
The Spark

Izuku Midoriya, a 15 year old boy with dark green hair and bright green eyes standing at 5'2" tall makes his way home after the worst day of his life. First his former best friend turned worst tormentor tells him to jump off a roof. Then on his way home he is attacked and almost killed by a sludge villain before being saved by his idol and number 1 hero All Might who proceeds to crush his dreams saying he needs to be realistic and that without a quirk he can't be a hero before leaping away to turn in said sludge monster. Now as he walks up to his apartment complex he notices a fire raging as a fight between Endeavor and a drake quirked villain. Looking around and seeing all his neighbors out on the streets as their homes are burning from the fight he looks for his mother in the crowd. Not seeing her he runs as fast as he could to get to his apartment that he and his mom share. Making it inside he finds her dead crushed under burning support beams the villain crashed into. The recently debuted sidekick Moe Kamiji aka Burnin watches as Izuku runs to his apartment and follows him. As she enters to pull the kid out away from the fight she too sees his mother dead under the support beams and does the only thing she can. Moe grabs Izuku around his waist and pulls him out of the house and back towards the civilians watching the fight. A few of Izuku's neighbors see this and watch as Burnin tries to comfort him. Realizing what happened just watched sadly knowing that his mother was dead. After a few more minutes Endeavor finally knocks out the drake villain and he is taken away by the police do the firefighters arrive and put out the flames. Endeavor seeing his newest sidekick comforting the boy walks over and asks, "What is going on here Burnin?" Burnin turns to her boss replying, "I am comforting one of the victims of the villain attack. I saw him rush into the apartment on the third floor where the attack started. I saw him on his knees in front of his deceased mother if I'm guessing correctly sir." She reports in a professional tone while she continues to comfort the boy who is now fast asleep from emotional distress. Endeavor hearing this looks at the boy sadly before turning to one of Izuku's neighbors who have come over. "Do you know who lived in that apartment?" He asks a middle aged man with a minor dog quirk giving him the ears and tail of a husky. "Yeah her name was Midoriya Inko and that is her son Midoriya Izuku." He points at Izuku. "His father lives in America for work, sending them enough money to live comfortably. Though I'm pretty sure he just walked out on them after he found out that Izuku is quirkless." The man continued with a sad look in his eyes. Hearing this causes Endeavor and Burnin to have a look of disgust though not at Izuku for something he had no control over. The flames the cover Endeavors face burn hotter at that. "What does he want to do with his life?" He asks, looking towards the man he was talking to. "He wants to be a hero like All Might, it's all he talks about. All the people in the complex have seen his heroic nature and believe he could be the first quirkless hero though we never said it out loud because his mother didn't want him doing so. You should take a look at his notebooks with analysis of hero's." The dog man says with a sad smile on his face. Burnin hearing enough says, "Bossman I'm going to take him with me until we can sort things out with him plus I don't think he is going to let me go anytime soon." Endeavor looking back at Burnin seeing that she was correct as Izuku was clinging to her as a lifeline refusing to let go even in his sleep. "That's fine you can go now." Endeavor says dismissing her. Moe holds onto Izuku as she lifts the two of them up now on her feet, suddenly glad that all heroes and sidekicks had to get an emergency foster license for situations like this.

Time skip brought to you by Chibi Izuku eating Katsudon

Izuku wakes up in an unfamiliar room and looks around trying to remember what happened before the memories of his mother dead under burning support beams enters his mind. Getting up from the bed he is in and walking to the door he stops as he hears shouting from a familiar voice though he can't place where he heard it before. "He's your son, don't you care about him at all." Not hearing a reply he assumes the conversation is over the phone. "You fucking bastard how could you say that about your son and even more about your deceased wife." Realizing that whoever is talking is having a conversation with his father who doesn't want him, breaks Izuku inside making him curl in on himself. "You know what fine just sign over all parental rights I'll email you the paperwork. Your son will be better off without a worthless bastard like you." Hearing the conversation is over and footsteps coming towards the room he's in Izuku quickly goes and hides on the other side of the bed fearing that whoever it is will hurt him. Moe walks into the room seeing that Izuku had woken up but not seeing him in the room. "Midoriya-san it's okay I'm not going to hurt you." She says with a softness not normally present in her voice. Izuku looks up over the bed he was hiding behind to see Moe standing at the doorway with a kind smile on her face. "It's okay I know you are probably confused and upset but I'm only here to help you Midoryia-san." Moe says playing with the yellow green fire that she calls hair. Izuku slowly stands up, keeping his eyes on the hero he remembers comforting him yesterday. "Where am I?" Izuku asks cautiously as he doesn't completely trust her. Moe smiles before replying, "You are in my house. You refused to release me after you fell asleep." Izuku blushes a bright red imitation of a tomato. "What's going to happen to me?" He asks, afraid he will be sent to a foster home that will mistreat him. Moe just smiles before answering, "Depending on any of your family coming to claim custody of you you'll remain here with me if that's okay with you." Izuku looks shocked and says, "Are you sure I won't be a burden?" Moe walks over slowly telegraphing each of her actions before reaching him pulling him into a hug she replies, "Of course you aren't a burden." "Even though I'm quirkless." He says looking up at her with hopeful eyes. Seeing him look at her like that and smiles. "It doesn't matter that you are quirkless. You are a kind and brilliant boy and I'm sure you can be a great hero." Izuku looks up at her, shocked by her words, his eyes filling with tears. Izuku holds onto her tightly as he cries hearing that she thinks he can be a hero. "Now can you tell me if you have any other family not including your father?" Moe asks while holding onto him. "I don't know any other blood family. The closest thing to family would be the Bakugo's. My mother was best friends with them." Izuku answers as he stops crying, wiping his remaining tears away. "Why don't we go get you some breakfast then we will go see what we can salvage from your home okay." Moe says as she gets up with Izuku and walks out of the room with him. Entering her living room he sees a basic breakfast of toast and eggs. "I hope this is okay. I'm not much of a cook." Moe says as she and Izuku sit down. "It's fine." Izuku replies as he begins to eat the food on his plate. While he eats Moe is on her phone sending Midoriya Hisashi the paperwork required to relinquish all parental rights of Midoriya Izuku. Once that was done, Izuku finished eating the two left for Izuku's apartment complex. Taking the train the two made small talk. "I forgot to ask but what's your name Burnin-san?" Izuku asks as the two sit on the train. "My name is Moe Kamiji but you can call me Kamiji." She replies. "Then you can call me Izuku Kamiji-san." Izuku says with a smile. They soon find themselves outside Izuku's apartment and enter, seeing that the apartment is relatively untouched by the flames and destruction that took place last night. Entering his room Izuku starts throwing his clothes into a duffel bag. As he does that Moe looks around the room seeing his hero merch mainly being All Might but also seeing heroes such as Endeavor, Miruko, Ryuukyu, and Best Jeanist. Spying a series of notebooks Moe walks over and takes a look picking one up reading 'Analysis for my future Vol. 10'. Peaking her interest she opens the book to a random page with a well drawn figure of Midnight. Looking further down the page she sees a basic detailing of Midnight's quirk but as she reads further after that she can't understand a single thing on the page. Realizing that it's encoded she takes a picture of it and sends it to the Analysis team at Endeavors agency. Putting the notebook down, she turns back to Izuku. "Do you want to take any of your merchandise with us and these notebooks?" Izuku nods and starts grabbing his notebooks, putting them in his bag before moving onto the hero merchandise carefully removing any poster from the wall placing them in a protective roll before putting them in a box before moving onto the action figures boxing them as well. "Could you help me sell all of the All Might stuff Kamiji-San?" Izuku asks as he carefully packs everything away. Turning her head as she packs away all of his Miruko and Ryuukyu merch. "Sure I can. But can you tell me why?" She asks in return. He looks at her tearfully saying, "He told me I couldn't be a hero before leaving me on top of a large building after saving me from a slice villain." Hearing that Kamiji got angry. "He did what?" She screams her flaming hair burning hotter and flaring up for a few seconds. Taking out her phone she sends a text to a police detective she works with regularly. "That bastard is going to get it this time." Having everything packed up, Izuku and Kamiji leave, heading for the train to take them back to Burnin's apartment. As they leave the Bakugou's are seen walking towards the Midoriya's apartment. "Hag, do you really think he'll forgive me?" Katsuki Bakugou asks his mother. His mother Mitsuki looks over and replies, "You two have been best friends for years. I'm sure if you sincerely apologize and explain things I'm sure you'll be forgiven." As the two close in, Katsuki freezes, seeing that the Midoriya apartment has been burned down, causing his mother to look and freeze as well. Snapping out of her shock Mitsuki rushes towards her best friend's apartment finding police tape on the door she panics going to the first person she sees asking for answers. As Katsuki catches up with his mother he hears, "Yeah it happened late last night a villain appeared out of nowhere running from the cops he caused the fires that killed Midoriya Inko before Endeavor was able to take him down." Katsuki looks at the guy and asks, "What about Izuku?" The man responds, "He's the one who found her. He's currently staying with one of Endeavor's sidekicks. Don't remember which one though."