
The first time when we met

I was going to the train when I saw a tall boy with blonde hair and ask him does he know where is the platform "9 3/4" he with a smirk on his face said ~" Another lost girl who ask the way"~ I start to get little annoyed by him but I have to ask it was my first year in Hogwarts for every other person was the third year. I nodded and he said ~"ok come"~.

After few hours he starts to ask me questions about myself. ~"What is your name," I said to him ~"My name is Y/N Riddle"~ he with confusion in his eyes ask me ~"You are the daughter of V- v-"~ I said ~"Yea Voldemort"~.

~𝘈𝘵 𝘏𝘰𝘨𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘴~

All-new students have to go to the sorting hat and yell ~"Slytherin"~ I was so happy that I was Slytherin and my dad will be Then I sat at the table next to the boy that I met at the train. I forget to ask him for his name when I ask him he said ~" Don't you know me I'm Draco Malfoy"~ I laugh said ~"oh you are that guys that their dads help mine dad "~ he with his angry voice said ~" Don't talk like that or my father will hear about this"~ I laughed.