

Not everyone finds love, not everyone finds what they desire for. Both are from different worlds, but can love to fix them? Can love help them fight the war without weapons? He is rich, he was just named as the worlds hottest ma alive. Between fame and love or work and love which will he choose? Will he make the right decision? And if it's the right choice will jeon Evel-Hyun be able to help and protect him and save him from himself? Can love really change anything? Will Axel ever be okay? Maybe their love will always be frozen unless....

Del_muoti_ · LGBT+
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52 Chs

5: The rich also cry

I was confused cause this was unexpected. Did he just allow the lady to have a picture with me? The happiness which she protested was visible even in her eyes. I smiled and then asked for her phone, at first she was

hesitant but then she handed it to me and I took some selfies with her.

" Thank you sir... thank you to Jeon Evel... my children will be very excited once they see this. Mr. Chin smiled and the lady left the room immediately.

After she left, I looked at Mr chin and he just smiled at me." She really needed that... I'm sure you saw it too. " He said and then continued playing with his pen.

"Well she needed it for her children, have never seen someone so happy before... don't you want one for your children too? " I had asked this as a joke but once I saw the reaction on his face, I regretted the words. I took I huge sio of water, I didn't even bother pouring it into the glass. I looked at him and trust me this face was not a good one.

"Umm. Sir... I'm sorry...I didn't mean ti say that.... it was a joke... maybe I took it too far... " I couldn't even speak properly because of how tense I was. If I could just disappear from this room immediately then I would do so, I could just vanish and land somewhere else, I guess I could use that.

He stood up and walked ti the window, and was looking outside, his hands on the pockets of the suit.

"No need to worry Evel... it's fine, I guess my private life makes you guys wonder what it's like... my wife and children maybe...I just like keeping that part of me personal, I let people see what I want them to see and I never mix my personal life with work, those are two different things... " He then got back to his seat. Maybe I'm supposed to say something.

"I understand sir... im sorry again" He looked at me and smiled but I could see that he was forcing it. Was he that upset?

"My little boy.... he looks just like his mother, but he is so different from her... rarely talks to anyone, not even me his own father, always quiet I don't know why... innocent face and beautiful attractive eyes, I'm not bragging but my little boy is very handsome, took all the beauty of his mother... looks are receiving, I'm sure you've heard that phrase, he is very dangerous, even with the looks of an angel... " He paused.

This was the first time u was hearing him speak of someone in his family. I know it doesn't sound good but it's a big deal to get the chance to know something that only a few know. This time round I had to keep quiet and not interrupt him. But why was he sad when speaking of his little baby? What did he mean when he said that he looked like an angel but dangerous? Was the little boy a mafia?

Anyway, I shouldn't bother myself about that because the chance of meeting or seeing the child is close to negative.

"I know what you are thinking... why he is dangerous... he has very beautiful alluring eyes and those are what he uses mostly to his advantage... it's not just a little money but a lot of money... and how he uses the money it's... I'm sorry I can't say that... What hurts most is that I'm not close to my son, I wish we were close, I'm his father but I can't tell his favorite food, what he likes and what he doesn't, at least I have an interest to know but he never lets me..... he just chooses silence, but I always feel that he is lonely, so lonely that it's taking over him... but why doesn't he talk to me? I'm always blaming myself and I keep on asking myself the same question every day... Am I a bad father? Am I the reason he is like that?... I never get to spend time with him, because anytime I try to get close to him he just goes numb, he doesn't say anything especially when k try to ask questions about him... we can have a meal together but he won't say a word... I can feel that he is hiding so many things and keeping them to himself because he doesn't wanna share what's inside and you know, that silence is slowly killing my son.. " he wipes a tear that's almost falling.

"My son is a prisoner to the silence... I can't even tell you what his smile looks like... I don't get into his room... I thought that he was like that because of pain and old memories so I relocated him to study in Australia... the four years he was outside the country were the hardest in my life but I would always fly to see him, do you know that when I called him he would just pick up the phone and lets me talk never says anything unless he was asking for money... I've always spoiled him with money thinking that will get us close but it's never working, I still feel the void in my heart... I just want my son.....his little mind goes through a lot, and he thinks a lot, so young yet he has depression but tries to hide it, he fools me with his cold aura. I had to hire a hacker just to get some information about what he does with the money,... I wish I didn't do it because all these landed me on the most heartbreaking thing that still can't get through... I don't know how to help my poor little boy, at least if he was close we would go through it together but just look at me... All rich that I don't even know where to throw my money but I can't even help my son out... I hate to see him in the situation he is in... What kind of a father am I tell me? " I looked at him with all the sympathy I had in me. He was suffering, they were both suffering. How could I be of help? I feel bad for him.

It reallubhutr ri feel so distant from someone, especially your family. Maybe I should say something cause he is literally breaking down now.

"Sir... don't think too much about it... just leave it to me and ill find a way to help your son and get you people close... once I'm done with my solo,... I'm not sure how but I'll try to be of help... I promise sir... You've been a great help in my music career so please let me do this for you, sir... I'm sure I can be of help... "

I really wanted to help but all this time he was shaking his head in refusal. Why can't he let me do it? I hate seeing him this sad.

"Please sir, just let me do it... " I woke up from my seat and kneeled beside him and held his hands.

"You don't understand what you are saying Jk... Right now I don't want you to think of anything else but your solo song... I don't want to be selfish and this is what is more important to you than I am... helping my son will need more than just a doctor or a therapist.... don't street yourself from it.... I'll figure out a way... Thank you for your concern"

With that, he left the office and I was left on my news. Honestly speaking, the whole conversation I didn't understand it, only in tiny bits. All I know is that I need to help him and by helping him it means through helping his son. I didn't even get to sign the papers I was supposed to sign. I got up slowly, looked around the office then left.