
Past Mistakes, Future Problems

Insanity is the only sane reaction to an insane society



"My head still hurts…"

Standing at a staggering 3 meters, this behemoth of a man was currently rubbing his head softly, his face scrunched up in pain.

"Ah, shut yourself up, you oaf. You bashed your head in only three times, y'ell be fine."

A skinny and obviously shorter man stood to the side of the giant, hands fiddling with an object that looked strangely similar to a compass.

"Why won't this fucking…"

"Hey! Don't curse!"

"Would you just shut up for a moment?!? I'm trying to contact the boss if you would have just fucking…" The skinny man mumbled off into profanity and curses, all targeted toward the object in his hands.

"Maybe you should just be more gentle with it. The Boss said it's a guide and not a teleporter."

"I know it's a guide, I'm trying to fix it so it fucking guides us!"

The large man shrunk back at the skinny man's words, as he stood to the side now completely silent.

"Ok! Now, it's working. So, if we point it in this direction..." The skinny man then began to walk, his gaze firmly placed upon the object.

"You do know that's a wall in front of you, right?"


"Are we lost?"


The two men stood quietly in a meadow of grass in the night, each one too confused on what to do next.

"Do you think the boss will be mad?"


The Skinny man fiddled once more with the object, before he abruptly stopped, and turned towards the behemoth.

"...sorry for cursing."

The Behemoth smiled.

"Well, there you go!"

"Dont rub salt into it, ok!"


Mark slumped onto the hard concrete wall behind him, his eyes staring blankly at the gray ceiling.

"…What's the point in all this?"

Mark had begun to question his resolve after some time of thought. If he was truly transported into some kind of past, then it had huge pros added to, those being that the various infections had yet to spread.

At the same time, he would be locked from any kind of social contact for possible years, and that would most definitely crumple his mind.

Then, there was the thought about going home.

"I… is going back even a reasonable goal? There has been no documentation of there being an exit…" Mark massaged his face, his thoughts still running rampant in his mind.

"I'll deal with this latter… I just need to sleep for now."

Mark dragged his tired and exhausted body towards an office and proceeded to slump onto the chair located there. His mind drifted, and finally, he succumbed to sleep.


Opening his eyes slowly, mark stretched out his body, satisfying pops resounding from his legs and shoulders.

Mark stood and began once again exploring the various rooms of Level 1.

Mark found crates several times in his journey, all of them containing an assortment of food and almond water, sometimes tarps, batteries, and even a gun, which didn't include the ammo.

Mark still took the gun, even though he knew shit to none about how to wield it, or even the ammo to go into it. Mark just thought it was cool to wave around.

Yet, even as he explored for god knows how long, no people were found. No M.E.G groups or bases, no B.N.T.G bases, not even Toms Diner, which, in all honesty, made Mark more depressed than the other groups being gone.

It felt so incredibly… depressing. Maybe a little insanity-inducing as well, but depressing nonetheless.

As Mark continued to walk, he came across something new.

Some kind of steel grid, the kind of thing stores would use when it's closed. Mark stared at it and decided to knock on the steel.

Nothing happened for several seconds, and just as Mark was about to give up and continue searching, the steel grid suddenly pulled itself up.

"Well well well! Looky here! We got a customer!"

Mark jumped back in fright, Hounds Claws already out and waiting.

"Calm yourself will ya? Christ, I knew I might look a bit scary, but come on now!"

Mark gulped in worry, as he looked at the 'person' talking to him.

A giant fucking spider. Tarantula, to be exact

"Meh names BoB! Or, as people like to call meh, Big 'Ol Bob! Seeing as your the first one here in meh fine establishment, I can give ya a discount of meh not eating ya!" The spider, or BoB, laughed thunderously, which only served to freak Mark out more.

"What the actual fuck…"

"Hey! No swearing here! Ya gonna drive the customers away with yeh fool language!"

"I'm sorry."

BoB grunted at the apology, as he turned around, and started to fiddle with whatever was behind him.

As BoB did so, Mark looked around the area BoB seemed to be trapped in, finding various items from phones to guns, to an RPG. He also saw various weird objects, like a traffic cone, and a single French fry. Or what he thought was a French fry.

"Well, here ya are. The ones running asked meh to give ya these objects. Said something like 'to make sure yeh won't spoil,' or some bullshit like that. Honestly, though, I really don't think they give two shits about yeh, that's just meh personal opinion though." BoB placed three things onto the counter in front of Mark.

An MP3 player, a severed ear, and finally, the single fry Mark had originally seen.


"What what? What ya confused about? Just take the objects will ya? The ones running the place asked meh for this, and I delivered, so take it! But, I would recommend you take the Upgrade before anything else, it might help ya with the items." BoB lifted one hair and brown leg at the Fry.

Mark, still incredibly on edge, looked at the Fry, and took it. BoB then gestured for him to eat it, which Mark did, with heavy amounts of uneasiness.

A migraine-like never before then assaulted Marks's head, as he was taken off his feet, and sent straight into the ground, where his body curled up, and he screamed.

[System Upgrade detected!]

[Determining Upgrade…]

[Item Identification Upgrade found!]

[Implemeting Upgrade…]

[Upgrade complete! Have Fun!]

The migraine ceased, yet Mark still laid on the ground, curled up and panting.

"Well… I should have probably told ya about that… sorry. Don't get too mad at meh though, most don't have it as bad as ya!"

Mark managed to get up from the ground, but his mind was still blaring in agony from the Migraine, even as it significantly decreased in pain.

"Fuck this pain man…"

"Ay, I can understand that! Though, I would recommend never building up a tolerance to it. If ya do, it'll kill ya in the end."

Mark looked up at BoB, still very freaked out by his fuzzy and many-eyed body. Something caught the corner of his eye, however, and Mark turned to look at the Traffic cone he labeled as weird.


Traffic The Jammer (TTJ)

Traffic The Jammer, or TTJ, is a Traffic Cone with the ability's similar to a road-block. Any being trying to pass TTJ in a 2-meter radius will find themselves unable to.

[Warning] BOSS level entities can pass TTJ's barrier, and can and most times will break it.


Mark stared at the Traffic cone in slight shock, as he then began to look at various other objects, namely the MP3 player, the severed ear, and then the French Fry.


Correctly Timed MP3

Correctly Timed MP3, or CT, is an MP3 player with the ability to correctly time music. It will play sad music during a sad event, soothing music during a relaxing event, and badass music during a badass event.

[Warning] This CT can be extremely addictive to listen to, so make sure to listen to some grass once in a while.


Eternal Voices

Eternal Voices, or EV, is a severed ear with the ability of look-range commutation. EV comes in a pair, talking into one EV cause it's paired EV to say the exact words spoken.

[Warning] EV's are incredibly delicate, please do not scream into them, as that can cause them to break.


System Upgrade

System Upgrade, or SU, is an object that comes in the same shape and color as a French Fry. Consuming the SU will cause the system to upgrade in any random fashion.

[Warning] Consuming an SU causes extreme amounts of pain to the brain.


There were a couple of other noteworthy objects, but seeing as they were near BoB, Mark didn't think it was wise to just take them.

"I can see ya got the identification upgrade, pretty useful if ya tell meh. Also lucky. Absolutely vital to surviving in this hellhole." BoB continued to speak to Mark, as he pulled out a rag and started to polish some glassware in his area.

Mark looked at the spider questioningly, still very much hurting in the head. "What the hell are you?"

BoB chuckled, which still very much freaked Mark out a little, as he began to talk, "You know about the Night Stocker? I'm his brother, younger brother. As for any other questions, I'm a shopkeeper. I can sell ya many things, stranger. From weapons to supplies to upgrades to food and drink to anything you name it, I might to might not have."

"Do you sell information?" Mark swore he saw some kind of grin spread on the tarantula's face.

"Indeed! In fact, I can give ya 5 questions for free! Just gotta ask away! Although do be warned, I cant tell everything, just things inside this place."

Mark's heart thumped, as he asked his forever blazing question,

"Is there a way out?"

BoB stood silent, it's eyes seemingly scanning Mark with a... worried gaze?

"Not in the way your thinking."

Mark frowned, his mind trying to make heads of what the tarantula was getting at.

"Alright... next question I suppose, are people here, and if there isn't, are people coming?"

BoB pulled up one fuzzy leg and proceeded to scratch his 'chin', as he spoke.

"Unfournatly, not something I can say with 100% certainty. The ones running the show haven't given me information, but they anit banning me from answering, so I can only say maybe."

"What do you mean?"

"Be careful boy, seeing as this is your the first time, I'll give ya a heads up, but understand this. Never, and I mean never, ask about the ones running this. There are forces to play that can and will rip your mind to shreds if they so pleased."

"Why the hell are you allowed to talk about them then?"

"Because I'm their employ, and they haven't banned me from talking. Do be warned though, you've only got one more question."

"You fucking cheat."

"What did I say about cursing..."

Mark sighed, squatting down, he focused all the brainpower he could on an answer that would be of value. It clicked after he remembered a certain line of text.

"What are BOSS level entities?" Bob seemed to smile once again.

"There we go, now we talking the big game. BOSS-level entities are the big boys here. I'll give ya some examples, Entity 18, ya heard of him, right? Beast of Level 5, is a BOSS level entity. Ya can think of the BOSSes effectively being the controllers of a level. So, all ya gotta do is remember the big boss of any level, and ya got the BOSS-level entities."


"Well, what did ya expect? Ya think something with the name BOSS to it would be easy, boy? Although, don't worry, through all this, I somewhat got ya back. Just make sure you don't crumble like a stick in the face of them, just go out screaming in rage. It'll help your state of mind much more then stuck in fear." BoB help up an EV, which finally clicked to Mark as the paired EV to the one he was gifted.

"...Thanks, for all this."

"Hahaha! Don't thank me yet boy, only thank me when ya've had one of meh's breakfasts!" BoB laughed once more.

Mark smiled slightly, even as he looked at the weird laughing giant tarantula. It brought him comfort now, knowing he had someone else to talk to.

Maybe, it was getting better.


Hello dear readers, I've come to you in dire need!

I'm very much torn on what I want to do, involving adding other survivors to the backrooms, so I want to ask you all.

Comment here if you're For fellow Survivors.

Comment here if you're For the Edgy Loner.

Till next time,
