
Futanari outtakes

boy123 · Otras
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54 Chs

Max and Sam

Max and Sam sat at the large dining table in the grand hall of their mansion, sipping on their morning coffee. The sun was just starting to rise and the birds were chirping outside, creating a peaceful ambiance. The couple had been living in this secluded mansion, located on the outskirts of the city, for a few years now. It was their dream home, a place where they could escape the chaos of the city and enjoy each other's company in peace.

As they finished their breakfast, Max and Sam began to prepare for their day. They were both successful business owners, but they always made time for each other and their home. Max was in charge of a tech company, while Sam owned a successful fashion brand. They were a power couple, admired by many, but deep down they cherished the simple life they had created for themselves.

As they were gathering their things to head out, they heard a loud commotion outside. Curious, they went to the front door and opened it, only to be greeted by a group of wild futanari. The creatures were large and muscular, with animal-like features and a primal look in their eyes. Max and Sam had heard about these futanari, but they had never encountered them before. They were known to roam the outskirts of the city, living in small packs and causing trouble for anyone who crossed their path.

The couple tried to close the door, but the futanari were too strong. They pushed their way inside, their eyes immediately locking onto Max and Sam. Without hesitation, the futanari pounced on them, overpowering them with their brute strength. Max and Sam tried to fight back, but they were no match for the futanari.

The futanari ravaged the couple, taking turns with them and leaving them exhausted and bruised. Max and Sam were terrified, thinking that this was the end for them. But then, they had an idea. Instead of fighting against the futanari, they decided to try and reason with them. It was a long shot, but they had to try something.

They offered the futanari spare beds and extra food, hoping to gain their trust. To their surprise, the futanari accepted their offer and made themselves at home. Max and Sam were relieved, but also unsure of what would come next. They had heard stories of the wild futanari being difficult to tame, but they were determined to make it work.

And so, Max and Sam worked tirelessly to gain the trust of the futanari. They showed them kindness and taught them basic manners and skills. It was a slow and challenging process, but eventually, the futanari began to warm up to the couple. They still had their wild and primal instincts, but they also showed a softer side when they were around Max and Sam.

However, the futanari could not resist their primal urges and would occasionally take Max and Sam by force. But even through these moments of pain and fear, Max and Sam could see the progress they were making. The futanari were slowly becoming more civilized and even showed love and appreciation towards the couple.

As time went by, Max and Sam not only tamed the wild futanari, but they also formed a strong bond with them. They learned to love their new companions, despite the trials they had been through. The futanari became a part of their family and their mansion became their den.

Max and Sam's once quiet and peaceful life had turned into a wild adventure, but they wouldn't have it any other way. They had found a new sense of fulfillment and purpose in taming these wild creatures, and they were grateful for the unexpected turn their lives had taken.