
From Stage to Saga

In a world of magic and mystery, Oliver, a modern-world actor, finds himself transported to a realm he once only read about in novels. Assuming the persona of a genius, he joins an elite academy to teach magic to eager first-year students. However, his real mission goes beyond the classroom: to change the destiny of those he encounters. As whispers of innovation and intrigue fill the air, Oliver embarks on a calculated gambit, where deception is an art, and survival is his ultimate performance. But beneath the surface, transformations and complexities await. Dive into a realm where reality and fiction intertwine, and the magician's awakening is just the beginning.

Apostle9380 · Fantasía
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21 Chs

Chapter XVI: The Demon Attack (2)

The next morning, I awoke to the soft, golden rays of the sun streaming through the window. The room was filled with warmth and a sense of quiet anticipation for the day ahead. Following my familiar routine, I indulged in a long, refreshing bath and meticulous haircare. I had grown fond of my long, blondebhair and took great care in maintaining its lustrous sheen.

Today, I chose to wear a dark, velvet red tailcoat, a departure from my usual attire. The rich, luxurious fabric draped elegantly over my form, its deep hue contrasting against my fair complexion. I completed the ensemble with matching boots and a finely-crafted top hat that added a touch of flair and mystique to my appearance.

As I admired myself in the mirror, a sense of determination and readiness welled up within me. The day held the promise of new encounters and challenges, and I was prepared to embrace them all. With a final glance, I left my chambers, the tailcoat's intricate embroidery and deep, velvety tones resonating with the air of mystery that surrounded me.

As I was teaching in the classroom, a sudden, unexpected tremor rippled through the classroom, catching both the students and me off guard. It was as if the very foundations of the Arcanum Citadel had decided to voice a message, sending vibrations beneath our feet. The students, uncertain and fearful, exchanged anxious glances, some even whispering in hushed tones.

As the tremor grew in intensity, it caused the desks and chairs to shift slightly, amplifying the sense of unease in the room. The ambiance that had previously been so academically tranquil was disrupted, leaving us with an unspoken question hanging in the air.

The tremors continued their rhythmic march, each cycle lasting precisely one-and-a-half seconds. As the seconds ticked by, the unease among the students and faculty grew palpable. Whispers and hushed conversations filled the air, speculating about the source of this unsettling phenomenon.

The classroom's atmosphere became charged with tension, and a sense of foreboding hung like a heavy shroud. Students exchanged worried glances, while the professors struggled to maintain their composure.

In the midst of this disquiet, my own thoughts raced, searching for an explanation. What could create such a deliberate and ominous rhythm in the very earth beneath us? It was a question that lingered, unanswered and unsettling.

The rhythmic tremors persisted, intensifying with each passing moment. Suddenly, the air in the room seemed to thicken as a low, resonant hum filled the space. It was a sound that vibrated through bones, eliciting a collective sense of unease among everyone present.

I stood at the front of the classroom, my gaze narrowing as I tried to decipher the origin of this peculiar disturbance. The students, now on the edge of their seats, looked to me for reassurance, their expressions a mixture of curiosity and trepidation.

Without warning, the classroom door swung open, revealing a disheveled messenger, panic etched across their face. Their hurried breaths disrupted the tense silence as they spoke, delivering news that would cast a shadow over the academy.

"Professor Starweaver, demons... they're approaching the academy. The protective wards are failing, and the Headmistress has called for all professors to prepare for an imminent attack."

The gravity of the situation settled upon the room like a leaden weight, and the rhythmic tremors now took on a more sinister meaning. It was not merely the earth shifting but a prelude to a looming threat that would test the mettle of the Arcanum Citadel.

In the midst of the unfolding chaos, a surge of urgency propelled me into action. My mind raced as I considered the impending danger and the need to safeguard the academy and its inhabitants. The students, wide-eyed and fearful, looked to me for guidance.

With a commanding voice, I addressed the room, "Stay calm, everyone. We must follow the evacuation procedures. Head to the designated safe zones. Professors, ensure the students are guided safely."

As the students began to file out of the classroom, the tremors grew more pronounced, signaling the imminent arrival of the demonic threat. The urgency of the situation demanded swift and decisive action.

I took a moment to retrieve a mystical amulet from the hidden compartment of my robe, its intricate design emanating a faint glow. This artifact, infused with protective magic, had been a precautionary measure for such dire circumstances.

Stepping into the hallway, I joined the flow of students, guiding them towards the predetermined safe zones. The academy, once a haven of learning, now echoed with the hurried footsteps and hushed whispers of those caught in the upheaval.

As we neared the evacuation point, the distant sounds of unearthly growls and ominous chants reverberated through the air. The protective wards, once formidable, were strained under the assault of dark forces seeking entry.

Amidst the chaos, my thoughts raced not only to the immediate threat but also to the broader implications of this demonic incursion. The Second Great War loomed on the horizon, and the academy, a bastion of magical knowledge, stood at the forefront of a battle that would shape the destiny of the realms.

With a solemn determination, I steeled myself for the challenges that lay ahead, ready to confront the demonic forces and protect the sanctuary of magic—the Arcanum Citadel.

The evacuation proceeded in a tense and orderly fashion. Students, professors, and staff hurried towards the designated safe zones, guided by the urgency of the situation. The air resonated with a sense of trepidation as the rhythmic tremors intensified, indicating the encroaching threat.

As we reached the safety of the underground chambers, I took a moment to assess the situation. The academy's protective wards were strained, shimmering with a dim glow as they resisted the demonic incursion. I knew that merely relying on the existing defenses would not be sufficient.

Addressing the gathered faculty and students, I spoke with a firm resolve, "We must reinforce the wards. Gather all available magic users. We need to create a barrier that can withstand this onslaught."

The atmosphere in the underground chambers shifted, a collective determination emerging from the faces of those present. Professors and skilled mages began to coordinate their efforts, channeling their magical abilities to reinforce the protective barriers.

The resonance of arcane energy filled the air as spells were cast, intertwining and converging to create a formidable defense. Amidst the collaboration, a moment of unity emerged—a shared commitment to defend the Arcanum Citadel against the looming demonic threat.

As the makeshift barrier took shape, a surge of otherworldly energy pressed against it, testing its resilience. The demonic forces outside unleashed a barrage of dark spells and unearthly roars, attempting to breach the academy's defenses.

In the midst of the magical chaos, I remained vigilant, my mind focused on the task at hand. The students, though undoubtedly anxious, drew strength from the united front displayed by the academy's faculty.

The battle between magic and darkness unfolded with each passing moment, and the fate of the academy hung in the balance.

Amidst the collaborative efforts, I assessed the intricate patterns of the protective wards. My mind delved into the arcane intricacies, seeking a way to enhance the barrier. That's when I decided to incorporate the Grid Matrix—a powerful magical construct that could amplify the strength of our defenses.

Focusing my energy, I accessed the Grid Matrix, its luminous pattern intertwining with the existing wards. The barrier surged with newfound vigor, resonating with a harmonious blend of magical forces. The faculty and students alike felt the surge of power, their expressions shifting from anxiety to a cautious optimism.

Stepping outside the underground chambers, I saw the demonic horde drawing nearer. With a stern expression, I made my way towards the forefront, determined to confront the impending threat head-on. As I walked through the dimly lit corridors, I encountered Lora, her eyes reflecting a mixture of fear and determination.

She looked at me, her voice wavering, "Professor Starweaver, what can I do to help?"

I met her gaze with a reassuring nod, "Lora, focus on reinforcing the wards from this side. We need every ounce of magical strength. Trust in your abilities, and we'll get through this together."

Continuing my journey towards the outer perimeter, the resonating clashes of magic and the ominous roars of the approaching demons intensified. The air was charged with tension as the faculty and students worked tirelessly to hold the barrier.

As I stepped out into the open, the magnitude of the demonic force became apparent. The shadows writhed with malevolence, their ominous presence casting an eerie glow on the academy's surroundings. I raised my staff, prepared to face the impending onslaught, my resolve unwavering in the face of the approaching darkness.