
[+]Chapter 50 - Therapy.

Tom left early in the morning for classes since today was a monday and midtown was open again for the students and teachers alike.No one was willing to teach in Midtown ever since the lizard attack so Tom was reinstated until the exams,knowing the favour the principal had done for him,Tom decided to go anyway it was only for a short time and was good for him

Though Tom had already applied for a professor position in many universities and was only waiting to be hired,

The competition was tough and Tom hadn't yet gotten a call from anyone so he was quite unhappy.

The final exams for the students like Peter and others, soon they will be applying for universities so there was no point staying as a teacher here since Tom hadn't come into contact with anyone who could give him good enough GP points.

[A/N: I thought sophomores studies in final year of high school so I called Peter and the others a Sophomore in my starting chapters, they are actually final year students.]

Although he had plans with Peter to teach his class after school hours, especially students that had a better role in the original Marvel universe or move but that was also put to the side for now because of Matt who wasn't strong enough to move for now.

Though Tom didn't know it yet, he will have a big surprise waiting for him once he goes home tonight.

The recent stunt with Oscorp had plummeted the company's shares and thus it suffered greatly and Norman Osborn himself had to hold a meeting to explain the circumstances.

Tom was surprised when the man easily put all the blame on Dr. Connors and took back the company to its previous position.

Tom took his classes like usual, while he was taking classes, he noticed that both Peter and Gwen were absent from class causing him to sigh as today's lecture was going to give less GP.

He also noticed Mary giving him weird stares, he also needed to deal with her, perhaps she was getting confused from all the voices in his apartment, the walls were thin after all.

The class bell rang as everyone proceeded to pack their stuff, once Tom left, everyone left after him.

Once Tom was done with his day's work, he also left the school and started patrolling around the area to look for any crimes, didn't take him long to find Peter fighting with a group of run-of-the-mill thugs.

Tom came flying in and used a simple body binding curse to paralyze the few thugs that were left.

"Oh! Hi Mag," Spiderman excitedly waved at Tom as he backslapped a thug to consciousness.

Seeing him, Tom also couldn't help but sport a smile on his face, it was visible since the lower half of his face was visible under his mask.

"It's nice to see you too, Spidey," Tom went ahead and did a fist bump, Peter had that effect on people, cheering them up for no reason.

And Tom needed a whole lot of cheering due to the decisions he wanted to make, his mind was always on things since this world was wholly different due to the existence of various factors.

"Let's walk and talk," Spiderman swung away as the sirens rang around them.

Tom also flew away since he was under a lot of heat due to Fisk, that bastard had done everything to harm him.

Tom knew the guy was running on fumes by now since he knew that the events of Daredevil were happening, he was also giving Ben Urich protection during night time in case he gets jumped by Fisk.

After stopping a few more crimes, He and Spiderman sat on the empire state building and talked about what was happening in their life.

Peter was more open and directly shared his troubles regarding Dr. Connors and his love life, how Stacy didn't see him in a good lightand such.

Although Tom was mainly hanging out with Peter because of his GP and such, he was also coming to like the hero so Tom listened to every worry the little spider had.

By the end of the day,the two were finally done, though Tom asked Peter to rest but the boy was more than happy to fight crime until late at night.

He could only wonder how Peter hid these things from his aunt.

'Maybe I should open a therapy office for vigilantes,' Tom mused by the end of his day as he went back home after a few detours, Only to be met with an empty place and a sticky note stuck to the sofa.

-Thanks for helping me, but I need to deal with Fisk-

Tom sighed as he threw away the paper and plopped down onto the bed.


A/N:- Guys i am really sorry for the irregular update times,its just that there is only a month left for my finals and i am getting dumped with unusual amounts of Assignments,presentations and tests,thank you for your patience

I have recently made a Patreon,you can check it out if you want,it has eight advanced chapters if you are interested

https://www.paitreon.com/Smalltimewriter Remove the i from patreooon