
From Stage to Saga

In a world of magic and mystery, Oliver, a modern-world actor, finds himself transported to a realm he once only read about in novels. Assuming the persona of a genius, he joins an elite academy to teach magic to eager first-year students. However, his real mission goes beyond the classroom: to change the destiny of those he encounters. As whispers of innovation and intrigue fill the air, Oliver embarks on a calculated gambit, where deception is an art, and survival is his ultimate performance. But beneath the surface, transformations and complexities await. Dive into a realm where reality and fiction intertwine, and the magician's awakening is just the beginning.

Apostle9380 · Fantasía
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21 Chs

Chapter IV: When Rumors Become Reality (1)

I delved deeper into the memories of the original Oliver Starweaver, and it became increasingly apparent that he possessed a once-in-a-generation talent. Beyond his remarkable grasp of contemporary magic, he had been a trailblazer, constantly experimenting and pushing the boundaries of the conventional magic system.

Oliver's wealth of research encompassed an array of innovative designs for magic, many of which aimed to break away from the established norms. His mind was a tapestry of unexplored possibilities, his theories were groundbreaking, and his experimentation knew no bounds. It was as if he had embarked on a lifelong journey of discovery, even in his teens.

What struck me the most was the collection of unpublished theses that he had penned. These theses delved into the very essence of magical theory, each offering a unique perspective, written in different styles. It was evident that he was not merely a practitioner of magic; he was a true scholar, dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of the unknown. Without all of that as supplement, my pioneering endeavor would've failed for sure.

The original novel had only scratched the surface of Oliver's intellectual pursuits, leaving a vast reservoir of untapped potential. Armed with this newfound knowledge, I was determined to carry on his legacy, forging new paths and redefining the world of magic.

I had barely slept or eaten over the past month, consumed by the relentless pursuit of knowledge and preparation. It had taken its toll on my physical form. Dark circles painted shadows beneath my eyes, my once-confident posture now bent with the weight of my endeavors, and an overall weariness cast its shroud over my appearance.

But with each passing day, I found myself molding into the role of Oliver Starweaver more perfectly, like a masterful performance on the grandest stage. I had absorbed his persona with such natural ease that it was as though I had become him, living out his existence.

The time had come for a brief respite, a moment to rejuvenate my body and spirit. With practiced fluidity, I disrobed myself, shedding the layers of exhaustion, and stepped into the awaiting warmth of the bath. The soothing waters enveloped me, erasing the fatigue that clung to my bones.

I scrubbed myself gently but firmly, the sensation of cleansing offering a reprieve from the intellectual rigors that had consumed my days. Every stroke of the washcloth seemed to wash away not only the physical grime but also the mental burdens that had accumulated. It was a moment of purification, a transition from the worn and weary into a state of revitalization.

Getting out of the bath, I felt the warmth of rejuvenation lingering in my body. It was as though the exhaustion of the past month had been replaced by a newfound vitality. As I stepped onto the cool tiles of the bathroom floor, I was wrapped in a cloak of self-assured confidence. Even in my bare, unadorned state, my stride exuded the grace of one who knew their worth.

I took my time, carefully drying myself and attending to each detail. The long, voluminous strands of my hair received meticulous care, the comb gliding smoothly through the silky locks. It was a task I approached with the same precision and dedication that I brought to my studies and planning.

With the ritual of cleansing complete, I adorned a night dress, a simple yet elegant garment that clung to my form. The soft fabric, like a second skin, offered comfort and an air of sophistication. With each step, I felt the gentle caress of the material against my skin, a reminder of the transformation that had taken place.

As I slipped beneath the covers and settled into the embrace of my bed, I looked forward to the challenges that tomorrow would bring. The anticipation of stepping into my new role as a professor at the Arcane Citadel filled me with a sense of purpose and excitement.

The early morning sun cast a gentle glow through the window, a chorus of bird song serving as my wake-up call. With a sense of purpose, I rose from my slumber and began the process of dressing for the day.

Another bath, refreshing and invigorating, helped me to shake off the remnants of sleep. As the warm water embraced me, it was as though it washed away any lingering doubts or uncertainties. I emerged from the bath, my skin glowing with a renewed vitality.

I selected a dark, bluish-green tailcoat that spoke of elegance and sophistication. It draped perfectly over my form, accentuating the lines of my body in a way that was both timeless and contemporary. My choice of attire was deliberate, a reflection of the persona I had adopted.

Completing the ensemble was a matching top hat, its deep hue harmonizing with the tailcoat. With each article of clothing carefully donned, I stood before the mirror, studying my reflection. What I saw was not merely an image, but a projection of self-assured confidence that radiated from every subtle gesture, every meticulous detail.

Faultless, immaculate, and exuding a charisma that was impossible to ignore, I was now fully prepared to embrace the challenges of the day. The transformation from a tired, hunched scholar to a figure of elegance and confidence was a testament to the power of persona and the intricate art of deception.

With a cane in hand, I stepped out of the hall, a figure of impeccable elegance and self-assured confidence. The morning air wrapped around me, carrying with it the promise of a new day filled with possibilities.

My steps were measured, each one landing with purpose and precision as I made my way towards the main building of the academy. The corridor, still bathed in the quiet of early morning, bore witness to the echoes of my polished boots gently tapping against the ground.

The students who had arrived early for their own studies couldn't help but be drawn to the sight of this new, enigmatic professor. Curious glances were cast my way, and some turned their heads to follow my progress. Whispers rippled through the air, their hushed tones betraying a mixture of wonder and intrigue.

I couldn't help but notice the reactions of the students as they beheld my presence. Some widened their eyes in surprise, their expressions a testament to the recognition that flowed through the academy even on my first official day. Pointing fingers and exchanged words marked my passage, and it was clear that I had left an indelible impression.

It seems that the request I made to the Headmistress around a week ago was granted. 

"Professor Oliver, your request has been approved. We will make the announcement regarding your lecture, as you've requested. It will be open to students from all grades and courses, without any restrictions. This is a bold step you're taking, Professor. It breaks from tradition, but I believe it aligns with your philosophy."

I nodded in acknowledgment, appreciative of her willingness to support this unconventional decision. "Indeed, Headmistress. Education should be inclusive, and I aim to create an environment where students can learn regardless of their background or ranking. I will ensure the announcement is made today, Professor. I hope it encourages a positive shift in our academic community."

 I had approached the Headmistress with a specific request: to make an announcement regarding my lecture. It was to be a bold statement, one that would stand as a testament to the principles I believed in. The announcement would declare that my lecture hall would be open to all students, regardless of their grade, course, background, or ranking.

I walked into the lecture hall assigned to me, which was as elegant as any other structure of this prestigious institution. Its polished marble floors gleamed under the early morning sunlight that streamed in through the grand, arched windows. The windows were adorned with intricate stained glass, casting vibrant patterns across the room. As I strolled further into the hall, the warm rays of sunlight illuminated the room's rich details, revealing a ceiling adorned with elaborate frescoes depicting scenes of magic and academia.

Rows upon rows of benches, each meticulously carved from dark oak, extended through the spacious hall. The hall's size was imposing, considerably larger than other lecture rooms I had seen within the academy. Its high, vaulted ceilings and towering marble columns added to the sense of grandeur. The sheer magnitude of the hall was enough to make me wonder why this hall got assigned to a new Professor. 

As I ventured towards the front, where an intricately designed wooden lecture platform awaited, I couldn't help but be captivated by the aesthetics and architecture. It was in this resplendent setting that I would have the privilege of sharing my knowledge and ideas, and I couldn't help but feel that it was a significant moment.

Standing on the elevated platform at the front of the hall, I found solace in the pages of a leather-bound tome. Time ebbed away, marked by the quiet footsteps of students entering the hall one by one. They offered tentative, nervous greetings upon spotting me, their new professor, before finding their seats. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as they settled into their places, an air of curiosity and excitement lingering.

Yet, as moments ticked on, the trickle of students transformed into a steady stream, more and more of them flowing into the hall. Rows upon rows of wooden benches were occupied, and I was content with the turnout. However, it became increasingly apparent that I had underestimated the magnitude of the rumors circulating the academy. The lecture hall was quickly filled beyond its usual capacity, every available seat taken, and students were left with no choice but to stand at the back or even sit on the floor.

The room buzzed with energy, an amalgamation of whispered conversations, shuffling feet, and the hum of anticipation. It was an impressive sight, and as I prepared to commence the lecture, the extraordinary number of students assembled before me became a testament to the curiosity and interest my unconventional teaching methods had sparked.