
Gaara: The Guardian of Sand

Silent_Cuber · Cómic
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24 Chs

Chapter 4: Test

Some people were scared about the fact that he might be the one-tail all along and was just waiting for an opportunity to slaughter all of them, especially the council members. So, they put him on a test to see his response.


Tonight is the last night of the test he was put in. There are 3 hours left before midnight which also marks the end of the test.

The test is for him to survive for 30 days inside the 5 kilometers radius boundary taking place outside the village where the most vicious and powerful creatures are living. He's also prohibited to bring anything like food, weapons and his personal/automatic sand other than his clothes. This is so that he could only use the sand on his surroundings which is weaker and requires more chakra to manipulate to increase the difficulty of the test.

Gaara is currently running towards the direction of the entrance which is 2 kilometers ahead. He doesn't really have enough time to fully rest even once since the start of the test so he's trying to conserve his chakra as much as possible.

It would have been different if he had his personal sand which could protect him from attacks while resting, but since he doesn't, he needs to be at constant alert all the time. But compared to his training, all of this is nothing. You could see that by the number of wounds and scratches he has, which is none.

While he was running, he suddenly felt a strong tremor below him. He jumped away where he was standing, evading the creature that came out of the spot he's previously at.

It is a dark violet, 5 meters wide centipede looking creature. It is so huge, probably around 20 meters in length and it's still only half of its actual body since it's other half is still buried underground.

"What the?! This guy is huge!" - (Gaara)

This is his first time seeing something this big. All he had encountered so far were only 3-5 meters long. They could also release poisonous/venomous gas that can enter skin pores which makes them hard to deal with. Thanks to reading books during his free time, he knew all of this information.

As he exclaimed, the centipede-like creatures launched towards him faster than anything he had faced in this test. He hopped on his sand and flew to create distance between them but the centipede was so fast and it already released its gas.

He waved a hand sign and some of the sand he was riding covered his body. In a split second, the sand camouflaged on himself and disappeared from sight, completing the <<sand armor jutsu>> to protect himself from the gas.

He then clasped his hands and formed a thick hollow sphere around his body to make sure he's protected from the gas and defend himself from the bulldozing centipede.

When they collided, his sand barrier was broken to pieces, sending him flying 10 meters away.

*Cough!* - (Gaara)

He coughed some saliva because of the impact. Before he could get up, the centipede was already in front him. He immediately sank 3 meters underground to dodge but if he stayed there too long he would run out of oxygen and the centipede would just catch up with its speed. So, he propelled himself up outside the sand and towards the sky.

While he's still in the air, the centipede followed him and launched itself up to try and eat him with its huge creepy mouth.

He manipulated the sand in the vicinity and wrapped it around the centipede to stop it on its track but it was so strong and broke free.

He landed on his feet and immediately created sand spikes around the centipede to fierced its exoskeleton but all it had done was create small cracks on it.

Seeing his attacks had done nothing, he created drill-like long sand bullets and launched it towards his opponent powered with wind release.

The bullets pierced the exoskeleton but not deep enough to weaken it.

As he prepared another attack, he felt a tremor behind him. Seconds later, another centipede as big as before came out.

"This is taking too much time, my attacks don't work on them. There might be others this big. Why are they showing now this late of the test when my chakra and stamina are at its lowest?" - (Gaara)

'Hey Chub, why don't you lend me some chakra. If I used all my strength here to kill these two, others might appear afterwards. We're doomed if that happens and I don't have anything to protect me.' - (Gaara)

'Fūck you, kid.' - (Shukaku) said as he watched everything unfold.

In these past 2 years, his relationship with Shukaku has improved. They both got accustomed to each other's annoyance but Shukaku still doesn't give a fūck when Gaara needs help.

'Well, I'm sure you wouldn't let yourself be killed by these ugly worms.' - (Gaara)

After saying that to Shukaku, Gaara made up his mind to use his remaining chakra.

As the two centipedes approached him at such a high speed from both sides, he extended his hands towards them.

Leaving only enough chakra for traveling, he used all his remaining chakra to crush the hardest minerals several meters underground and turn it to dust.

When the two centipedes are only a meter away from him, several 10 meters tall cone-shape spiky pillars suddenly erected below them and fierced their abdomen, lifting a part of their body above the ground.

Gaara just easily killed these two monstrously huge and tough creatures in seconds.

This jutsu requires a huge amount of chakra to perform, depending on the size and speed needed. But as a jinjuriki, he can perform it a hundred times. It's just that he doesn't have time to recover his chakra since the start of the test from the continuous fighting he's doing. He even ate only once a day sometimes, eating edible parts of the creatures he defeated. You can just imagine how many creatures live here. It's like a game where monsters endlessly spawn out of nowhere.

Yet, with his overwhelming stamina and power, he's like a razor blade, cutting and killing everything in his path endlessly.

Though he is comparable to an elite jounin in terms of power, with his huge chakra reserve he can do more things and last longer in battle.

Back to the fight…

After performing the jutsu he dropped on his knee.

"Shoooo!" - (Gaara) sighed as he wiped the sweat on the side of his forehead.

'I should get moving.' - (Gaara) said to himself and ran towards the entrance where he will meet someone at the exact time the test ends, to show that he's alive and that he finished the test.
