
Frost : Algid Rex

"I always feel cold" No matter how good your life can be, sometimes people still feel cold even though they're surrounded by people who love them. They feel emptiness in their heart and soul, that doesn't go away no matter what they do. There this voice in their head keep telling them that, "You don't deserve anything in your life, you didn't do anything that will give you such beautiful gift." "You are nothing more than empty husk vessel, that got lucky enough to have life." "You don't even deserve to born, let alone live in this world." At this point you just want to disappear from earth. But what if your wish come true.... .......................................................... Claude Vedh 15 year old boy get transmigrated to another world Snodedliv. Beautiful and peaceful looking planet snowfall happens all the time looking at snowfall will calm your heart. This world has magic too, isn't it what everyone on earth want to feel it, breathe in it and live in world full of magic. That's what people from earth would think but races that live in this planet it's frozen hell. They never saw or know about spring, summer and autumn only everlasting winter stays here. This world is full of myths, mysteries and unknown threats that always hidden in darkness to devoured you and everything that is close to you. Magic and Sword Curse and Blessings Talent and Hardwork Dreams and Hope Past and Future Strong and Weak Whether you are human or demon. Nothing really matters in front of absolute power. Your past, present and future everything will disappear on single breathe of absolute being. Claude young boy who didn't even saw cruel nature of humans on earth. Now, about to experience what pain, suffering and tragedy. Now, he going to see true evil nature of humans being and being far worse than humans. Will he become "THE ALGID REX" or just another weed that going to crumble away. ............................................................. Author Notes : I'm going to do my best while writing this novel. I'm participating this year WSA, I wish if I could be within top 50 people in final. I want to write atleast 500+ chapter novel and given good support from readers I will try my best to go beyond my limits to write 1000+ chapter novel. If there's any mistakes in novel let me know, I will do my best to improve it. I hope you enjoy reading my work.

TRASH_MONAL · Fantasía
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17 Chs

Another world

As further I went inside the cave bigger the cave became, "I'm really scared right now but I have to move forward"

"Damn it"

The cold winds are getting inside the cave at this rate at night it would be freezing even if I collect more wood it still won't be enough to stay warm.

Cave is now expanding downward and it was less cold here and further I went inside it was getting warm it gets. Inside cave I didn't find anything.

Ever since I got here, I didn't see any dirt or soil just snow and rocks.

When I look at my watch I saw the time that I have been walking inside cave for past 40 or 50 minutes and cave is complete warm here doesn't even feel like there's snowfall is happening outside.

After a few minutes I saw a big pond inside the cave.

What shocked me wasn't the pond in cave but single Lotus flower inside pond.

Red and orange petals It was dazzling like jewel, I can even see its petals burning with fire.

I can't believe my eyes for what I was seeing there's really existing something like this in this world or in another world.

That's right this might not be the earth from where I came from, this is another world.

God Truck-kun blessed me.

In excitement, I screamed out loud, "I finally got isekai."

I look at the lotus flower with my shining eyes because I know if I want to get superpower I have to eat this flower.

But it was in middle of the pond and most importantly wherever there's such heavenly treasure there's bound to be powerful monster guarding the treasure.

"Pond water is Crystal clear with naked eyes anyone can see surface below but pond surface is also rocky still no soil below.

Even though pond surface doesn't seem deep but who knows how deep is that in reality and monster might be invisible for now seeing me coming here."

I sat near the pond even though I want to drink pond water, I don't want to provoke invisible monster by drinking water from pond and who knows this water might not be drinkable as this bizarre flower is growing up in pond.

"One thing is clear to me now this is not real world, my planet Earth."

I lied down on the ground and I didn't even realise before I fall asleep. I was really tired from what happened, that tragedy did leave behind a deep scar in my mind.

When I woke I had splitting headache like my brain going explode.

I had a nightmare while I was sleeping, in my nightmare I saw my family get drowned to death. Everyone on the ship was getting drowned the ship was sinking in visible rate and there was this head splitting noise coming out of the bottom of the ocean like it was just waiting for this tsunami to happen to devour everyone.

"I miss you mom and dad"

"I miss you brother"

"I sincerely wish all of you survive that tregedy."

I remember the time I spent with my family from my childhood to this day but I have to accept the fact that I'm not going to see them again cause this is was what I truly wished for my whole life.

I still have berries to eat for right now but later on, I have to find something else to eat too, I have to go outside now.

After that, I walked towards the cave entrance, "Its completely dark here is it still night time here, seems like I woke up too soon even though I feel like I had wonderful sleep." and just as I walked for few minutes, I saw something that I didn't expect for seeing at all.

The whole cave entrance was blocked by snow.

"Damn it, why its blocked, I have to go outside."

I started digging snow out the entrance but no matter how much I tried it wasn't opening at all.

After few minutes of trying I got depressed and lose all hope, I have few berries and water to drink from that pond but I would rather not get near that pond anymore cause if that monster finds out I'm trapped inside this cave, Monster going to eat me alive.

Now, it has been two days already since I'm trapped inside this cave I have been eating and puking out the berries and I eat snow too.

I drink a few drops of water by taking snow from the entrance in my hands and warming it up on fire to turn into water.

I don't have anything to put water inside. So, I had no choice but to use my hands.

Snow in this world is unique and different from earth as despite getting my hands burnt snow doesn't become liquid quickly.

My hands skin is burnt and I only have few branches left for the campfire, after that, I'm going to die in this cave.

Lying on the Rocky surface of cave, I look at the last remaining branches burn in the campfire and such is fate.

As I was looking at the fire I suddenly heard sound, I suddenly got up to look at cave entrance as sound was coming from outside of it.

It bunch of people are digging out snow or beast is clawing out snow.

"I truly hope it's human outside, not the beast."

After what it feels like internity cave entrance was cleared as last part of snow was burst of open like car in full speed hit the entrance.

What I saw in front of me were five people with long golden hair, blue eyes, snow-white skin, really tall above 6 feet (1.83 m) height and animal skin clothes that just cover their important part of skin.

But next moment my back hit the cave wall and sharp dagger made of animal tooth was in front of my right eye just few millimeters away from it and if I try to move even if the one holding dagger didn't try to stab me, I get myself stab instead.

I was so scared that I couldn't even open my mouth and beg for mercy or ask for help, like anyone going to help me in this situation.

The man holding the dagger start speaking in questioning look, but I couldn't understand what his saying at all.

He speaks the language that I'm the first time hearing in my life.

I was unable to see his face I was looking at the dagger in front of me, I'm going to piss myself in a few minutes it seems.

The man keeps saying things but I don't understand.

The first thing that came out my mouth was, "I didn't do anything. Please don't kill me."

Just a few days ago I was thinking about suicide and now I'm begging for my life.

What an absurd reality we all live in.

Hearing my answer man put away his dagger, to be more correct another man was holding that man and talking to him.

When I look at the man I get to see one holding the dagger was old man in his 60s with white hair, snow-white skin and blue eyes but he wasn't tall like other man.

And one who holding old man hand was mid-age man in his late 40s it seems he was one of the five people standing in front of the cave.

Both of them were arguing about something, probably not killing me or killing me for good.

I really don't like this feeling of having your life in someone else hand or more correct in dagger.

Both of them turned to me and start saying things but only thing I could do is apologize to them for not understanding their language.

"I'm sorry but I don't understand what you guys are saying."

"Please don't kill me, I didn't do anything and I don't have any weapons in my hands"

As I said, that I reveal my both hands to them.

But suddenly, they took few steps back just as I show them my empty hand.

An old man suddenly appeared in front me and punch me in the stomach.

He hit so hard that blood come out from my mouth and it seems I'm going to lose my consciousness in few minutes.

They call one of the man and had him pinned me down on ground.

And I saw other three go inside cave.

Damn, this people gets attack by that monster who's guarding that heavenly flower.

At the entrance, I saw a beautiful goddess descending on this mortal realm from heaven up above.

She was snow-white with shining golden hair and green eyes and pink flower petal lips.

Looking at this world with kindness in her eyes.

She was talking to old man and that other mid-age man, I couldn't understand single word she said but I felt listening to them for all my life.

As I was looking at her suddenly I felt like my head going to be rolled on floor if I didn't look away from her, I knew who this gaze belongs to it that old man.

He was staring into my eyes like he's going to take bath in my blood.