
Futa/GLReincarnated from the hero princess to an nine-tail fox

Kristen after savings her family from being killed by a friend that was trusted by her and her family that help build the kingdom from when she had joined to the war at 14 years old. After the betrayal of the family friend and trusted aid Kristen along with her family are reincarnated 1000 years later do to her parents request to the gods but when they do new and old threats are created while the family hides secrets from her.

Elijah_Salmon · LGBT+
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10 Chs

chapter 3 of old version

{Author- Hey guys I hope that you're enjoying the new story with the slight changes to it as it is being rewritten for the webnovel spirit award for 2024.

Please leave comments on letting me know of what you think of the story compared to the old one and in what you think of how my style of writing has changed.}


(Start of chapter)

They had allowed us to pick 3 species and mixed them making up mixed blood and we would be one out of 2 other mixed blood breeds.

And the gods said after we had chosen we would have to die for our request to be granted.

So we had chosen Nine-tail fox, Elves, and Tigers but where of the rarest of each one.

Where of the Vermilion Nine-tailfox the only difference is that we can't turn in a Phoenix and our power is lower but we still have their ability of resurrection.

Plus the Vermilion phoenix have all gone extinct leaving only us the Vermilion Nine-tailfox.

next is our Elvish side where we are from the Vanya that are known for having the best healing capability and are also able to convert sound into pure destructive force.

We are also a part of the tiger species but we are of the White tigers that rule over all beasts and can form familiars contracts.

But there are very few left of white tigers and they are part of their royal family and also a part of an another species kingdom.

So after we had died and seen that our request was granted and the world was how they explained it. Knowing the threats to you we had put a plan in motion to help with what fate had in store for you. That's when Ashley came up with the idea of being a spy in the demon kingdom for 9-10 years to learn as much as she can.

So she can be of help to you, Lenoir and us are undergoing training to help you.

We are also from the royal family of the destroyed kingdom of Pure leaf.

I am the fallen Prince of the Vermilion Nine-tailfox kingdom royal family.

Your mom is from the destroyed kingdom of Mawrna for the elves and she is the fallen princess for them.

We are staying at the royal palace in the Tiger kingdom hokuto that is one of the 3 kingdoms that is standing.

The others is the humans kingdom and the kingdom of Ziros the kingdom of the species of Dragons and White tiger.

Our continent name is Lunar the year is Kristen 02 and that those are the only 3 kingdom left to stand against the demon kingdom of Inferno.

They look at me and see I have both my hands together making a ball to support my chin.

As I hang my head that makes it look like I'm absorbing all the information that.

I just received but you can see that I have an dark expression on my face.

I got up and asked is that all there is instead of dad answering mom does and says yes sweetie that's it.

I turned to walk back to the room we were in earlier as i reached the door putting my hand on the knob.

Mom says that's your room as our is next door so if you need anything just come over or tap on the wall and we'll come to you.

I just open the door and go in without replying and walk to my bed as the door closes behind me.

(After the door closes)

Dad asks do you think it was a good idea not to tell her everything that had happened after she died.

I mean she is going to notice I didn't name the human kingdom which can be explained easier.

But not telling her that if we die again we will not be reincarnated with her.

If she does and that Luther had also reincarnated and is the ruler of our once beloved kingdom of Lenora.

And that in the past he worked with the kingdom of the underworld god Astaroth.

Mom says for right now yes it was we will tell her about the new kingdom of the underworld alongside telling her that Luther had worked with the god Astaroth in his past life.

Lenoir joins and says what about telling her about that we know that in her first life she was a boy and that she was reincarnated into our sister Kristen the hero princess.

Mom says we'll wait for her to open up to us about it knowing that we know about reincarnation.

She will probably know that we know that she was reincarnated more than once.

Lenoir nods and gets off of mom's lap and heads towards Kristen's room, mom says it's probably best to give her time.

Lenoir says yea but she probably needs someone with her right now and I'm the only one who can comfort her right now.

They nod and she continues towards Kristen's room.

(On Kristen bed)

As I'm on my bed laying down facing the wall I see the light shadow appear on my wall briefly as the door closes.

I feel someone crawl into my bed and holds me as they pull themselves closer to me.

I roll over to my other side guessing it Lenoir I hold her back.

She says big sister its ok to cry you don't have to hold it in theirs no one here but me and you.

I say I may not be the hero princess Kristen but I am still that to you, mom,dad, and Ashley even though she is not here.

I cannot be seen crying in front of you guys I have to stay strong.

Lenoir says that is where you are wrong you have always been just Kristen to me, Ashley, mom and dad.

To me you are just my big sister that gave her life to protect her family and kingdom and is a idol to us.

Unlike me and Ashley who had a chance to have a childhood then you had joined the war.

You had built up the kingdom with mom and dad at 8 years old you were holding a katana training.

And then at 14 you were forced to join the war so for now just enjoy being a kid and vulnerable.

If you need to cry, cry I will be here to support you if you need to kick,scream and shout we will all be here to support you.

I say but...I...but I....as tears form in my eyes Lenoir takes my head and puts it on her shoulder and says it's ok it's ok now.

You can be just Kristen,Kristy my big sister that me and Ashley ador and admire.

The precious daughter to our mom and dad you no longer need to be that pillar of light for us and carry all the burden of the Kingdom and us.

Not noticing that the door had opened and mom and dad came in they lay on both sides of us and gently squeezed us together in a hug.

Dad says I'm sorry sweetie that we made you feel that you had to carry the weight of us and our kingdom by yourself.

What kind of a father am I to not have noticed my daughter was suffering under that bright beautiful smile.

Mom says me too even though I saw you pushing yourself too much at times and having to stay up through the old nights all alone.

I couldn't comfort you I couldn't give you the loving a true mom should but now it will be different now me,your dad and your younger sisters have the power to be your pillars to where you don't have to suffer alone anymore.

The flood gates open and I can't contain my tears anymore I start crying wawawa wawa sni..sni wawawawa.

I cry for 2 hours before I can finally stop the water work I sniffle and my eyes are red and puffy form me crying in my sister embrace also my parents.

After I wipe my tears away I say we can go back out now to the living room.

We sit up and Mom says are you sure sweetie we can finish talking later.

I say I'm better now and I'm ready to finish talking and I'm ready to tell you my thoughts.

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