
Futa, Fantasy, and Firearms

A gun nut gets sent to another world, another world with something a little extra.

mortem · Fantasía
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13 Chs

New Equipment

After sharing an embrace with the two girls Tommy once again spoke to the goddess.

[What exactly could you provide for my companions? I don't mean to sound greedy, anything you provide is more than welcome.]

[Fufufu, you are far too modest with me Tommy, I told you I would provide did I not?] The goddess replied.

The goddess thought for a moment before responding to Tommy.

[Back in your world military units were broken down to fireteams as the smallest unit of organization. The basics being a fireteam leader, grenadier, auto rifleman, and rifleman/rifleman AT or breaches. Does that sound about right?]

Tommy nodded and the goddess continued.

[How about I outfit you and your companions as an undersized fireteam? You would be the FTL, Lucy could fit the role of a traditional rifleman, and Silvia my descendant as a beastman could utilize an IAR or LSW for the auto rifle role.]

[That sounds absolutely excellent to me.] Tommy responded.

"Umm, Tommy could I ask a few questions?" Silvia timidly asked.

Tommy gently patted her head to reassure her, "Of course."

With a little more confidence she asked, "What exactly are those roles? I have very limited knowledge of combat or military form."

"Don't feel bad Silvia, I've read a few books about military strategy and I've never heard of any of these," Lucy pitched in.

The two girls looked at Tommy curiously, Silvia's head tilted slightly in a very cute manner. Tommy reached out and rubbed Silvia's soft fluffy ears causing her to blush a dark crimson though eventually, she leaned into his touch.

Tommy grabbed his rifle and held it out in front of him.

"This is a rifle. I've already filled you in about it a little bit Lucy, but for you Silvia it is a contraption that utilizes the combustion of an explosive propellant to shoot a projectile far faster than any bow or crossbow could ever hope to. This is a rifle. Rifles are shoulder-fired guns that have a spiral pattern inside the barrel to give the projectile spin leading to higher accuracy. Rifles fire intermediate or full power bullets. I'll teach you the difference once I get an example but the simple explanation is full power cartridges house larger bullets and utilizes more powder, and vice versa.

Now that I've explained that I can use it as a base to explain these roles. A rifleman simply is a soldier who carries some sort of traditional rifle. Rifleman are the most basic units in a squad or fireteam.

The auto rifleman carries what is essentially a larger rifle with a heavier barrel and more ammunition, generally firing the smaller intermediate cartridges. The auto rifleman provides large volumes of concentrated fire to keep the enemy in cover.

A grenadier carries a rifle with a special device that slings large bullets that explode. Grenadiers can take out light vehicles, fortifications, or concentrations of the enemy. They can also provide a smokescreen or illuminate the night with various types of ammo.

Breachers carry a rifle that fires many projectiles per shot. Sometimes they may carry a small rifle that has a high rate of fire. The breached enters rooms first to clear immediate threats followed by the rest of the fireteam or squad.

The fireteam leader is an experienced soldier who leads the 4 man element, they are commanded by a squad leader; a more experienced soldier who leads two 4 man fireteams aided by a medic.

It's complicated but hopefully, that explains it well."

The girls nodded to his explanation, grasping the very basics.

[Aleina that's an excellent idea. Could you please provide them with the same uniform, backpack, and sidearm, please? I need a moment to think up weapon platforms, and vests depend on ammo types.]

A decently sized cube of light formed on the ground before them. the cube gradually decreased in size until it formed the outlines of the equipment requested. Once the shapes were perfect the light soon was replaced as the equipment materialized.

The girls picked up the odd outfits and looked at them blankly, "Tommy how do we wear these?"

Tommy could hear Aleina giggling in his head.

[You can impart them how to use weapon systems but you couldn't give them the knowledge of how to wear the equipment?!]

[Think of it as a bonding exercise Tommy.]

Tommy looked cross for a moment before sighing.

"Alright, Lucy please stay here with the DPV and call out if anything happens, I'm going to take Sylvia back into the brush to show her, then you'll swap."

Lucy gave a mock salute and sat on the hood of the car.

[Wonder where she learned that...] Tommy wondered.

Silvia timidly followed him. He grabbed the equipment and noticed a very alluring set of black lingerie on top of the uniform. He steeled his resolve as they got out of sight from the road.

"I'm sorry Silvia this may be a little awkward but I have no ill intent-"

She had already stripped the top provided by the merchant. Tommy's eyes went wide as he gazed upon the beautiful fruits in front of him. She had absolutely perfect DD breasts. They had the perfect amount of weight to them, with large deep pink areoles and matching perky nipples.

Silvia had seen the other slaves looked at similarly but no one had ever gazed upon her in that way. She looked down at her breasts and hefted one up with her hand to check if anything was wrong.

As happy as Tommy would be to stare at those gorgeous breasts he wasn't here to take advantage of her.

"Here, could you please raise your arms above your head? I'm not entirely familiar with how women put on bras."

She obliged and he carefully put on the bra. It gently rubbed up against her nipples and squirmed a bit.

"Feels... weird," she said.

"Almost done..."

Tommy finally clasped the bra shut properly.

Silvia was very curious about the strange garments.

"It's quite comfortable," she said softly, "They don't feel as heavy anymore."

"Slide your arm through the sleeve for me alright?" Tommy asked patiently.

He went behind her to help her get her other arm through when he noticed the deep pronounced scars littering her back.

He carefully traced the scars being sure not to hurt her, "Silvia..."

She looked at the ground sadly.

"The merchant would whip me whenever he had a bad day. Sometimes he just did it for fun," she said sorrowfully.

A tear rolled solemnly down her cheek.

Tommy slid her other arm through the top and then wrapped his arms around her.

"Never. It will never happen to you again as long as I breathe."

Her body shook as she hiccuped, but she didn't shed any more tears. Tommy just held her and gently rubbed her ears while murmuring "Never again."

When she turned around Tommy surprised her by pressing his lips against hers. She melted into the kiss and really started crying.

He hugged her tight and when she broke the kiss he spoke softly.

"Are you alright Silvia?"

She nodded, "I-I'm just so happy to be treated so kindly."

Tommy held her tightly and set his head on her shoulder to hide his own tears. This poor sweet girl had been abused hated and enslaved all because of how she was born. Of course, there had been similar back on Earth but never anything this bad in the modern age of America. It shattered Tommy's heart.


Soon the two calmed down and he broke the embrace to button the uniform top. He had her unbutton and button it to show she understood it.

He helped her out of her pants and as he sat on his knees taking helping her step out of them he found himself face to face with her sex again. There was a distinct feminine musk to it that made him blush. He shook his head and grabbed the panties.

They were specially made to comfortably accommodate her "package" while helping conceal it. He felt the heat of her organ as he slid the panties up her waist. Unfortunately, they weren't quite sitting right. He reached into the panties and carefully grasped her soft length to properly set it in place.

It was perfectly smooth and incredibly warm as he briefly held it before setting it in place. He was surprised to find that it was a pleasant feeling.

He helped her into the pants, showed her how to wear the holster and buckle the belt, and helped her tie the boots. Soon the beautiful pale-skinned, silver-haired wolf girl was dressed up in a woodland flecktarn uniform wearing a properly fitted holster and backpack. She went without a helmet due to her ears, while her tail was exposed thanks to the hole in the uniform pants to alleviate discomfort.

"You look stunning Silvia. Alright, can you go get Lucy and tell her to bring her stuff?"

Silvia nodded and left.

Soon enough Lucy stood in front of him breasts barred. She had a deep blush on her face as opposed to Silvia's stoicism. Tommy made an effort to avert his eyes to try and lessen her discomfort.

With her outfit came very pretty white lingerie. He very carefully fitted the bra over her D cup breasts and explained how to properly clasp it. He then had her put her arm through the sleeve of the uniform. Her back was perfectly smooth he noted as he helped her get into the uniform the rest of the way.

She was familiar with buttons and was able to handle that herself after a slight bit of help. Tommy was a little disappointed that he hadn't gotten a better view of her breasts, but he'd commit seppuku before he admitted it.

She insisted she put on the panties herself and he turned the other way. When she let him turn back around he caught a brief glimpse of her camel toe before he set to showing her how to buckle the belt and fit the holster. With her backpack sinched and clothes are worn, he adjusted her helmet.

The helmet in question was an Advanced Modular Helmet as seen in Arma 3's Contact DLC with the chops and ear protection applied. She was quite happy with herself once she had all the equipment on.

"You look like a perfect little soldier girl," he told her.

He walked back to the car and met Silvia then contacted Aleina.

[Ms. ALeina?]

[No need for formality Tommy, and I'm here.]

[Sorry. I've decided That the Ultimax Mk VIII with 30 round magazines would make a good support weapon for Silvia. If possible fielding it with an M145 auto rifle scope and a grip pod would be best, and for simplicity's sake another M16A3 for Lucy.]

[I shall leave it to your judgment, Tommy. Would you like two more vests like your model in that case?]

[That would be wonderful if possible]

[It shall be done. Tommy as an added bonus I've decided to give you a couple of abilities which will certainly come in handy. You have a good-sized mana pool but no magic aptitude. TO make up for this I've decided to give you the ability to summon ammunition for you and your comrades. I should still be able to manage to get you weapons and equipment, but I think it is good you have the ability to summon ammunition when needed. As well I have blessed you with a divine storage box that materializes and dematerializes objects at will. It will be properly stored in a place only you can access.]

[That's absolutely wonderful! than you so much for all of your help.]

[It is my pleasure. As agreed the two will instantly have the knowledge of their respective weapon systems, as well as driving skills and the ability to operate the mounted weapon.]

[I really can't thank you enough.]

[I appreciate your thanks, Tommy. Take care of those two.]

He nodded more to himself than Aleina

Another white box appeared on the ground before shrinking to the silhouette of the weapons vests and magazines. Soon it materialized fully. The Ultimax came just as requested. The M16 came identical to Tommy's, and both weapons came with 12 magazines.

Tommy briefly showed the girls how to put on the vests and helped them slot their magazines in place. The two girls each took magazines and slotted them into their respective magewells before chambering rounds.

"This is amazing! I've never used this rifle and yet I know perfectly how to use it!" Lucy exclaimed.

Silvia didn't make a fuss yet her expression clearly showed that she shared Lucy's surprise. Daniels nodded to them and gestured towards the DPV.

Lucy hopped in the passenger seat and instantly got on the SAW. She held it perfectly. She examined the weapon as an experienced autorfileman would. She nodded towards Tommy affirming its condition.

Silvia timidly got into the back and Tommy told her how to strap in. As Tommy started the vehicle she seemed to be gripped with fear. Lucy looked at her sympathetically as they sped off to the town.

I've somehow managed to go 5 chapters without getting to the first town.

Please let me know if you find any mistakes as I guarantee they are there, I'm writing this at 12 am after all.

mortemcreators' thoughts