
galactic empire

William Holyfield is a reincarnated. He was reincarnated in a fantasy universe of swords and magic, but at a time when civilization was already advancing in outer space. The setting takes place in an intergalactic empire, a space opera-like universe where humanoid weapons and spaceships battle. William, who was incarnated in an aristocratic family in a monarchical society, has ambitions to one day become an evil lord. In his previous life, William unfortunately lost everything and died in despair. “It is foolish to live for others. “I will live for myself. Keeping these feelings in his chest, he begins his second life, but is revered as a virtuous ruler for his difference in values. Will Liam be able to safely become an evil lord? My dears, this novel is based on some novels I'm going to release 1 to 2 caps a week every 50 power stone +1cap liked it leave a comment didn't like it stop reading lol joke my dears

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The guide

Why was the world so irrational?

Inside an old, dark, narrow one-bedroom apartment, I pressed my hands against the pain in my chest.

I was struggling to put the power in my arms.

The hand that was holding my shirt looked shabbier and thinner than I had ever felt.

The mattress I was lying on was already stained and smeared with my blood.

"Just because?"

Yes, I was in physical pain, but the mental regret and anguish I felt hurt so much more.

I could see lights spinning around me.

I can't say he was a completely respectable man, but I really didn't want to die here.

I have never committed any crime and lived seriously enough to be viewed positively by the general public.

Get a regular job, marry a girl, have a baby, buy a house.

It is because of these completely normal aspirations that I was now riddled with so much debt and trouble.

I pay alimony monthly, but I haven't seen my daughter in years.

'She was finally in a good place in her relationship with her new husband' – this is why I was denied visits.

So I kept paying the expensive alimony even though I couldn't see my daughter.

So I got fired from my job for a reason I didn't even remember doing, but I still needed income to live on, so I was able to do whatever part-time job I could find.

There was nothing in the room.

I couldn't buy anything because of my crippling debt and lack of personal time.

I couldn't even remember why I was in debt in the first place.

Even so, I was in debt and had to pay it back.

All because of a woman, want advice never be a gentleman just pretend to be

At first I was paying for it with the mindset that it would be used so my daughter wouldn't have to struggle in life, but before I knew it, I had lost weight, my body was paralyzed and I couldn't even get off of it. from my bed.

"What is wrong with me? Just...why is this happening to me?

In that moment, I felt relieved when I saw him.

Because at that moment, a man wearing a tailcoat suddenly appeared beside my bed.

He stayed there and placed a leather suitcase next to his dirty shoes.

"Good night, isn't it a beautiful night tonight?"

I could barely move my eyes, but it was still so dark I could barely make out his mouth and the top hat he held in his hand.

He was a tall man with a slender stature, but there was something odd about him.

He was even wearing something like a tailcoat, but I couldn't remember ever having an acquaintance who dressed that distinguished.

"Did you... come to take me away?"

I was terrified and there was no escape.

To such me, the man leaned towards my face, but even so I couldn't make out his features.

His mouth quirked up in a crescent-moon smile, as if he was smothering a laugh.

"Take you? Well, that's not wrong, but it's not exactly right either. If I had to say, I would describe myself more as your 'guide'".

The man waved his finger and claimed to be someone who guided others.

A supernatural vision appeared before me, and I widened my eyes slightly.

"My heart was aching.

I could see, a man in formal attire and my ex-wife were eating together at an expensive restaurant.

The food and drink looked delicious, I haven't had a meal like this in years.

However, that was not the problem.

"You snake woman. Not only did you leave your previous marriage with your debt, but you even made him pay alimony? Is this girl really your ex-husband's?

"It's fine. At least officially she is ours, and by law whoever raised the child is obliged to pay alimony."

I couldn't even process what they were saying.

Just what was she saying?

My ex-wife, who used to be so delicate and rough, was now dressed so well.

"After all, women are attracted to those with superior genes. I don't care at all about that child, what matters is that she is a gateway to another source of income. I only married that man because I could. He was only worth that."

The guy sitting across from her was chuckling a little.

"Women sure are scary."

"Aren't you the one who made me a woman like that?"

Watching the two of them being so happy, my heart felt like clenching in pain, while my empty stomach added to my depression.

I felt anger boiling up inside me from watching such a scene.

The man waved his finger again and he disappeared.

"Oops, let's calm down a little, shall we? I only showed you this scene because I wanted you to know the truth. Don't try to fool yourself, this is not a vision. This is something that is happening now in real time."

Now that I think about it, there were definitely some suspicious things that happened while he was there.let's get married

But I forced myself to look away, I had to.

I thought I was just exaggerating.

"You are a good person, you endured such a hard life and still paid her debt and alimony, so I prepared a small gift for you."

The man happily pulled a brochure out of his leather suitcase.

"You've lived such a miserable life, so I'm going to make sure you're guaranteed happiness in your next life. What about this? Would you like to reincarnate in another world?"

'Miserable', the emotion I felt was much uglier than that, I felt so much regret that I thought I was going crazy.

My heart clenched in pain again, and I could taste blood.

"You kept working to the point of destroying your body, and yet they were enjoying their meal in peace. This is something you cannot forgive, right?"

My left hand clenched into a fist on my mattress.

"Even so, set aside your revenge. Let go of that hate that says you can't forgive them."

Tears started to flow from my eyes.

Why did it come to this?

Was I such a terrible person? Is this my retribution?

I cried at the fact that my body was now paralyzed.

In such a state, it would be impossible to take revenge.

The guide's growing smile widened as he let out a laugh.

I knew my eyes probably looked dead, but even I felt like laughing at that moment.

The smile disappeared from the guide's mouth.

"Unfortunately, your life is about to end. All I can do is ensure your happiness in your next life. So don't worry, no matter how unhappy you are currently, happiness is on the horizon. Please give up your revenge."

"… I can not."

I denied it in a weak voice.

I wanted them to feel every ounce of unhappiness I've felt in my life.

I would do anything to that end.


However, the guide shook his head.

"The most I can allow you to do is choose where to go next. At the very least, please incarnate in a world you desire. Your happy life is waiting for you."

The tears continued to flow from my eyes.

The pamphlets provided by the guide looked like playing cards that a magician would hold out in front of someone to make a choice.

One of the covers had robots and spaceships glued to it.

I moved my finger to him.

"Are you interested in this world? You picked a good one. It is a fantasy world where science and magic have progressed. It's an intergalactic nation in a very nice world. There are a lot of things to enjoy there so I know you would have fun."

I reached out my hand toward her without hesitation.

I didn't know what the next world would really be like.

All I was thinking at the time was how stupid everything was.

Why did I live so seriously?

And yet this is the result?

You can only be kidding me! Do not play!

If you've lived your life seriously, you should be able to enjoy it just as much!

I don't care about others anymore, I will focus on my own happiness.

If living a good life ends with something like this, then I want to live for myself from now on.

"I want to be the villain.

"Oh, this world has aristocracy, that's interesting. Civilization evolved, but society returned to the feudal system. This is really fun."

The guide continued, "Next time, you will be born in a house of power. You will have everything you could ever want, you will be a born winner."

It looks like a lot of fun.

I will step over others while doing my best.

"The aristocrats you will be born into will also be a warm family."

A small amount of laughter escaped my mouth.

That is good.

An agent of evil… no, wasn't I going to be a noble?

I think this will work to entertain me.

"Are you ready? I hope you have a good second life...

Lets do this.

Let's make the most of my next life.

Like an evil lord.


The guide looked at the man who had stopped breathing and started laughing.

There was madness in that figure.

"An unhappy life? He's an idiot! Did he seriously think he's the only miserable person on the planet?! Did he really think that there is absolutely no one else sad or depressed?!"

The laughing guide waved his finger, and the projection of the ex-wife and the man she was with came into view.

His smile widened as he roared with laughter.

"To think I was the one who caused all your misery in the first place! I just wanted to see how far he would fall!"

The guide was not a benevolent being, not at all.

It would be more accurate to describe him as a living mass of cruelty.

"Now, let's finish the hors d'oeuvres before moving on to the main course!"

The guide reached out and touched the image as black smoke began to rise from it.

The two people were having a pleasant conversation.

However, the man smiled and said goodbye to the lady.

"Well, I hope you had fun, but let's finish thingshere."

"…There is?"

The ex-wife dropped the knife she was holding, stunned.

"W-what are you saying?"

"I'm saying I've had enough fun, and now I don't feel like playing house with you anymore."

Her face seemed to say he didn't understand why his ex-wife was acting like this.

He was smiling.

"You can resist if you want, but don't forget that the lawyer who helped you through the divorce was my friend. If you make a fuss about it, you will be the one at a disadvantage."

"But what about our daughter!"

"Legally, this isn't my daughter, so I don't have to pay child support either."

The man placed a notice of divorce on the table.

"Fill this in by tomorrow."

The ex-wife was shaking.

"Didn't you say you loved me?!"

"Oh, I loved you, but I'm not interested anymore, that's all. We've had enough fun."

The man ripped off the lady who was now also his ex-wife and left the restaurant.

"Do not touch me, I am no longer affiliated with you."

"…wait wait!"

The man laughed.

"Stupid, did you really think I would marry a woman who was willing to cheat? You, how far have you lied whenever I said you wanted to meet me? I can't laugh at how you treated your first husband.

The ex-wife, now twice divorced, shook the man's hand.

"I abandoned my husband for you."

"You mean your ex-husband. You're the one who threw it away, and I was there, I know you liked it. Don't try to pretend you're the victim."

The guide was laughing.

He could tell what the ex-wife was thinking.

"Oh man~ that's ugly~ Are you already thinking about how you're going to kill him? Women are really tough! I hope you get revenge!"

The guide's laughter roared as he opened the door to another world.

"Now, are you going to crawl back to your original husband or find a new boy toy? I'm looking forward to the results~"

Both results would bring him unhappiness, and that thought brought the guide immeasurable joy.

"Well, for now I have to guide this soul to the world where people's lives are consumed cheaply, so more entertainment for me~!"

Thinking of the world he was about to send this man to, the guide couldn't stop laughing.

"It will be too late when he realises, so this is definitely going to be fun. If not, regret, resentment, sadness, surely he will loathe me! Miseries are my delicacies!"

The guide who loves people's dark emotions stretches out his hands in delight.

"Even if you find misfortune in another world, it's okay! Become unhappy! Hate me! Hates me! From now on it's fun time!"

No matter how far the man fell, pleasant developments were all that awaited the guide.

The guide was ecstatic.

"Whoops, if I don't go soon, I'll have to spend time searching for his soul too. Well whatever it is, I can ignore it for some cheap reason, all humans are fools who will jump at the chance for joy when they hear about reincarnation, but let's not waste any more time, keep being happily fooled, idiot."

He happily grabbed his bag, and when the guide who was insulting a body started walking through the door to another world –

A small light appeared in the corner of the room.

A small light that hid and watched.

It was in the form of a small animal.

It looked like a dog.

But the guide didn't notice.

"I wonder how I should take advantage of this. First of all, I have to decide where to incarnate it. It would be nice to have him enjoying a family before pushing him to despair. Like... 'yah!' The sensation of something falling from a high place?"

Taking the chance while the guide was caught up in delusions, the tiny light came through the door.

The guide clapped his hands.

"I've decided! As soon as he rises, I'm going to throw him back into the deep end! I'm sure he'll send some big negative emotions then! Oops, I'm looking forward to it. He'll try to be a noble aristocrat, but he'll end up a massive execution! Maybe even tortured!"

The guide hugged and squirmed.

His joy was clearly abnormal.

"Please live longer, live a longer and more painful life! For the sake of my happiness, do your best!"

When the door to the other world closed, she disappeared from the room.

The only thing left was the body of the man who just died.