
Frozen heart.

Daphne, the first daughter and successor to the throne in the kingdom of Dnuiran, her younger sister is still at the Royal Academy while Daphne is preparing to take on her role as the Queen of Dnuiran. Things start changing and at a fast pace when she meets her mate or more like mates but the twist is that only one of the two women is her actual mate and there was some twist that went on behind the scenes to make her think the second female was her mate as well. One of the ladies happens to be a new student at the academy but seems like her mate has a lot of unresolved problems and secrets to hide and her second mate as well has some skeletons lurking in her closet from the past that she just can't seem to let go of and has come to revenge mistakes and events that happened centuries ago. She loves her mates and treats them well but the secrets they are individually hiding can't let them freely enjoy their time together until they come clean with the truth of their hidden agendas and that seems impossible until when it happens but when the truth is out there's more to loose than to gain leaving the ladies distraught in their own ways.

Mo_yong · Fantasía
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47 Chs


After the little chat between the two of them Daphne immediately left the room and sped to her car before swiftly entering and shutting the door while breathing heavily and trying to control her breathing.

Zelda on the other hand wasn't too happy with that she had been interrupted from her beauty sleep before the time her alarm was set to ring for a new day.

It seemed to the woman that she just couldn't seem to catch a break now, first it was Kathleen and Arwen and now it just happened to be her supposed mate.

Speaking of mates there was something about Daphne that drew her in, sure the woman screamed danger but the thing is that Zelda was bound to meet her soon enough anyway after all that was the main reason she was in the Academy in the first place no?


And that was just one of the reasons among the very many other reasons so no harm done but the thing now is that the woman was subtle as hell and definitely mysterious.

Yes she spoke a lot or she couldn't even count that as talking because the woman was basically just replying to her questions but it still didn't give away the fact that she kept things vague and as short as she could.

'Hell she didn't even let me ask her where she'd pick me up or tell her were to pick me up. The audacity!'

Zelda thought as she hissed and stumped her foot on the cold floor.

She quickly dismissed the thoughts swimming in her head and went back to her room to catch up on sleep a little before her classes.

What a hassle.

Daphne drove out of the Academy when she gathered her thoughts together.

The woman was confused and though the little chat with her mother earlier that day gave her a little insight, she felt the need to know more about her situation as it was highly important but in the main time she decided that she'd just focus on her work and also make time to spend with her mates so they could get to know each other better so they could get compatible with each other.

Zelda was lost in thought as she lay in her bed. She really thought she could sleep after the whole meeting? How clever of her.

Thing is she couldn't sleep right now after the little meeting with her supposed mate and eve when the sun started peeking through the windows ad of course Tala just had to come through 'waking her up' with her noise as a distraction and Zelda could confidently say that her first morning in the dorms turned out to be total bullcrap.

"Wake up sleepyface!!!! We got classes in a bit and you just here sleeping your ass out for so long." Tala said as she blocked Zelda's ears.

Oh if only she knew....

Zelda looked at her like a zombie she felt she was and sat up in bed before walked up to her with intimidating steps and bloodshot eyes while Tala on the other had remained unbothered.

"Are you trying to intimidate me gurl? I'll have you know that it won't work because I know you won't do shit to me and wanna know why?

Because I heard you mtherfucker now please get outta mah way and go get dressed so we can go to class together."

Tala hissed and walked to the kitchen but Zelda on the other hand wasn't having it. There was no way she'd let two people walk out on her before she can even get a word out.

"Dude, don't walk out on me before I get a word in or else I'mma throw em hands dude!"

Zelda fumed at Tala who just nonchalantly gazed at her perfect manicured nails and she didn't even budge when she looked up for just a split second before she continued her business which was inspecting her nails in case it wasn't obvious enough yet.

"If you're gonna stay frozen here then I suggest you at least do something with your life and go take a shower, no offence but I am allergic to people who don't shower immediately after waking up." The younger woman said and looked back at her nails.

Zelda looked at the calm woman sitting ever so free with no care in the world.