
Gacha Summoner

What happen when an avid 18+ gacha gamer transmigrated to the Soaring Dragon Continent where summoning rankers are at the peak among numerous powerhouses?

GaRage · Otras
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29 Chs

New Determination

When Yue Yang carry Yue Bing to the washroom, he was thinking about his inherent skill and guardian spirit beast that he will tell to Fourth mother tonight.

Earlier morning, he plan to told his fourth mother about [Counterfeit] as his inherent skill, and [Soul Devouring Beast] as his guardian beast.

However, now that Yue Yang think about it once again maybe it was not a good idea to tell fourth mother about [Soul Devouring Beast].

If seen from neutral perspective, this guardian beast is kind of evil since it was capable of devouring other people's soul.

Honestly Yue Yang currently feel very guilty for devouring the Original Yue Yang's soul.

After all, it was possible that the devoured souls will never again enter the cycle of reincarnations (if such things exist).

However, even if he come back to the past, Yue Yang will not hesitate to do it again.

After all, last night before he contracted the grimoire, Yue Yang feel some pain and stifling feeling in his body, as though it was about to split apart because the Transmigrated Yue Yang reside in this body along with Original Yue Yang.

In the end, there is only one person that able to reside in this body. It was a battle of survival between the two of them.

Even if he feel guilty he will not regret it. Instead he feel more determined to enjoy a good life in this family not only for his own sake but also for the Original Yue Yang's sake.

In this new life, he swore to protect both Fourth Mother and Yue Bing, and also Yue Shuang in the future.

Anyway, there is no doubt that this guardian beast can be seen as evil guardian beast.

Meanwhile, fourth mother is a very kind person. She believes in confucianism teaching, and had vowed to strictly adhere to the Three Obediences and Four Virtues.

If a kindhearted person like fourth mother know that he possessed a guardian beast that capable of devouring people's souls, most likely Yue Yang will not be able to stand it.

That's why Lucy's presence, although quite frightening, can also be called as blessing.

Yue Yang can simply told a white lie to Fourth mother about his inherent skill and guardian beast.

He can try to imitate Yue Yang in LLS novel by telling fourth mother that his inherent skill is [Conceal], an inferior version of [Divine Vision] inherent skill.

Anyway, it was merely inferior version compare to the [Divine Vision], so technically it is not a lie.

As for guardian beast, he can simply show her Lucy's picture, along with her name and her rank. Of course, Yue Yang will conceal Lucy's informations, since both her descriptions and ability is too psychopathic.

Although possessing Diamond rank guardian beast when Yue Yang still at level 1 [Apprentice] can be said to be almost impossible, at least he can make excuse to Fourth mother that Lucy is one of the reason why he possessed several hundreds meter light pillar when he contracted the grimoire.

Both Yue Yang and Yue Bing made their way to the dining hall and have lunch between the three of them.

Fourth uncle often stay at Yue clan's main residence since he was one of Yue clan's higher ups, thus he has many responsibility.

That's why, in this house there are only Yue Yang, Yue Bing, and Fourth mother. Although there are old servants that helping fourth mother in chores, ultimately they are still servants and thus have no right to eat together with their masters.

This world is not like on earth where people can make touching drama where master will have their servants to eat together with them as they can considered each other as family.

In this world there are strict hierarchy, since the ones at the top ultimately are ones who possess bigger fists.

The stronger ones will never allow the weaker ones to stand at equal positions.

Even kind people like Fourth mother also abide to this norm.


"*munch... munch...* Brother, after having lunch let's play together again", said Yue Bing when she digest her food.

"Geez, swallow your food first before you can talk. Anyway, all you do are just playing. After lunch your brother can't play together with you since I have something to talk with him", said Fourth mother while she reprimand Yue Bing.

"Ehhhh.....~", Yue Bing pout cutely.

"Now, now. I'm sure you're still tired from playing earlier. Instead of playing outside, it's better to play inside house after having lunch. After having discussion with mother, I can teach you to make other fold paper again", said Yue Yang consoling Yue Bing.

"Really?! Okay, I'll just play inside. Hmm~ hmm~", Yue Bing humming happily.

After the three of them finish having lunch, Yue Bing went to her room to make some boat and flying plane, from the paper, since Yue Yang already teach her that earlier.

As for Yue Yang and Fourth mother, both of them still in the dining room to talk with each other.

"What do you want to talk about Fourth mother?", ask Yue Yang.

"San-er, I want to know about your inherent skill and guardian beast. It's better for me to know them as soon as possible so that tonight I can immediately make some kind of menu training that suit your ability and talent", said Fouth mother with serious expression.

"Oh, so it's about that. It's fine Fourth mother, I can tell you about it. My inherent skill are [Conceal], this ability will allow me to see through other peoples concealed secrets. But of course there are many limitation to this ability so I can't suddenly see through the secrets that belong to passerby. I need to have some clue first, before I can put things together", said Yue Yang that told lie to Fourth mother with straight face.

"Is that so, although right now there are many limitations, I'm sure you can make it stronger in the future as long as you keep levelling it. It is possible that someday you may use it to see through your opponents moves, so there is no need to feel disappointed San-er", said Fourth mother.

"Yes fourth mother, don't worry, I'm not feeling disappointed at all", this time Yue Yang said honestly.

'With my broken inherent skills, do I have the time to feel disappointed', mused Yue Yang in his mind.

"Then what about your guardian beast?", ask Fourth mother, making Yue Yang snap out from his thought.

"As for my guardian beast.... I think it's better to directly show you Fourth mother, since most likely you will not believe it unless I show it to you", said Yue Yang when he trying to summoned his grimoire.

Yue Yang open his grimoire to the page that showing Lucy's picture, and show it to Fourth mother and made her startled.

"Wait, San-er. How is it possible for you to possessed a Diamond rank guardian beast?", ask Fouth mother with surprised expression.

"Well, I also don't know Fourth mother. However, it is possible that one of the reasons I managed to have several thousands meter light pillar is because of my guardian beast", answer Yue Yang while trying to keep innocent face as much as possible.

"Is that so.... Um, it's also possible if that was the case. After all, there are not any precedent that people managed to have light pillar with hundreds meter tall like you even in the whole Tong Tian Tower. Most likely you're the first San-er", said Fourth mother with a bit pride toward her son's achievement.

"Hehe, but of course Fourth mother. Anyway, is this all that you want to asking about Fourth mother?"

"Yes, this is enough for now. Tonight I'll try to look up at the clan's archive to compile menu training that suit you. I'll also give some book for you to read since you also need many knowledge about this world, especially if you want to become an expert in summoning field. For now you better go back to Yue Bing, since that girl can throw tantrum if you don't keep your promise to play with her"

"Alright fourth mother. Thank you very much for helping me training", said Yue Yang while he bow toward Fourth mother.

"Alright, there is no need for formality since I already consider you as my own son. Just go", said Fourth mother as she wave her hands to Yue Yang.

Yue Yang made her way to Yue Bing's room to play together with her.

Sorry, I unintentionally delete chapter 7 when I want to delete chapter 8 T.T

It was my first time deleting a chapter....

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