
Future Tale : Beyond Fate

The future is doomed to fail by the hands of a singular force but the world seeks to defy its own fate. A group of soldiers is decimated, leaving a sole soldier named Sai alive to see the end of existence but a set of occurrences leads this soldier into a new deviant path gives way for a question : '' Can you...will you change the road that leads into the future doomed to annihilation? '' Armed with new tools that'll help him create a new future, how will this new future unfold?

Hakushin · Acción
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15 Chs

Chapter 6 : Roles

Moments passed since the television prompter wrapped up its explanation and proceeded to relay direct information to the group.

This information consisted of informing them of the job they had as a part of the squadron and would not shine any further light as to why they were chosen for such a purpose.

'' Starting from the front of the room to the back, the roles are as follows. Nokori will be the Vice Captain, Lilaenna will be Field Logistics and Skolas as Field Scout. The second row will have Vorand as the Field Captain with Michael and Nathaniel as Field Support and Mechanic respectively. As for the folks in the third row, Adelaide is assigned the role of Pilot for the central ship but it is expected that all of you are capable of commandeering ships in case there are more vessels that need to be controlled. Ethne is assigned the role of Scientific Researcher whilst Lucia is to be a Zoologist. As for the remaining people, Amalia is to be the designated Doctor, Klein to be the Accountant and Hakuen will be the Captain while Sai will be the Consultant. '' The machine stopped speaking briefly after wrapping up.

The group looked around as each role was given, most eyes landing on Hakuen as they were wondering why him.

Some eyes landed on Nokori as well since they had the two highest roles in the group and while they both weren't sure why they were chosen for their roles, the higher standing members of the Stellar Forces picked their roles based off the information they gathered from each one of them through records and personal meetings with them.

Sai knew that the group would start mingling with one another quickly, as evidenced by the murmuring that started with those who were sitting close by and Hakuen was a bit nervous seeing the eyes on him.

'' I don't like how this is going. '' Hakuen said nervously.

It wasn't a surprise to see him speak like this, opinions were already starting to form and Sai needed to assure Hakuen that he'll be fine but simply saying it won't be enough but hopefully the faith that things will get better would help.

'' They might be a tad bit doubtful that you'd be the one qualified to be Captain so the only thing you can do is show them that you're the right one for the job. Don't show weakness and don't look like you're hesitating to call any shots. We have to be able to trust your decisions so trust in yourself. '' Sai gave words of confidence without hesitating.

Hakuen was grateful but he did feel more pressure amongst the words itself.

'' Is that trust in me or are you simply trying to help me overcome the anxiety I feel right now? '' Hakuen replied, showing curiosity to the other male.

Sai laughed briefly.

'' You needed reassurance and I am happy to give it to you. We're all supposed to get to know one another and it won't happen unless we open up and communicate. You might be in a tough spot but this won't last forever, they'll warm up to you in time. I'm certain of it. '' Sai responded with a soft smile.

The group all had their own role to play as a squadron and as of now the machine had a new set of instructions to give to them considering one of them had a job that implied there was a ship to take.

'' Please exit the building and take the elevator to the underground hangar where your ship awaits. '' The machine would cease speaking after those instructions as to let the group vacate the room and acquaint themselves with their new spacefaring vehicle.

The group would leave the room in an orderly fashion, taking the elevator down to the underground hangar that contained a shiny blue ship that was massive enough to house the entirety of their group and potentially others if circumstances allowed.

This ship had a winged insignia on both sides of it with several doors that allowed access whether through docking or if one had a staircase set to reach the door but there was also a walkway that detached itself from underneath the ship that allowed one to walk up into the ship as long as the ship was in a inhabitable atmosphere to do such a thing.

This walkway was what the group had used to enter the ship, entering through the vacant cargo bay where another hovering television awaited them.

'' Welcome to the Galaxy Angels Ship and your new home for the foreseeable future. Please take this time to assign rooms amongst yourself and allies. There are a limited number of rooms so please feel free to bunk with one another. Please be responsible and professional with one another. '' The machine wrapped up speaking once more.

Sai had felt a bit odd hearing those words coming from the machine, since he had come from a future thrown back into the past he had recalled certain folks having a bit of a romantic entanglement but it wasn't his business to say or do anything.

It wasn't his place to interfere but those romances would not further develop if their squadron met with the same end as last time.

With the group given time to choose their rooms, he needed to choose a room where he'd get along great with another person and he knew exactly who to go to.