
Futa, Fantasy, and Firearms

A gun nut gets sent to another world, another world with something a little extra.

mortem · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Conflicts Already

Lucy had a comical expression as she looked around desperately trying to understand the horseless carriage. Tommy had to smile seeing the panic on her face, mean as it may be.

"What is this thing!!?" Lucy yelled.

Suppressing a chuckle Tommy answered her, "It's a type of car, it's a horseless carriage that uses combustion to produce movement. Don't worry it's perfectly safe."

[Probably, after all, I only yesterday learned to drive it.]

She seemed to calm down even if only a little bit.

"I've never heard of anything like this, not even from travelers of the grand empire."

"Grand Empire?"

"You don't know about it? It's the strongest power on the continent. They are to the right of where we are, the Shulkat Confederacy. You really are from far away not to know that."

"Yeah, suppose you could say that."

She sat for a moment digesting the information before speaking again.

"You say this is only one type of 'car'?"

He slowed the car and responded to her in the simplest way he could.

"Yep, this is a light recon vehicle for the Marine Corp. There are other types of cars for heavier military use or even everyday civilian usage. Where I come from most people can afford to own one."

That seemed to shock her even more than the DPV itself.

"You mean citizens of the land you hail from drive around in these wonderful machine daily?"

"Yep, among other conveniences provided by technology. Though the cars regular people drive are very different to this one. This one like I said is an offroad vehicle made to be fast and light.

You see, unlike this wor- I mean land; where I come from has no magic. As such it forced us to adapt and conquer our issues through science and engineering. I personally find it quite interesting just how profound the differences are between our lands, though honestly, I haven't seen all that much yet to compare."

"What kind of differences?"

"Well, your village for example, where I come from it would be similar to that of one roughly 600 years ago. I'd reckon the larger cities are similar, though they probably have a lot more conveniences through magic huh."

"That seems right from what I've heard... Wait you said 600 years ago!?"

He kept directing the vehicle down the path between the trees as he answered, "Oh yeah. In said 600 years we advanced our building techniques and began to use steel and concrete in our buildings. Our largest buildings soar up past the clouds."

From her expression, it seemed she had trouble believing him.

"I'm familiar with steel, it's used in very expensive weapons as it is stronger than iron. It's very rare though, I find it hard to imagine cities mage from steel buildings. And buildings touching the clouds? Surely you jest."

He shook his head and smiled.

"Nope, it's all true. More than that, our values and technology rapidly advanced. We went through a renaissance in which new ideas circulated along with a boom in technology, eventually leading to what we call the industrial revolution. That was a major time of rapid change with new technologies innovating every field."

She stared off ahead trying to sift through what she'd been told.

"From my reading our 'technology' as you call it hasn't changed much in the past couple thousand years. Many sources collaborate that magic was discovered immediately leading to a change in development towards the conveniences it provided rather than 'science'"

He nodded in response and briefly pondered over it before realizing he had just been driving with no particular goal or destination.

"We set out eastwards from your village, would you happen to know where the nearest town is?"

"Yeah, if you keep straight east you should hit a dirt road that weaves through the forest towards the town of Hirane. I've been there once it's a nice town. Plenty of merchants and a thriving adventurer guild.

Usually, people travel an indirect route as it's well known that bandits operate in this area though," she said looking a bit nervous.

"Alright, I'll be careful. Let me try and get us onto that road."

As she said soon enough they made their way to the dirt road. It was rather wide and gave plenty of room for about three carriages side by side. Strangely it seemed well maintained, which is odd considering it was bandit territory

"For bandit land it seems to be rather taken care of."

"The local lord has been trying to improve the road and make it safer for merchant travel. Some merchants already began using the road as it is a much faster way to get to the western city of Kinorski. In fact, we've been seeing some pass through our village, it's how I've been able to get more books."

He gave a light nod at the explanation and they continued east to the town. However, as they drove through at a steady pace in front of them was a scene of heavy combat.

"Oh no! Those bandits are attacking that caravan!" Lucy exlaimed.

He pulled over and stopped the car. He stuffed the Boonie hat in the backpack and donned the Natick helmet. The helmet immediately brought up a magazine count and an icon indicating mag fullness insurgency sandstorm style. That seemed to be the only readily available feature. He'd really have to fuck with it later.

He had 6 mags readily available on the front face of the vest, and four more in the pouches at his side. Alongside the 5.56, he had 3 spare mags for the M18. Not to forget the two M67s that may come in handy.

"What are you doing we need to turn around and get away from here!" Lucy said with an urgent tone.

"I'm going to go try and help out. Please stay here and don't follow me."

"Wait Tommy don't go! Those bandits are vicious, they'll tear you apart!"

He looked her in the eyes through the visor, "Lucy I'm going to have to ask that you trust me this time. Go ahead and watch if you wish, but trust me, I will have no issues here."

She continued pleading that he not go, but he didn't listen, instead of turning around and readying his equipment.

He slung the M16 over his shoulder and held it in a low ready as he began jogging towards the battle. The details became clear as he neared the combat. There were a few wagons surrounded by a bogged down guard compliment being attacked by 30 ish bandits. There were only 10 guards and three seemed to be wounded critically yet still struggling to fight.

Processing the information in front of him quickly he reacted.

He shouldered the rifle and fixed the sight picture on an ax-wielding bandit. He flicked the fire selector to semi-automatic and fired twice into the thief's chest. Both shots hit their marks causing the man to fall like a sack of flour.

The loud crack of the high-velocity 5.56x45 round firing gathered everyone's attention as they turned to face the oddly equipped man approaching steadily with an iron rod raised.

He wasn't about to offer mercy and used the confusion to act.

Quickly acquiring a sight picture on a bowman he squeezed off two rounds. The bowman was struck lethally in the upper chest and shoulder. Gasping for air that wouldn't fill his lungs the bowman fell back dead.

He wasted no time transitioning targets and engaging. The sky was filled with a methodical crack crack crack of rifle fire.

Tommy was lighting the place up like a match of Call of Duty.

He dropped a sonuvabitch with a round between the eyes when the bandits decided to forgo attacking the caravan to charge the new more prevalent. Another took a couple to the abdomen and one more in the upper chest.

The bolt locked back with a click. In one smooth motion, the empty mag was ejected and chucked into the drop pouch on the vest before he jammed a fresh mag and hit the bolt release. The bolt slapped home and the rifle was ready for more blood.

Quickly he flicked the toggle to full auto he swept through the charging group. He non-fatal yet crippling blows to those in his crosshairs.

They were getting closer than he would've liked. He grabbed a frag from his vest and pulled the pin with his teeth. Dropping the spoon he waited a second before chucking it to the center of the group.

The heavy grenade smacked a bastard in the face knocking loose a tooth. By this point, 4 seconds had passed. At about 4.5 seconds past the grenade detonated with a small whoomf.

The blast incapacitated a few but the real damage came from the fragmentation created. The main purpose of the M67 is to explode and send a couple of thousand fragments flying. Most of them were caught within the 45 ft effective range, and more than a few within the 15-foot lethal range. They were the lucky ones that were shredded and blessed a mostly quick death, the others lay moaning and screaming in pain from the massive damage inflicted.

One of the injured guards that was watching lost his lunch at the gory display.

The men were starting to freeze in terror but one man holding a wound on his leg suddenly yelled out to them.

"Don't Group up ye bastards!! Charge in pairs to evade the attack!" screamed the man who seemed to have command.

Tommy mentally thanked the commander for making himself known so easily. He released a short controlled burst that dropped the man like a fish. A fish torn through by a burst of high-velocity rounds, that is.

Seeing their leader fall dead the surviving 5 or so turned tail and fled. Tommy had no intent to let them escape.

After another reload that'd have competition shooters blushing he mercilessly gunned the five remaining bandits down, shooting them in the back. The last man coughed blood and hit the ground hard, his movement ceasing.

He yelled to the guards that he needed to go check on his companion. They nodded and began to thank him but he politely asked that they wait until after he could talk with Lucy. He turned and jogged back to the vic.

Lucy stepped out and went to him.

"Are you ok Tommy? You're not hurt at all, are you?" she asked worriedly.

"Don't worry Lucy I'm perfectly fine, those bandits not so much."

She wrapped him in a hug, "That was really dangerous you know? What kind of wacko runs out and attacks 30 men singlehandedly?"

Surprised, he returned the hug and patted her head.

"I'm really sorry I worried you Lucy, but as you saw, I could handle it. I couldn't just leave those people alone could I?"

She seemed satisfied with his response and let go.

"Don't do that again please."

"I'll try," he said, "Cmon, the people of the caravan are waiting for me."

She nodded and kept her questions to herself following him to the caravan.

When he returned he was greeted by an older gentleman that hadn't been there before. The man shook his hand and thanked him.

"Thank you very much, mister, if it weren't for you and you're strange magic I'm afraid we wouldn't have made it."

The guards bowed to Tommy.

"Oh, really there's no need for that. I was just being a good citizen. How could I just leave you guys to die when I could help?"

"That's not a mindset many share sir. May I ask the name of my savior?" asked the man.

"Ah sorry, where are my manners. My name's Tommy sir, may I ask yours?"

"Certainly, my name is Alfan, pleasure to meet your acquaintance. Really, thank you Tommy you saved all of us. Unfortunately, as a matter of principle, I only carry enough money on me during these trips to pay the fees of wherever I'm traveling, but I do have something I could offer you instead," Alfan told him.

Really not having much more than his equipment vehicle and companion, Tommy was interested.

"Whatever you have I will happily take."

"Certainly then, if a couple of you guards could please follow me?"

"One-second sir," Tommy unclasped the first aid kit from his vest and handed it to lucy, "Lucy there are some good bandages in there. Could you please help out the wounded guards? Don't use anything other than the bandages though, you may accidentally hurt them," he warned.

Lucy nodded and took the first aid kit and began to help the wounded men. Alfan gestured for Tommy to follow him, so he did.

Alfan lead him to the middle wagon and dropped a set of steps. He undid the flaps and went inside gesturing for Tommy. Tommy followed him inside and was completely shocked by what he saw.

Inside the wagon was a cage, and in said cage was a young woman that looked about 23 ish. The woman had fluffy wolf ears and a fluffy tail like a wolf's. She wore rags that barely covered her body and her sensitive areas. Speaking of sensitive areas, Tommy gasped as he spotted something that certainly didn't belong.

The rags barely covered a cock. Shockingly, the woman had a penis.

Alfan took his shock as disgust and quickly spoke.

"I know that such people are very undesirable, but she'd make a good servant. Apart from the obvious... traits, she is a very beautiful young woman. With some clothes you could cover the discrepancies and take her in public with no one any the wiser." the man pitched.

Tommy hadn't gasped in disgust, just utter shock. Quickly he gained his composure and thought about it. The poor woman was obviously a slave, and from the way Alfan spoke of her it didn't seem like people like her would be treated with any common decency. Coming from a land where slavery was considered abhorrent and everyone was treated equally, he knew he had to try and do something to help her.

Putting on a poker face and pretending to be disgusted he spoke to the merchant.

"She does seem to be of decent quality..." he cringed inwardly referring to a person as an object, "Would you be willing to throw in some passable clothing for her?"

"Oh, certainly. That wouldn't be a problem at all. Again I apologize that I can't offer much more. Unfortunately, all of the goods are already registered and expected to be delivered or I could offer you more. I suppose if a single set of clothing were to go missing it wouldn't be that big of a deal."

"If you'd please."

Alfan snapped his finger and a guard brought a set of clothing and a scroll.

"Here's the promised clothing and the slave ownership spell. If you wish any respectable slave trader will cover the ownership transfer fee if you choose to sell her later on. I'll just need a couple drops of your blood. One for the paper and one to be applied to her crest. I apologize for the vulgarity, but her original master put the crest above her genitals."

Tommy took out his bayonet and slit his finger lightly. Alfan unfurled the scroll and he pressed his bleeding finger where directed. The next part would be awkward. Tommy didn't hold anything against the girl for the way she was, but it still felt a little... odd. He bit the bullet and Pulled up the rag that barely covered her crotch. He pressed his finger against the crest and immediately it and the scroll shimmered.

She closed her eyes during the process and soon enough the glowing stopped and the scroll disappeared.

"Well, she's now yours there Tommy. I'll have her change her clothes and then you can have her. It seems we're going the opposite direction you are so unfortunately it seems we'll be saying our goodbyes here."

They both stepped down as she changed into the outfit. The guard unlocked the cage and she came down to them. Tommy was absolutely stunned by her beauty. It was just a simple dress but it really made her look gorgeous. Tommy had to try hard to regain his falsified demeanor.

"Alrighty then, if you'd excuse me I should go consult with my companion about this."

[How the fuck am I going to explain this to Lucy?]

As soon as the merchant and his guard went away to start preparing to move he pulled the woman aside and spoke to her. She flinched at his touch. It hurt his heart to think about how she'd probably been abused to elicit such a reaction.

"I know you probably won't believe me, but please trust me, I don't mean you any ill will. I'm going to treat you as well as possible and as soon as I can I'll set you free. I'm sorry about earlier but I had to try and put on a show otherwise he might've reacted differently. I apologize if I hurt your feelings, really you are quite beautiful."

She could see the sincerity in his eyes and expression. Call it woman's intuition, but she could tell he was telling the truth. She blushed as she realized he'd called her cute, that'd never happened before. Due to being born a furanari she was heavily ridiculed and sold into slavery at a young age by her parents. Futanari were heavily discriminated against in this country, so she was understandably surprised to hear what he said. Of course, she realized that there was a chance he could be full of shit, but the sincerity really shook her.

"My name is Silvia, please take care of me," she said meekly.

"Pleasure to meet you Silvia. For now, I need to go explain to my companion Lucy our little ordeal."

I actually started writing this quite some time ago, but was really unsatisfied with how it was going. Given some time to clear my mind (and a lot of video games as well as schoolwork) I was able to come back at it and hit the nail on the head. I apologize for the wait but I wanted it done right.

You guys are amazing, only two chapters and I'm at 7.7 thousand ish views. Never thought that this'd go so far.

I know that this subgenre of isekai really doesn't have a lot available, and I understand the futa stuff may be uncomfortable for many. If the futa element turns you guys off of this, which I understand, A buddy of mine is writing a isekai gun type deal as well, minus the futa.

His novel's called Fantasy is but a Target for Modern Weapons, it may be more what the general audience is looking for.

Otherwise thank you all very much for reading and dealing with the delay.

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