

In a world ravaged by zombies, human civilization has collapsed, and survival has become the most basic challenge. In this era filled with danger and fear, an ordinary young man, Xiao Ran, finds himself embroiled in an unimaginable catastrophe. The story begins on a calm morning, with sunlight streaming through sparse clouds onto the ruins below. Xiao Ran hurriedly traverses a dilapidated street, his heart filled with anxiety and unease about the future. He was once an ordinary young man leading a mundane life, but now, everything has changed. Suddenly, a group of zombies appears before him, lunging at him with ferocious roars. In the intense struggle against the zombies, Xiao Ran is accidentally bitten by one, infected with the virus. He knows deep down that he may be destined to become the next zombie, but miraculously, he doesn't transform into one. Instead, he discovers he has gained peculiar powers. Xiao Ran finds that he can sense a constant flow of bioenergy within his body and can control this power at will. He uses these powers to fend off zombies, protect his life, and help other survivors evade zombie attacks. As time passes, Xiao Ran's abilities grow stronger, and he gradually masters more techniques and combat skills. He is no longer an ordinary survivor but a bio-enhanced being with extraordinary abilities. However, his journey is not without challenges. He faces jealousy and hostility from other survivors and must also battle ruthless zombies to protect himself and others. After a series of trials and challenges, Xiao Ran finally realizes that his powers are not meant for destruction but for hope. He resolves to use his abilities to bring hope and change to this zombie-ravaged world. In the climactic showdown, Xiao Ran leads other survivors in a final battle against a massive zombie horde. In the intense fight, he demonstrates his formidable strength and intelligence, ultimately defeating the zombie horde and saving humanity's future. The story ends with a scene full of hope and belief, as Xiao Ran and the other survivors stand amidst the ruins, gazing into the distance. They know that despite the lingering threat of zombies, they have the ability and courage to face any challenge and create a new tomorrow.

herman4969999 · Ciencia y ficción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
15 Chs

Chapter Eleven: Conflict (Part Three)

Chapter Eleven: Conflict (Part Three)

Xiao Ran regarded the rugged individual with disdain, casting a contemptuous glance before proceeding to unlock the door. Amidst the creaking resonance, the door swung open. Despite the daylight outside, the overcast sky and thick curtains rendered the room shrouded in darkness. Xiao Ran ignited a match, its feeble glow revealing assorted clutter and shards of glass strewn across the room. The corners were veiled in impenetrable shadow, with the lengthy curtains swaying in the chilly breeze, concealing any trace of the lurking undead.

Advancing with the match held aloft, Xiao Ran's vigilant eyes scanned the unlit surroundings. Although the undead remained unseen, a heavy stench pervaded the air, reminiscent of decay, confirming their proximity.

Behind him, Wu Peng clutched his shotgun tightly, his triangular eyes darting nervously with every step. Despite their cautious approach, the crunch of glass beneath their weight filled the atmosphere with oppressive tension.

Altered by the G-virus, Xiao Ran's senses became remarkably acute, discerning subtle shifts in the environment. Sensing a faint disturbance in the air, he swiftly evaded an unforeseen attack, prompting his companion's shotgun to extinguish in the darkness. Wu Peng, gripped by fear, unleashed a frenzied barrage of gunfire in a futile attempt to conceal his terror, shattering wooden crates in the chaos.

"Curs," Xiao Ran muttered under his breath, grateful for his swift reflexes as he sought refuge in a secluded corner, narrowly evading the steel projectiles that scattered around him. Amidst the pitch-black room, Xiao Ran discovered an unexpected ability: his eyes could discern shapes in the darkness, transforming the night into a realm where subtle variations in body temperature manifested as vivid images in his mind's eye. For instance, Wu Peng, in his frenzied state, appeared as a bloated, crimson silhouette.

As Wu Peng gradually regained composure, he retreated, leaning against the cold wall, his hands slick with sweat. Trembling, he retrieved his lighter, its wavering flame casting erratic shadows. To his dismay, both Xiao Ran and the undead had vanished from sight.

"White-haired man, show yourself," Wu Peng cried out in panic, unable to withstand the mounting fear.

Silent, Xiao Ran observed the dancing shadows on the wall illuminated by the flickering flame. While Wu Peng remained oblivious, a looming figure concealed itself above him. Sensing an opportunity, Xiao Ran retrieved a bottle from his side and hurled it towards Wu Peng with a resounding clang.

Startled, Wu Peng turned to investigate, only to be caught off guard as the undead plummeted from above, its repulsive tongue ensnaring his neck in a macabre embrace. Gasping for air, Wu Peng struggled in vain against the thorns embedded in the tongue, its constricting grip causing blood to trickle down his neck. With bulging eyes and frantic footsteps, his demise seemed imminent.

Seizing the moment, Xiao Ran swiftly retrieved Wu Peng's discarded shotgun, unleashing a deafening blast that tore through both Wu Peng and the tongue-wielding undead. Their bodies were rent asunder by the sudden onslaught, leaving behind a gruesome tableau of shredded flesh, splintered bones, and viscera mingled with thick, blackened blood.

The recoil from the shotgun left Xiao Ran's hands numb as he sat amidst the aftermath, his breath ragged with lingering shock. The agile tongue, had it not been for the shotgun's wide range of destruction and his own timely reaction, would surely have claimed him as its victim.

Surveying the mangled corpse of Wu Peng, Xiao Ran's cold laughter echoed through the room. "Fool, did you think to use me as a shield? In this era of reciprocity, debts must be repaid."

Having weathered the brutality of this era, Xiao Ran's character had been tempered into one of resilience and ruthlessness. He saw no remorse in dispatching Wu Peng; in this ruthless world, survival often necessitated such decisive actions. Although he had dispatched many undead before, this marked his first time killing a fellow human, a psychological adjustment yet to fully settle.

After a brief respite, Xiao Ran's composure returned as he gazed upon the shattered remains of the undead. Recalling Kris's words, he retrieved a military knife from Wu Peng's belongings, fixing his gaze upon the grotesque head for a moment before delivering a powerful blow. With a resounding crack, the monstrous skull split in two, dousing the surroundings in a vile mixture of blood and brain matter.

Ignoring the stains upon his person, Xiao Ran suppressed the urge to retch as he delved into the viscous, blackened mass, akin to stirring one's hand in a nest of raw eggs. After a prolonged search, he extracted a spherical object from the skull's center, its surface adorned with dozens of delicate nerve fibers, a sight truly horrifying to behold.