
Futanari outtakes

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Kimberley always had a wild spirit and a thirst for adventure. She loved nothing more than traveling around the country, exploring new places and meeting new people. But Kimberley had a trait that set her apart from others – she was a futa, a woman with both male and female genitalia.

And Kimberley wasn't afraid to use her unique anatomy to her advantage. She loved nothing more than filling the vaginas of women everywhere, satisfying their desires in a way that no man could. But as she continued her journey, she started to notice a pattern – many of the women she had slept with ended up pregnant.

Feeling guilty for potentially bringing children into the world that she couldn't support, Kimberley knew she had to make a change. So she decided to use her talents for a different purpose – she became a politician.

At first, Kimberley used her abilities to seduce and manipulate her way up the political ladder, constantly challenging and raping her opponents until they dropped out of the race. It wasn't long before she had gained enough power and influence to run for the highest office in the land – president.

But Kimberley knew that this would be her greatest challenge yet. She would have to face numerous opponents, each one determined to take her down. And she would have to use her skills to convince them to drop out of the race – not with force, but with love and persuasion.

So Kimberley embarked on an arduous journey, traveling the country and winning the hearts of her opponents one by one. She showed them the pleasure and satisfaction that only she could provide, using her charm and charisma to convince them to drop out of the race and support her instead.

And slowly but surely, Kimberley's opponents dwindled until she was the only one left standing. With a fierce determination and a heart full of love, she was inaugurated as the first female futa president of the country.

From the very beginning, Kimberley put the great country first. She used her political power to build orphanages and support childcare, ensuring that no child would ever go without a loving home. She also focused on providing a strong and healthy education system, cleaning up corruption, and stamping down on crime.

But Kimberley's efforts didn't stop there. She also provided incentives for science and research, allowing the country to make groundbreaking discoveries and advancements. And she supported the economy, encouraging growth and prosperity through her policies and investments.

One of Kimberley's biggest initiatives was promoting the use of nuclear energy. With her understanding of science and technology, she knew that this was the key to a sustainable future for the country. And she worked tirelessly to formulate laws and regulations to keep the country bursting with vitality.

Under Kimberley's leadership, the country flourished like never before. Her strong yet compassionate approach to politics won the hearts of the people, and she was hailed as the greatest president the country had ever seen.

And as for Kimberley, she finally found a purpose for her unique abilities – using them to better the lives of those around her and create a brighter future for all.