
gacha summon'em all....and yandere too

it a story about a man trying to fix a god mistake while also finding out the mysterious portal use build a harem of yandere and other dere? "wait......how tha hell do you expect me to survive that"noysd said to me me:your problem i brush my shoulder "....you know....don't put my mom and sister in the yandere section alright"noysd said me:.....sure.......not i whisper the last sentence "hey i heard that!"noysd shout Me:like i care! I shout back "give me a break already if it just yandere i can put up but,other dere!do you know how many are there?!"noysd said Me:let me see....dandere,tsundere,kuun dere...etc I listed out "you know what...fuck this..give me your worse author" Noysd said with a confident tone and look Hello readers if you reading this...i know almost all of don't welcome to this shitty novel Oh...ya i don't own any character her obly my original charater...there will be a lot so have fun bleaching your eyes i will only upload when i feel like it

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37 Chs

chapter 15:new skill part 1

"wait le-...and it already a new chapter....shit...ah"haruka stand up and jump taking a garage door?!....he slam it to the ground like a looney toon style









"anyway fourth wall breaking outta way....you're asking about the 1st may right?"hyriot ask

"yes....what do you mean futa's will rape me tomorrow?"haruka ask while gulping and shaking in fear

"oh...who said tomorrow?"hyriot said

"eh?!what do you mean?!aren't tomorrow 1st may?!"haruka said 

"you're right....but this is another timeline...like i said you weren't supposed to survive that event..."hyriot said while haruka was thanking god

"thank you lord,o'jesus christ i thank you my lord"haruka said while kneel and pray for his thanks and ignoring hyriot

"anyway...ther-"as hyriot was about to say something the hq shake like an earthquake....

"they here"hyriot said while he stand up and goes out

"hey wait for me"haruka chase after hyriot/noysd







(outside:pov unknown)

"man thare nothing interesting here..i'm bored fyn"the man in black coat with a inu mask

"hmm....."the man in black clock name fyn said...his mask is neko mask

"oh look a person let's kill it"the man said while readying his hand...suddenly a claw appear out his nail

"hmm...."fyn said while also readying his hand....he summon a being made of shadow taking the appearance of a werewolf









(back to noysd/hyriot)

"hey you keeping up haruka?"hyriot ask

"somehow..."haruka said 

"let me see your status first"as noysd blink and a blue window appear

[NAME:HARUKA HINATA(formally known as noysd walker)








"well...quite weak for a younger me....."hyriot said suspiciously

"wha-"as haruka was about to say something the ground in front of them explode...as the dust started to clear...there three man 

"hoo~you react~ey...this old man he's mine alright fyn"the man in inu mask said while jumping at hyriot or noysd

"shit"noysd successfully block....but the man the punch him in the sky and separate noysd and haruka...the man then follow noysd in the sky and punch him some in the building.the man follow noysd

"shit noysd"as haruka was about to chase them fyn the other man appear in front of haruka and punch him












Telloy readers it me your fatman trop....anyway it kinda cofusing to have him fight alone sooooo...i make this system to help finish the fighting scene tad faster...but he won't use it...why huh?...anyway byeeeee~~~

To be continuedl