
[+]Chapter 75 - Crowd in shock.

Tom rushed through the skies as he flew towards the action, didn't take him long to come upon the scene of the shootout.

"Magician! A little help here," Spider man, who noticed Tom hovering in the air looking at the shoot out.

The others including the police and the mafia also noticed Tom in the air, it didn't take long before the goons started firing in Tom's direction who raised a simple protego spell with his hands outstretched.

Spiderman mentally cursed himself for his stupid action but it didn't stop him from taking the injured policemen and the stuck civilians away from the mess.

Tom on the other hand waited until the area was clear, the goons started reloading their magzines to spray Tom.

Tom lept at the goon nearest to him and sent him flying towards the other goons who didn't react on time and were stuck beneath the unconscious goon.

"Ghh! Get that freak!" One of the freaks yelled as he opened fire, Tom pumped himself with cursed energy as he danced on the field, avoiding the bullets, those that managed to hit him were blocked by the damage absorbing quirk of his.



Tom broke the goon's arm and sent him flying before he proceeded onto the others, in front of the police and onlookers, Tom took care of the mafia goons one after the other with ease.

It was like a wolf was ripping apart the life of sheeps to the onlookers.

"Someone get him!"

"How is he so fast, gahh!"


Voices of shock and pain rang in the air.

Spiderman who had arrived after a while looked on in surprise as he watched the situation.

"So cool!" He knew that even with all his strength, he could avoid the damage from bullets with his bare body.

Just as everyone thought the goons were done for, a guy whipped up what looked like a grenade as he threw it at Tom.

"Watch out!" Spider launched himself towards the fighting Tom who didn't know that a grenade was thrown at him.

'Shit! I can't reach him in time,' Spider watched in horror as his webs exploded along with the grenade.


A huge explosion rocked out the surrounding people, sending shockwaves around as the vehicles toppled and nearby glass shattered as a result.

Once the commotion died down, everyone turned their heads, hearts beating rapidly as they imagined the scene of a dead hero, but to their surprise, Tom's body stood in the middle of the explosion, fortunately, none of those present were hurt by the explosion.

The people present expressed their shock at the situation as they looked at Tom, Spiderman who was strong enough to take on explosives was also a bit surprised.

Even he would have been sent flying like a kite, but Tom was like a mountain, unmoved in the face of danger.

"Are you alright?" Spider asked as he landed next to Tom who gave a smile as a reply.

"W-whats happening to your body," Asked Peter as he noticed red vein like lines running over Tom's whole body.

"Haha! It's nothing, just a side effect of my powers, help me tie these guys up, I am out," Tom replied as he flew away noticing the swarm of reporters that were moving or more like running towards him like a wave of locusts.

Although they weren't able to have a talk with him, his recent feat of taking on an explosion head-on was caught on camera and would make the headlines.

'Phew! Thank god for the new and improved costume I got from MHA or else I might have been exposed,' Tom sighed in relief as he flew back home. That's when he felt the presence of another curse.

'Huh! Another one, these things are appearing again, hope it's an easy one like the others, it's already the third one within what, like a day or so,' Tom thought as he felt another headache incoming and he couldn't be more right as a sleek black car that belonged to one Coulson tailed him from below.


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