
Gallant of a stranger

Seth woke up in the alternate world, where the era right now was focusing on the awakened and their special abilities. Awakening one of the weakest abilities "invisible hands", the future seems pretty bleak to Seth. But, just when Seth was going to give up, the world hasn't forsaken him and give him a cheat ability of divine eyes. With the cheat of divine eyes, Seth could see the things normal humans couldn't see. Follow the journey of Seth, who was deemed as a "Stranger" in the world to the top.

Drunkenbard · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Ch 7 : First blood

With the target being set, Seth started to devise his battle plan.

He was still examining the Big Bad mouse when he realized that a red glow appears at the back of the mouse's head.

A few texts then appeared alongside the red glow

[ Weakness point: Back of the head ]

This finding really made the battle easier, now all he has to do was just getting closer to the mouse, use 3 of the invisible hand to hold down the mouse, and finish with the last invisible hand grabbing the black iron dagger.

During his practice last week, his accuracy using the invisible hand has been enhanced greatly. He now could use them as his own limbs, and holding the dagger to strike down the mouse was not a hard thing to do.

With the battle plan ready, Seth slowly advanced towards the Big bad mouse.

It was an invincible and perfect plan on his mind, but the reality wasn't as good as we imagined.

When he was 20 m from the mouse, he unconsciously kicked some stone and made a noise. Awaring the Big bad Mouse of his presence.

Just as Seth was going to step back, the ground between his legs shakes quietly.

The mouse was rushing towards him with a speed faster than anything he has seen.

Seth tried to deflect the rushing mouse with the invisible hands, but it was somewhat a bit late.

Seth fell from the impact and rolled on the grass before desperately wake up. He never thought that a hunt was this terrifying.

He always thought that it was just like a game and he would do it perfectly, but it was nothing like that.

His feet trembled at the sight of the Big Bad Mouse. He never felt that death was so close to him like this.

In this moment of desperation, all he wanted to is run. He wanted to run, run far away from this land, and back to his previous world where everything is safe.

This world is nothing easy like those in the novel, and he was nothing like those protagonists.

He shivered, and his pants started to feel wet. But the thought of leaving his sister behind alone in this world pulls him back to reallity.

He needs to survive, survive and get back to his sister. In this world, nothing is more important than her to him. In this world, the strong devour the weak. If he didn't be strong then he and the one he cares about will only be a staple for the others.

Seth glared at the Big Bad Mouse. This time with a strong intent to kill, to survive, and to become stronger.

The red eyes which were filled in despair before now filled with a firm will.

'In this world, only strength matters.'

Seth himself wasn't aware, but the mindset inside him was slowly changing. From the weak and soft guy, into the strong mindset which was more suitable for this world.

Seth and the Big Bad mouse were staring at each other.

Seth rushed at the Big Bad Mouse, minimizing the distance to use the invisible hands.

When the distance of 5 meters was reached, the 2 of them were about to clash neck to neck.

"Roaarrrrr" The Big Bad mouse roared and strike at Seth, but Seth could thinly dodge the mouse with the help of the invisible hands.

One of the invisible hands Pulled Seth away from the mouse, while he uses another one to Strike the Big Bad Mouse's eye.

The sharp edge of the dagger slice open the eye of the mouse, and the mouse instantly roared out in pain.

Using the chance generated from the pain-out mouse, Seth used 3 of his invisible hands to hold down the limb of the mouse.

"Checkmate *****."

Using the last ounce of his power, Seth uses the 4th invisible hand to strike down the mouse, right at the red spot shown by the divine eyes.

The Big Bad Mouse which was held down by the invisible hands couldn't dodge and the strike landed perfectly on the middle of the red spot.

The mouse roared in pain for a few seconds before in the end succumbed to his death.

Seeing the Big bad Mouse down, Seth finally could relax.

All the adrenaline gathered from the battle instantly fades away and his shaking legs couldn't hold it anymore.

The brave and strong young man before was nowhere to be seen, only replaced by a weak Seth who lied down on the ground with his legs still shaking and some wet on his pants.