
Frost's Moment

In a world where every human being is born with an inate power known as a spirit, our main character Fubuki is born particularly powerful, but as he moves to his nations capital he'll experience that the world is much more powerful than the simple town he grew up in

ThePigPriest · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Beginning's Goodbye

What is a hero? Well, I think that a hero is someone who uses their natural abilities to help others above all else. That kind of hero, isn't one I want to be, some figure in the night hell-bent on justice, disconnected from the society they protect. No, I think I'm going to do things differently.

2 years ago when I turned 12 I manifested my spirit, The Frost Beast, which grants me control over frost, snow, and ice. Spirits manifest in every human being once their body is capable of handling their energy. But for some people like me, their spirits are too powerful and have to be forced into manifestation at the age of 12. This doesn't mean they are weaker than people who manifest earlier, in fact, it's usually the opposite. Even while dormant their spirits leak out powerful energy. This energy leakage is what made me the most powerful person in my small town of Tresloc, even before fully manifesting my spirit.

During my school days, it was almost weekly that people challenged me to a fight just so they could claim the title of "most powerful in the whole town.'' These idiots only stopped once I manifested my spirit and became a few folds more powerful. Anyway in my small hometown of Tresloc, which is on the western edge of the Yuki kingdom, it's always been covered in snow as far as the eye can see. The town is still very lively, whenever visitors come they're always excited about the unique atmosphere created by the quiet snowy apple-smelling town. Everyone who's been outside of the town comes back with stories of utter amazement, describing how sunny it is out east, I can't even imagine it.

Because of my power, I was invited to Etchtome Academy, a top-tier school in the capital city of Yuki'oro. It's said the school looks like a massive castle, with hidden monsters, rooms, and chambers. Today is the last day before I'm supposed to head out.

I'm going to be living in the dormitories of the academy, and if I need to I already know a friend that lives in Yuki'oro. And I'm all set and packed. I just need to get there. It's a 3-day journey on foot so I need to leave by nightfall. The woods and pathway between Tresloc and Yuki'oro aren't maintained very well, capital officials are too scared to come here which is why most people here have for the most part never seen one.

Before I left I decided to say goodbye to my friends For'o and Kiuki so we met at our old middle school. It was said the man who built this town was insanely powerful, whatever spirit he had, it must've been crazy.

I headed down the street, looking at the place I'd gone to school for years at, its brick walls still old and busted up. The playground still had kids playing on it, even as the snow poured onto them as it was the only playground in the town. Man all the memories here, the school that's basically just one long hallway, that we made fun of for so many years, never thought it would have this much of an impact on me.

"Yo, guys," I called out 30 feet from them.

"Hey! Fubuki! So today's the day." Kiuki said smiling, his messy blonde hair and long gray sweater never change, but it felt different somehow.

"Yeah, I'm outta here," I responded looking down at the road.

"Well I mean you not gonna be gone forever right?" For'o said, catching my attention, his long straight black hair going down to his shoulders in combination with his bland clothes always made him blend in a little bit.

"Nope not one chance, you thought I would let you idiots forget me?" I said boastfully.

"We couldn't forget you, literally you're the only person in the whole town this dumb," Kiuki said.

"Don't make fun of him when you're just as dumb," For'o pointed at him.

"Wait wha- don't put me at the same level as Kiuki!" I raised my voice.

"Same level as me? Why am I on the same level as you?" Kiuki got in my face.

"Calm down guys, we shouldn't fight, especially if we won't see each other for half a year," For'o motioned for us to stop.

"You're right, I'm kinda hungry, wanna go to Pop's?" I put my hands in my pockets and looked at the school one last time.

"Yeah, let's go!" Kiuki yelled out as he practically started skipping down the street.

Me and For'o ran after him, and while walking I looked around at the homes around us, the Hederson's house, which we always made fun of for its odd shape and strange stone and wood architecture. Maybe it's just because they came from the capital that they decided to make their home look like that, but it was so out of the ordinary we would just laugh looking at it. The soft pale trees still growing their delicious apples, leaves covered in frost and snow.

Then I looked ahead, towards my two friends, Kiuki, the headstrong sort of stupid guy that I'd met at the beginning of school all those years ago. The pranks we've played, the trouble we've gotten in, how could I go through with leaving all that? And For'o, the quiet guy that I'd known from school but never became friends with until I went to the library to find a book on fighting techniques. He always had so much in-depth knowledge about anything and my curiosity led me to ask him so much we'd just become friends over time.

We walked through the town towards the only pizza shop, Pops Pizza, and passed by so many landmarks we'd known through the years. Kiuki's family's forgery, where his dad would never let me make anything. And For'o's family candy shop where his mom had taken over after his dad's death a few months after I'd met For'o. We would always hang out there and despite her offerings, I never indulged in the free candy she offered us out of respect, Kiuki however always did whenever he could.

I saw Pops down the street, the tall rectangular building made from bricks and limestone with a sign outside just saying, "Pops pizza," made me nostalgic. I got lost in thought and only came back to reality as I walked into the door instead of through it.

"Hey pops, can we get the usual?" Kiuki said as soon as we walked through the door, my head still spinning a bit.

"Alright gotcha, comin' up." The burly man with white hair and a thick northern Yuki accent said.

We took a seat in our usual booth, the wool seats and tiled floor with the torches lighting the place up felt so familiar yet so distant. The seats have always been really comfortable, pops made sure of that, it actually reminds me of something.

"Kiuki remember when you fell asleep in the booth and Pop's had to smack you to get you up?" I brought up.

"I studied all night for my test, I deserved that nap! Damn old man." Kiuki sounded a bit pissed and looked towards the kitchen.

"Maybe study every day for an hour and not for 8 hours straight before your exam!" For'o yelled as he jumped from his seat.

"Oh yeah? What about the time you needed to order 6 pizzas 20 minutes before Fubuki's birthday party?" Kiuki said in retaliation, sassily.

"That's not my fault you were supposed to get the pizzas, making me do it 20 minutes before the party isn't an argument!" For'o replied still yelling.

"Well, that's not my fault! Pops told me I was banned for a month because I tried to see what was in the kitchen!" Kiuki said, getting up from his seat again.

"Oh yeah, he nearly killed you with a rolling pin, what kind of idiot would mess with pops?" I laughed and they both calmed down.


And as we continued talking about all the adventures and mishaps we've been on, Pop's finally brought out our pizza.

"Hey you, shouldn't you have been outta this town by now? Gone to that school in the capital?" he said while setting the pizza down on the table.

"Nah I got 4 days before class starts, I'm all good." I waved my hand.

"Alright well, whenever you're back make sure to come by alright?" his eyes widened as he spoke.

We ate and continued talking, I wish it could've gone on forever but alas, the pizza was finished and For'o said, "Right," and I knew that it meant this would be my last time here in a long time. But I don't want it to be.

We went outside, the snow had gotten harsher, now beating down like a drum. Our final conversation, it makes me feel like there's no snow at all, all the good times we've had.

"Fubuki," For'o spoke first, "I can't imagine what it's going to be like without you, but, I know it's for the best, so have fun." He turned around hiding his tears.

"Don't worry, I'll come back, it won't be that long." I spoke in a higher pitch to reassure him.

"Well I don't care if you're here or not, you not being here just means that I'm going to become the new town-strongest person!" Kiuki spoke confidently, his arms crossed and eyes closed.

I laughed a bit, "Even I know you don't mean that, man it looks like it's gonna be a pain in the ass for For'o to keep you in check." I said.

"It sure will be." For'o sighed.

"I guess this is goodbye, see you guys around sometime." I waved and turned around before walking off.

"Please not yet." I heard a soft voice against the violent sound of the snow rapidly rushing downwards.

"Huh?" I turned around.

"Please don't go yet." Kiuki was fully crying, tears strewn everywhere.

"I uh-" He cut me off.

"If you're gone I'll get all the blame for what I do, don't leave yet." He kept crying and started walking towards me slowly.

"Yeah yeah, calm down already, it's just a few months." I looked to the side, a lump in my throat, trying not to cry.

"Fine," He wiped his eyes, "but when I start dating your sister your gonna be sorry you didn't stick around." He said teasingly.

"Still not gonna happen," I said.

"Goodbye, Fubuki," Kiuki said, and I don't know why, but this broke me, a rush of sadness came over me, and the lump grew.

I finished my goodbye with them and headed off to the park, it was just a block over and I made it there in no time. I sat down on a bench and just relaxed, my arm over my eyes, fully enveloped in the sweet aroma of the apple trees. I calmed down and noticed my sister walking by. I always wanted to be closer to her, but she's just a bit timid and sheltered, and I worry about her a lot.

I called her over and we walked home, my parents weren't home as usual, I quickly ran up the stairs of my average-sized home, my fingers running across the walls I wouldn't see for months, my room the same as it'd always been despite the fact it was empty aside from my bed. I grabbed my bag and headed out where she was waiting for me.

We walked towards the town gate, which was made of metal and was usually never closed. I walked out before looking back at her.

"Hey." She whispered to me, clearly wanting to say something.

"I'll be back, I promise you that ok?" I smiled and as I turned around and continued, I could hear her start crying as I did.

I walked through the forest, bag in hand, just picking apples from the trees and eating them as I went along. I soon reached a place where there wasn't snow, just grass plains and wild animals frolicking around. Night fell shortly and I went to bed under a cloud of stars, drifting off as I looked at them.

When I woke up I continued my trip, venturing onward and finding not too much of note. Aside from the occasional farm I passed by an unusual amount of nothing. Soon it was again time for bed, I wish I had some of those apples from yesterday, damn.

I realized that I had one day and I needed to cover half the distance of the trip due to my slacking. I ran as quickly as I could, only slowing down once I saw the walls which wrapped around the capital, they were taller than anything I'd ever seen before. They are probably a major reason why the capital has never been successfully invaded even once.

Hey everyone! Thanks for reading to the end! Authors note: etchtome academy is pronounced (ek-tome) ek as in rekt noob and tome as in that stuff wizards got, Tresloc is pronounced (trez-lock) tre like in Spanish tres, the z sound and the word lock, ok bye

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