratulations, sir and madam," another voice added.

As Noah's vision cleared, he saw an unfamiliar face, two men, and a woman whose beauty he had never seen before. Her eyes were tired but bright with joy, and the blue irises were rimmed with red from tears shed in relief and happiness. Her blond hair was damp and clinging to her face, and a few strands were matted to her forehead. Despite the signs of physical exhaustion, her countenance had an unmistakable radiance.

Noah observed the two men talking to each other while the woman looked on with love and affection, which made him feel strangely comforted.

Time ticked on, and Noah concluded that he was reborn as a baby. He felt a strange calmness, unlike the shock or fear one would expect from ordinary people.

"What timeline am I reborn in? I hope it's 1899 so I can make friends with that guy and conquer the world," Noah joked in his mind. However, seeing now what place he is in, he knows it was modern because of the equipment he saw. He heard a song outside their room, and he remember it.

"What is it called again?" Noah thought, and sang some of its lyrics, "Holding me back… nothing to say… never mind, let me sleep. Baby sure is weak."

Noah's eyelids start to drop as he begins to sleep.


Eighteen years later.

Noah had learned nothing from this world except for one thing that he has never seen in his past life. Why nothing?

Well, because this world was the same world in his past life, with One Piece still ongoing, Attack on Titan with its infinite cheat code episode, or Hunter x Hunter still on hiatus. Nothing had changed except for a sphere that was hovering in the sky.

That's right, a sphere that had appeared a year ago. After the confusion of the mass, people continued their lives like nothing had happened, since some were confident that nothing would happen, or the government had promised their safety. But Noah was different; he knew what those hovering spheres could do.

"Duty After School," a Korean series that had been released on March 31, 2023, was much better than the "All of Us Were Dead" Korean series, in his opinion, though don't be offended.

"Is this the matrix?" Noah slapped himself and grunted from the pain. "No…"

"Mom, I want to go to Korea," Noah then said as he looked at his mother sitting on the expensive sofa opposite him.

"Korea? That's quite a distance! I understand why you want to travel to different parts of the world and try new things, but I can't help but worry about you being so far away from home.

Have you considered the language barrier and how you'll manage in a foreign country on your own? I want to encourage you to pursue your dreams, but I also want to ensure that you are safe and prepared for any challenges that may arise. Why don't we get together and investigate what it takes to travel to Korea and what resources are available to you? That way, we can assist you in planning and preparing for your trip, ensuring that everything goes as planned."

His mother immediately barraged him with questions, his mother was quite supportive.

Sofia was not just any ordinary woman. Her beauty was simply breathtaking, and it was hard to believe that she was a mother of an eighteen-year-old young man. Her striking features were hard to miss - she had golden locks of hair that cascaded down her shoulders like a waterfall, and her eyes sparkled like the clear blue skies on a sunny day. Her enchanting smile was like a ray of sunshine that could light up any room.

"Mom, I'm already an adult," Noah said and thought. 'More adult than you.'

Looking back, he had died at the age of 23 in his past life, and now he was 18 years old. Adding both, he could be considered 41 years old. Thinking about it, he felt strange; he was an old man who had a mother younger than him. He then shook his head, dispersing such thoughts.

Noah smiled, grateful for his mother's concern and support, "Thank you, Mom. I appreciate your understanding and willingness to assist me in planning this trip. I understand your concerns, but I'm confident in adapting to new environments and cultures. I've been researching Korea and the Korean language for a while now, and I'm willing to put in the effort to learn more before I go."

Noah continued as he glanced at the bodyguards around the living room, and said, "If you are still worried about it, perhaps I could go with a bodyguard accompanying me during my travels. That way, I can still immerse myself in the culture and connect with the locals, while having the peace of mind that someone is looking out for me. What do you think about that idea?"

Noah was reborn into a rich family; he didn't want to sound arrogant, but he was the luckiest man alive on earth. Why? Because his grandfather was the head of the mafia, Alessandro Rossi, and his mother Sofia Rossi was the oldest of her siblings.

The Rossi family was known for their influence in politics and business, and they often used their legitimate ventures as a front for their illegal activities. Despite their wealth and power, the Rossi family was deeply rooted in tradition and honor, and they held strict codes of conduct that governed their actions.

The reason the Rossi family members were able to walk out safe and sound despite their illegal activities was that Noah's grandfather was a cunning man.

Although Noah had only met him three times, he had heard stories about his grandfather's character from his mother.

While his mother's side of the family was part of the mafia, his father's side was involved with the yakuza - specifically, the Kuro-kai. Noah didn't know much about them, as he had mostly stayed with his mother in Europe as a child, but he knew they were just as mysterious as his father.

"I'm glad you're being responsible and thinking about your safety, my dear," his mother replied. "I still worry, but I understand that you're an adult and capable of making your own decisions. If having a bodyguard with you will make you feel more comfortable and secure, then I support your decision. Just make sure to keep in touch with me regularly and let me know how you're doing. I love you, and I want you to have a fulfilling and exciting experience."

Noah smiled gently. "Thank you, Mom."

He stood up and said, "How about dinner, Mom? Let's try the milk that Dad brought."

Sofia chuckled. "Don't make it sound like your dad has left us. You know being the boss of the gang is a busy job."


(A/n: Here we go again.)