
Gambler’s Redo

A teen with family ties to the underworld dies and is reincarnated into an entirely new dangerous world with a system that is all designed on luck…and he couldn’t be more excited!

GhoulScript · Cómic
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12 Chs

Not just romcom

Info about why Ryou loves his tamagotchi so much is gonna be the topic for extra! I really like this one, but just don't think it would come up in conversation or his mind really.

Another 1564 words of content


Ok maybe this isn't at I expected it would be. A lot of these Youkai are nothing like the ones living here, not to say weaker just different…

They had this fearful aura around them that maybe the others would have if I didn't grow up around them, but this room is so cramped full of strong people with some kind of pressure pushing on me from all around.



SO EXCITING!!! Just the thought of going at it with one of these people seems like a truly otherworldly experience!

Looking around I see not a single normal person, extraordinarily creepy, extraordinarily strong, and extraordinarily beautiful. Not a single person in this room would bore me all for different reasons.

Just being in a room like this I could feel a wry smile finding its way onto my face. Now there's more than just a need to win, I want to stand at the same level as all of these people.

Soon there was a crackle of energy in an area at the far end of the table where a sigil appeared for seconds before a bright light covered the room leaving a woman with long blonde hair, nine tails of a matching color, and a massive…aura.

Looking at her I'm starting to think this world isn't just based on some romcom, and might be a bit more than romance. Her eyes scan across the room stopping on Gramps for a bit before looking at me with a smile.

Breaking the silence of the room the lady speaks up "May we get along with this? I must get home soon l, it would be wrong of me to leave my baby alone for too long."

Maybe I'm reading into her too much but for some reason what she said feels wrong like there may be more to it than that. Nonetheless Gramps nods and moves on to the point behind this meeting.

"Now it's time for us to decide. We have been without a real clan head for too long which is causing others to think that playing around our territory is okay!" He slams his hand onto the table before huffing out smoke from his pipe.

"So, who here believes the best candidate for ruler is?" Murmuring spread throughout the room of different name going from here to there before one person spoke up loud.

"Commander! When it comes to evildoing there's no one who can match Lord Gagoze!" The thin yokai with a bulbous head said pointing towards the man on his left.

Hmm, a ghost without much real history is not very imposing. Maybe I should listen before judging though.

"This year alone all the child kidnappings were the work of the Gagoze group!" Some lady holding onto him says praising him further.

"Now now sending large numbers of children down to hell is just my job." His mouth releases steam the moment he opens it to confirm the words.

A mix of oohs and ahhs go across the room with some people showing mild displeasure or even envy, but the most obvious reaction was from the nine tailed fox who had a dark look on her face as though she was disgusted.

Gramps opened his mouth to speak, but he never had the chance to as I berated him.

"How is that impressive?" Maybe because I was mostly human, maybe because I hadn't spoken the entire meeting, or because I was Nurarihyon's grandson everyone went silent the moment I spoke.

Just after I said this Gagoze looked annoyed beyond belief, the lady smiled softly again, but the biggest reaction belonged to Mokugyo a youkai with a long mustache and no mouth.

"Master excuse my rudeness, but is Ryou truly a youkai? Let alone one with your blood in their veins! Why would a youkai of your blood ever care of something like that?" His question reverberated throughout the room putting into question my right to even be at the table.

"My question remains. What is impressive about killing humans at their most vulnerable state? My point has nothing to do with whether I am human or youkai and I would have expected anyone with a right to be here would question it as well." I calmly state to Mokugyo without any apparent emotions to them before sharpening my eyes.

"However. On the matter of respect maybe you didn't disrespect the commander, but without a doubt you managed to forget that respect for his kin. In that regard I'm more disappointed with your judgment than I am in Gagoze." I say glaring at Mokugyo before sitting back down just as I did before.

"Well, that brings me to my point. I believe that perhaps Ryou should take over the clan. He is my blood after all. So what do you say Ryou, will you lead the Nura clan?" Gramps is practically handing me this on a silver platter. Of course I would accept but…

Looking over the table Gagoze is staring at me madly as though he might lose it all when I take this. Having a dog that bites their owner is no good, so of course that means I need to set an example.

"Commander, I believe I should be allowed time to think on this. After all it will be a big responsibility and I should be prepared to take it if I do." Grandpa looks at me shocked not because of the respectful nature or maturity, but because he knew how much I wanted to be the leader.

"I recommend offering up a vote to decide my replacement if I find myself not able to fill the position, but I absolutely will tell you my answer tomorrow after I steel my resolve. Excuse me." And with that I walk past the door leaving the yokai in there chat and congregate or whatever you call it.

After that small incentive I'm sure he will try to make his victory confirmed, after all who wants to have their power taken from just the yes or no of a child?

When he strikes me I'll show exactly why I deserve the place. Oh shit, Umbra!

For the rest of the day I simply took care of Umbra, did some talking with Tsurara, and worked out with Aotobou, one of the assault officers. Hanging out around the house with all of these interesting people might be the best part of my life.

Right before I headed to sleep I saw the lady leaving the meeting room, and decided why not speak to one more unique person.

As I began walking up to her she focused onto me and smiled at me. "Hello little Ryou." Her tone very caring and friendly almost like she is trying to get me to do a favor.

And soon enough…"Sooo, you're eight years old, and I'm sure it must be lonely living in a house without anyone close to your age." Her words dripping with persuasion despite not even asking anything.

Not like I'm new to this though, I've dealt with more than enough swindlers in the past, even if none of them could out swindle me…either way it's nothing new.

"Well I have always been told I act too old for my body ma'am." With a laugh I deny her statement while staying kind and respectful.

"Hmm well you see I have a daughter that's around one years old right now, and just wanted to know if you could perhaps come by when she's a bit older so she could have someone closer to her age as a friend." There it is I knew she wanted something from me.

The best part of this is even I can feel how strong she is, so having her indebted to me is perfect.

"Oh of course ma'am as long as she doesn't bite." With a final laugh she sighs before summoning the same sigil that brought her here.

"You have no idea." she said sheepishly before leaving.

Welp I hopefully have a big day tomorrow so I should get some rest. A little worried about him getting someone to take me out in my sleep though…if he does that then it's game over. Or it would be, if I didn't have the best plan in existence!

Walking around using the lowering temperature as a tracker I find Tsurara not too long after I started looking.

"Young master Ryou! You should be asleep right now what are you doing up?" Tsu begins to smile upon seeing me before immediately realizing I should be asleep.

Remember how I said I was always the best swindler back in the old world? Well it's not very hard when you're a child again.

"Um…Tsu can you come sleep with me it's really hot in my room and I can't go to sleep." Her face went straight and would likely make someone think she figured me out, but looking closer her body is currently melting considering the small puddle on the ground.

And so that's how I got my bodyguard and cooler at the same time. Going to sleep with her is actually very nice, although I've always like a cold pillow. The entire time she was melting slightly though not sure if my room really was hot or just from being in the bed, but it was a little awkward.

Due to Ryou’s harsh upbringing he never had the chance to really make friends outside the house, because of him begging and (more importantly) telling his parents he would try more with his training they gave him multiple tamagotchi’s to simulate multiple friends.

His first one just so happened to be a Digimon based one, and technically was his first friend.

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