
Chapter 1. It's hard to breathe

"M-Mr. Josef ...," said Leta in surprise, she stammered when she saw a man who was known to be cold and frozen to all women sitting across from him. The boss.

Josef's sharp gaze seemed to tear Leta apart when their eyes met. Leta froze, in her seat, unable to do anything. Can not even cancel, because it is his own choice.

"Miss … what are you thinking? Focus on Miss, because soon Mr. Harold will announce who will be the woman who will be chosen as his wife?" said a maid reminding Leta when she was only when her name was called.

"Yes Ma'am ... I'm sorry for not being focused," said Leta.

"Ladies and gentlemen ... soon Mr. Harold will choose one of the women to be his wife, and ladies and gentlemen who have participated in this matchmaking event, please be prepared because one of you will soon be the luckiest woman married to a man. Asian billionaire." All participants present applauded happily after hearing the announcement made by the presenter.

"Oh my God ... what have I done? How could I not notice? If Mr. Harold that the host was referring to is Mr. Josef Harold, my boss in the office." Leta smacked herself in the head, and deeply regretted her stupidity for having made a hasty decision just because she wanted to anger the savage man.

"Well the lucky woman I will choose is Miss,-

Deg deg deg

Leta's heart was beating very fast when Mr. Josef Harold started to make his voice, moreover Mr. Josef to the point of pausing his sentence while staring at each participant in the matchmaking event, he even prayed silently.

"Oh God ... I hope I am not the one who was chosen to be his wife. Not me ... not me ... do not let you look at me." Leta's prayer in the heart.

"The lucky woman I will marry is Miss Leta Qirani.


As soon as her name was called by Mr. Josef, Leta was as shocked as if she had been struck by lightning, let alone that Mr. Josef had seen her, and pointed at him directly.

"Congratulations to Miss Leta Qirani who has been chosen to be the wife of a billionaire who is the richest in Asia, and to Miss Leta is expected to stand beside Mr. Josef," called the host.

Leta's who heard her name being called her body trembled for a moment, even her joints became very weak, she couldn't move her legs at all, even though all eyes were on her at that time.

"Sir, it seems that Miss Leta Lovata is a typical shy woman who wants to be picked up by you directly," suggested the presenter again.

"You damn emcee ... why would he give such a suggestion? Can't he tell the difference? If I'm scared instead of being embarrassed as he said, and Mr. Josef also why would you want to follow the wishes of that stupid emcee?" Leta kept cursing and cursed when she saw Mr. Josef's feet who were walking toward her.

"Come on, Miss Leta, take my hand, and come with me in front," said Mr. Josef, and strangely, Leta seemed to be bewitched, she voluntarily complied with the man's wishes, even her limp body and legs now disappeared instantly.

When Mr. Josef's warm, a big hand gripped his small fingers, it seemed as if a force was flowing through his veins, making his originally cold body turn warm.

Leta was speechless, she couldn't even say anything when a small threat sounded in her ear. "According to me, and don't embarrass me, if you still want to see the sunrise tomorrow," whispered Mr. Josef, tucking his hair into Leta's ear.

Leta's breath suddenly became tight for a moment until she found it hard to breathe because she heard the threat from Mr. Josef, but she still tried to smile in front of the many people who were staring at her.

"Well, you saw for yourself, didn't Mr. Harold turn out to be very romantic to his partner, Miss Leta really is the luckiest woman in the world because she has been chosen to be Mr. Harold's most handsome life partner." The presenter kept on saying the privileges, and advantages of Mr. Josef Harold.

Leta couldn't hear any sound, because in her mind only the words, and the threat from Mr. Josef just now existed. Leta continued to remain silent until the matchmaking event was over, and now she was on her way to Mr. Josef Harold's mansion.

"We've arrived sir ...," said the driver after the car was parked perfectly at the residence of Josef Harold's mansion.

Mr. Josef entered first, while Leta just followed him from behind. Leta's eyes were surprised when the main door opened and saw 20 female servants, 10 male servants, and 20 security people dressed in all black with cold, and sinister faces lined up neatly on either side to form a path for Mr. Jeff, and Leta to pass.

"Welcome Mr. Josef ... welcome Miss," greeted all the maids, and security greeted them.

"Hmm ...," said Mr. Josef with a sigh.

He kept walking past all the servants, and the security of the house, but Mr. Josef stopped when he was about to pass the last one.

"Auntie Nam takes Miss Leta to the guest room, and explains to her the rules that exist in this mansion," explained Mr. Josef to auntie Nam the butler who is approximately 40 years old.

"Ready, sir, will soon carry it out," said auntie Nam.

"Come on, Miss! Aunt will take Miss to the room so that Miss can rest before the announcement of Miss's wedding tomorrow night," said auntie Nam, which again surprised Leta.

"Wait ... can I say something to Master?" asked Felicia who stopped Mr. Josef when he was about to start walking.

Mr. Josef turned around, and glared at Felicia only then did he say. "What's wrong? Is it still not clear what I said earlier?" asked Mr. Josef with a slight snarl.

"I-I'm sorry S-Sir, but I just want to ask permission to go home, because all my belongings are still left at home, even all the necessities for work are still at home, while tomorrow I have to work," said Leta who dared to express her wish.

"You don't have to work tomorrow, because tonight there will be an announcement of our marriage, so tomorrow you can take the day off, and for all your equipment I've filled it all up, so you don't have to remember all the things in your house anymore," explained Mr. Josef, then he turned to leave Leta.

"But sir, I,-

"Auntie Nam ...," shouted Mr. Josef loudly, and was so angry that Leta sat on the floor with her body shaking with fear until her breath was very tight, and it was difficult to breathe.

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