
From Stage to Saga

In a world of magic and mystery, Oliver, a modern-world actor, finds himself transported to a realm he once only read about in novels. Assuming the persona of a genius, he joins an elite academy to teach magic to eager first-year students. However, his real mission goes beyond the classroom: to change the destiny of those he encounters. As whispers of innovation and intrigue fill the air, Oliver embarks on a calculated gambit, where deception is an art, and survival is his ultimate performance. But beneath the surface, transformations and complexities await. Dive into a realm where reality and fiction intertwine, and the magician's awakening is just the beginning.

Apostle9380 · Fantasía
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21 Chs

Chapter XIII: The Princess' Proposal

As I stepped into the royal palace, a profound sense of awe washed over me. The sheer scale and architectural beauty of this magnificent place was beyond compare.

The palace's grandeur was reflected in its towering, ornate ceilings adorned with intricate frescoes, marble columns that seemed to stretch to the heavens, and floors that gleamed like glass under the soft glow of crystal chandeliers. Every nook and cranny exuded opulence, and the meticulous attention to detail was evident in the masterful artwork and craftsmanship displayed throughout the palace. It was a true testament to the wealth, power, and regal heritage of the royal family who resided here.

I continued to walk through the opulent halls of the palace, observing the grandeur and the meticulous attention to detail in its architecture and decor. The palace was adorned with exquisite tapestries, ornate chandeliers, and intricate sculptures, all displaying the wealth and splendor of the royal family. The soft golden glow of the chandeliers cast a warm and inviting ambiance throughout the corridors.

As I passed through each chamber, I couldn't help but notice the staff members whispering to each other in hushed tones. My reputation had clearly preceded me, and the palace was abuzz with the news of my visit. Elegantly dressed maids and butlers gracefully went about their duties, their eyes subtly turning towards me as they discussed the new arrival.

The anticipation was building within me as I got closer to meeting Seraphina. I wondered how our interaction would unfold and if I would indeed get to witness her true nature as I had hoped. Contrary to my usual composed demeanor, I felt a thrill of excitement and a tinge of nervousness as I approached my meeting with the princess. The ornate walls seemed to close in as I ventured deeper into the palace, the atmosphere growing more imposing and grand with each step.

The massive doors of the Royal Court swung open, and I stepped inside, guided by Aria. Her brief exchange with the guards ensured our entrance, and as we crossed the threshold, our arrival was announced to the assembled courtiers. The resplendent hall was a scene of bustling activity and hushed conversations, confirming that the news of my summons had indeed spread to the nobility.

Amidst the ornate surroundings and the whispers of nobles, Aria knelt gracefully in front of Seraphina, the Acting Regent of the Empire. She conveyed the purpose of our visit to the princess, explaining that she had brought me into the Royal Court. I remained a step behind Aria, my gaze sweeping across the dignitaries, advisers, and nobles in attendance. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation, and I couldn't help but wonder what this meeting would entail.

I've brought him, Princess," Aria announced, her voice clear and respectful. "Professor Oliver Starweaver, as requested."

Seraphina, seated at a throne-like chair, nodded her acknowledgment. Her eyes, the color of deep sapphires, regarded me with curiosity. "Welcome, Professor Starweaver. Thank you for coming to the Royal Court. I've heard quite a bit about your accomplishments at the Arcanum Citadel."

I inclined my head slightly, maintaining a polite distance. "The honor is mine, Princess Seraphina. I appreciate the invitation."

The conversation continued as Seraphina inquired about my magical expertise and my contributions to the academy. Aria observed silently from her kneeling position, and I answered the princess's questions with a blend of humility and confidence. It was a delicate balance, respecting the customs of the royal court while ensuring that my abilities and potential remained clear.

As we spoke, it was evident that Seraphina was intrigued by my magical knowledge, and I seized the opportunity to emphasize my interest in contributing to the empire's magical advancements.

The formal introduction and subsequent exchange served as a prelude to the discussions that lay ahead, with the acting regent and her newly arrived guest prepared to explore the possibilities that awaited them.

The Court was abuzz with the whispers of the nobles, and the finely crafted tapestries that adorned the walls seemed to absorb the weight of the moment.

"Professor Starweaver," Princess Seraphina began with a gracious smile, "I have heard of your remarkable talents and contributions to the Arcanum Citadel. I believe that your skills would be invaluable here at the Royal Court."

I listened attentively, aware of the importance of my response. "Your Highness, I am deeply honored by your offer, and I appreciate your recognition of my abilities. However, I must respectfully decline."

Aria, ever the loyal knight, watched the exchange with a steady gaze. "May I inquire as to your reasons?" the princess asked, her tone inquisitive.

I considered my words carefully. "Your Highness, I have a duty at the Arcanum Citadel. Headmistress Amara Duskmire has entrusted me with responsibilities, and I cannot go against her directives. In a realm where order and hierarchy are valued, it is essential that I respect the chain of command."

Understanding my perspective, Seraphina nodded thoughtfully. "I respect your commitment to duty, Professor. However, should you ever reconsider, know that a position at the Royal Court will always be available to one of your exceptional talents."

The courtiers observed the exchange with bated breath, recognizing the delicate balance of power and respect that governed this moment. While I had declined the offer, the influence of Headmistress Amara Duskmire loomed large, underscoring the intricate dynamics that shaped the empire.

With a final nod of gratitude, I departed the Royal Court, accompanied by Aria, my decision resonating through the halls of power.

The royal palace gradually faded into the distance as the carriage carried us away, and I settled in for what would undoubtedly be a long journey back to the Arcanum Citadel.

As the sun began its descent, casting warm hues across the horizon, Aria broke the silence with a thoughtful question. "Professor Starweaver, may I inquire about your reasons for declining Her Highness' offer?"

I acknowledged her query with a nod and began to elucidate, my tone respectful. "It is not that I do not appreciate the gracious offer from Her Highness. However, I hold a position at the Arcanum Citadel and must adhere to the authority of my superior, Headmistress Amara Duskmire. In our world, a strict hierarchy is maintained, and as a professor, my foremost allegiance is to the academy."

Aria listened attentively, her commitment to duty evident in her demeanor. "I see," she replied, acknowledging the importance of institutional authority. "In our realm, the chain of command is indeed paramount, and loyalty to one's superiors is a virtue."

Our conversation continued, punctuated by the rhythmic clatter of the carriage wheels, as we journeyed back to the academy, my decision echoing in the depths of our discourse.