
Game's of a Mafia Queen已删除

" I DONT CARE WHAT YOU SAY OR THINK BELLA ALL I KNOW IS THAT YOU'RE SURELY GOING TO MARRY INTO THE COPELAND FAMILY !!! " my dad screamed at me I got so pissed off that I threw my glass of whiskey at the the servants luckily for her she didn't get hit " what the fuck is wrong with this family, just because grandpa is weak doesn't mean you can control or order me around " first you oust I and mum out of this house because of this mother fucking piece of garbage you call a wife and when you found out that grand pa too us in you caused such a drama leading to his heart attack and since he couldn't take care of the responsibilities at work he handed over the power of attorney to me . have spent the last five years of my life building this empire and making it what it is today, and if you think you can force me to do what you want then YOU.ARE.A.MOTHER.FUCKING.BASTARD " I said and puff out the smoke from the cigarettes I was holding on his face " BELLA ARE YOU FORGETTING YOUR MANNERS !!! " dad's second wife Nuella screamed "ouch my ears hurts" I held my ears pretending to be in pain " I never forget my manners Mrs Nuella Carson , but I think some people forgot their rank and status so they decided to get involved with a married man you slut " " BELLA !!! " dad screamed and I held my hand up to stop him from speaking .. . . . " man my marriage has been fixed, " I said and he choked on his drink and started laughing " you don't mean it man, the mafia king himself is about to get married and who is this damsel in distress " he raised an eyebrow " it's Bella that crazy girl that almost killed me " this time he didn't only choke he spat out his drink " what!! you mean that.... " he couldn't complete his statement and he only shook his head __________ Hey guys this is my third book on web novel , I'll be updating it thrice a week, that is three chapters a week thanks so much for your support hope you enjoy it ^_^

lo_rezi · Fantasía
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69 Chs



" You. see if you don't sign these papers I might.. might? I will blow up both your mum and mother-in-law...well I don't know how much you love your mother in law but I do know you love your mum a lot ..so just sign these damn papers "

" Some dreams of ours never seem to see daylight " I sighed.

" Alright, what's the use of so much power and money when it would cost me my mum's life and I can easily get the same powers since my husband is also powerful...

I'll do as you say. but I also have to admit that you're very foolish for joining an alliance with that rascal..it's not in my place to judge you though.

just give me a minute I'll phone Kiara " I gave her a sweet smile

" why? "

" she's my right-hand person and I need her as a witness..also these papers wouldn't make a difference even if I sign then because they don't have GP's signature so she'll have to prepare the right papers "

" Okay," she said with a smile

" so can I get to meet mia? "

" Since you agreed to do what I want I'll let you meet her..but she isn't here at the moment, I already asked my men to bring her over it will take some time for them to arrive "

" Alright "

if only you knew what I have installed for you dear elder sister you wouldn't be sitting here comfortably..and am surely going to give you a painful death for laying your filthy hands on my mum

" Hello " Kiara pick the call at the third ring

" Kiara dear have been relieved of my duties "

" Bella are you okay "

am sure she sensed the sweetness in my voice which is unlike me

" oh yes baby, I want to transfer the power of attorney to my sister," I said and I could hear silence from the other end of the phone

" you see she... track mia, mum and my mom-in-law's location... and held them captive, I don't see the use of so much power if it leads to the death of my family so have decided to give her everything "

" Okay I'll do as you've instructed," she said making me smile..theirs is this special understanding I and Kiara has and that's why no one can ever take her place as my right-hand person

" that was quick," Ella said taking a sip from her drink

" oh no sister we aren't done yet, Kiara"

" yes "

" one more thing. hold on what am I doing and why am I giving up my hard work just because of people that don't matter? Mia is no one to me, mother-in-law is also nothing to me and my mum. yes I do love her but nothing means the world to me than power and money and she doesn't deserve such a sacrifice "

" Bella! " Ella screamed

" eish. I hate noise "

" Don forget she's your mother "

" who cares? and if she didn't get married to that asshole you call a father then I would never have been your sister "

" What !... you care, Bella, you do care. remember you stabbed our dad to protect her "

" point of correction, he's your dad, not mine, and yes I did stab him to protect her but after thinking about it, it was a waste of energy and your dad was lucky he didn't go to the afterlife " I waved my hands and lay stretched lazily on the couch placing my phone on the table and I could see the color on her face drain...

tsk tsk tsk dearest sister am just getting started and you're already in shock when I haven't even shown you my main surprise.

tsk tsk in this game of king there is and will only be one queen

" But Kiara I still want you to transfer the power of attorney to her..you know I am no saint and the police have been on the hunt for the famous mafia queen so if I hand over everything I'll be a free man..so let's make things easy for her and give her the popularity she deserves.

The casinos under my control where drugs are sold, the ammunition supply, the drugs supply, and the killing of the entire Accardo family should be put on her name "

" Bella !!! "

" oh it isn't enough.. alright Kiara don't forget the robbery of the president and counterfeiting of the currencies transferred from the world bank to Deutsche Bank, the breaking free of the black scorpion gang from jail, and the killing of one hundred and fifty police officers..also the infiltration of legitimate business.

All these crimes of mine should be placed on her name since she's the new Mafia queen "

" Bella stop this "

" give me a minute big sister. Kiara inform GP that am no longer the mafia queen and that his dearest granddaughter Ella is our new queen..and her photo should be published in every newspaper with the # Revelation of the true identity of the notorious Mafia queen..we both know the world has been waiting to have a glimpse of the mafia queen " I said with a smirk

" HELL NO !!! , am never going to accept all those allegations because I never did any of that " she screamed and I couldn't help but smile seeing her confidence shatter to the ground

' What a fool she is.. she thinks being a mafia is a day's job ' I scoffed

" But you have no other choice sister that's the price you have to pay to be a mafia queen "

" SHUT THE HELL UP !!! " she screamed pointing her gun at me

" I know you're trying to play games with me .. now sign those fucking papers," she said with a shaking hand and I just sighed looking at her

I always knew her mum was behind all the confidence she shows and without her, she's just a scared cat trying to be a tiger.

" And what if I don't " I retorted and her men including her pointed a gun at me

" ahh I'll sign it please don't kill me ...Hehehe isn't that what you wanted to hear..but the truth is you all are cowards... you strip me off my weapons and theirs a total of ..two, four, six .. twenty-four including you making them twenty-five people.

am I that scary or is it that you are all incompetent fools "

" Bella one more word from you and I'll blow off your head..not minding if you sign these damn papers or not "

" then go on..or are you afraid that you won't be able to kill me " I smirk adding more fuel to the fire and not breaking out eye contact.

when she suddenly pulled the trigger and I dodged the bullet allowing it to hit one of her men standing behind me

" ouch you killed your men yourself..one down twenty-four to go, " I said laughing hard and her face turned as red as a tomato

" am going send you to hell " she scoffed

" then please do it .. even the devil wouldn't want me around ..but I'll give you a chance shoot me now that you have the chance " I stood up and walked towards the bottles of wine on the table

" ten ... nine..eight..seven..six...five... four...three...two...one ...times up !!! " I screamed throwing two bottles at the men pointing their guns against me cutting them off guards

I ran towards the direction of the ones still trying to comprehend what just happened and used them as a shield as the remaining men started an open fire on me... as the body I held started becoming heavy I placed my hand on his pocket taking his gun and threw him to the side while I hid behind the little bar.

" Bella gets your ass out here I know you can hear me !!! " Ella screamed

" as you wish dear sister " I smirk taking a peep at the remaining people I had to send to hell

" I hope the devil has enough room in hell for you all," I said aiming at the men guarding Ella.

pulling the trigger I managed to put a bullet into the brains of six of her men and I only had sixteen left.

time to have fun

I tap my watch and activated the bombs my alliance who are in disguise planted in the building I always have an Ace up my sleeve

" 5....4....3....2....1 "

BOOM !!!

The first bomb went off

" 3....2.....1 "

BOOM !! The second boom went off. I took a peep at Ella and worry was written all over her face.. almost half of her remaining men were dead seems they sacrificed their life for hers

BOOM !!!

The last explosion went off sending her and her remaining men flying and I also could feel the effect but thank goodness I was lying flat on the ground. I quickly stood on my feet before Ella's remaining men could recover from the shock.

I could hear them groaning in pain and without thinking twice I pulled the trigger driving a bullet in between their eyes

" Now it's just the both of us let " I smirked not breaking eye contact with Ella and from her looks one could tell she wasn't scared but terrified

hey dearies thanks for reading ^_^ please support my book

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