
From Stage to Saga

In a world of magic and mystery, Oliver, a modern-world actor, finds himself transported to a realm he once only read about in novels. Assuming the persona of a genius, he joins an elite academy to teach magic to eager first-year students. However, his real mission goes beyond the classroom: to change the destiny of those he encounters. As whispers of innovation and intrigue fill the air, Oliver embarks on a calculated gambit, where deception is an art, and survival is his ultimate performance. But beneath the surface, transformations and complexities await. Dive into a realm where reality and fiction intertwine, and the magician's awakening is just the beginning.

Apostle9380 · Fantasía
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21 Chs

Chapter II: An Audience Of Leading Figures

With a sense of curiosity, I unbuttoned my shirt and turned my gaze toward my own reflection in the mirror. What lay beneath the fabric was a testament to a past I had not lived but had inherited nonetheless. My chest and abdomen bore scars, a roadmap of experiences that were not my own.

These scars spoke of a life I had not led in this world, of a young man who had served on the front lines, enduring battles and challenges that were foreign to me. Oliver, it seemed, had carried the weight of a different world on his shoulders.

The description of Oliver in the original novel as a genius of all aspects now made perfect sense. The abilities that had been attributed to him were not exaggerations but inherent truths. He had possessed the gift of perfect memorization, the capacity to replicate anything he had seen, and the uncanny talent to create an even better version.

Whether in academics or combat, the arts or any other pursuit, there was nothing that he couldn't do and excel at. His limitless potential was now mine to wield, his memories and abilities flowing through me as if they were my own.

Even in realms I had not yet explored, such as the unfamiliar concept of magic, I could sense a familiarity. Thanks to the memories of Oliver, it was as though magic was a second nature waiting to be tapped into.

As I buttoned my shirt once more, I carried with me not just the physical scars of a different world but the intangible legacy of a genius. The narrative of my life had taken an unexpected turn, and the weight of the past had become a part of my present.

The carriage had brought me to the vast academy grounds, and as I stepped onto the hallowed campus, I couldn't help but feel the weight of expectations that loomed over me. The rumors that had preceded my arrival had painted a vivid portrait of the Professor about to take his place among the faculty.

I had been described as a genius, a military man, a master of magic-swordsmanship, and various other accolades that bordered on the extravagant. A mysterious past shrouded me in a veil of intrigue, and it was said that I was a strict and meticulous figure. While some of these claims held grains of truth, many were gross exaggerations.

Oliver had indeed been a man who pursued perfection, and he was unwavering in his dedication to achieving it. But it wasn't without effort; he had worked tirelessly to acquire the skills and knowledge attributed to him in these rumors. However, I had no intention of dispelling these tales. In fact, I saw an opportunity in them.

These exaggerations would be the building blocks of the persona I intended to create. As I looked out at the audience that awaited the arrival of the enigmatic Professor, I couldn't deny the allure of this role. I would play the part of a strict and cynical professor, one who demanded excellence and left no room for excuses.

But in my pursuit of strictness, I would also uphold absolute fairness. The students who entered this institution deserved nothing less. It was a persona that would set the stage for my interactions with the young minds that looked to me for guidance.

Stepping down from the carriage, I donned a cold and calculated expression, a mask befitting the persona I intended to project. With measured steps, I made my way toward the center of attention, where Seraphina stood, flanked by Althea and Elara. Aria was positioned at her side, and together, they formed a group that held the attention of all who were present.

As I approached the group, I took a moment to scan the faces before me. It became evident that, indeed, all of the key female leads were gathered here, their presence casting a spotlight on this moment.

Seraphina, with her cool and cynical demeanor, was a central figure, destined to be the Empress of this world. Althea and Elara, noble and dignified, carried their own unique traits and backgrounds, aside from being Seraphina's childhood friends. Aria, the daughter of a Count, and the future sworn knight of the Empress Seraphina Aldrin possessed her own distinct qualities that would shape the story.

This assembly of influential individuals set the stage for a complex interplay of personalities, ambitions, and expectations. The audience had assembled, and the performance was about to begin. As I drew closer to this group of leading figures, I was aware of the eyes upon me, and the weight of the role I was about to play settled upon my shoulders. 

As I surveyed the gathered crowd, a thought crossed my mind. Riven, one of the characters in this intricate narrative, must be hiding somewhere in the shadows. It added an element of intrigue to the scene, a stark reminder of the dangers of this world.

Amid the audience, my eyes caught sight of Cecilia, the personal maid who played a pivotal role in this tale. Her warm presence was a reassuring anchor in this sea of unfamiliar faces, given her original caring personality and dedication toward Oliver, whom she was assigned to.

Moving forward, I approached the central figure of the gathering, Seraphina. Her cool and calculated demeanor remained intact as she welcomed me to this momentous occasion.

"Welcome, Professor," Seraphina spoke with a measured tone, offering me a bouquet as a symbol of the formalities that marked the beginning of my role.

In response, I nodded in acknowledgment, accepting the bouquet and maintaining the persona of a strict and meticulous professor. "Thank you, Your Highness," I replied, my voice laced with a hint of formality.

The exchange was a combination of tradition and formality, each action laden with significance. The narrative had been set into motion, and with this welcome, the first chapter of my life as a professor at the Arcanum Citadel unfolded.

Amid the ceremony, a new figure made her entrance, capturing the attention of all those present. The headmistress of the academy, an individual of remarkable distinction, stepped forward. She was renowned as the youngest mage to have ever reached the illustrious 7th circle, and her lineage traced back to the very founder of the Arcane Citadel, the First Archmage.

As she entered the scene, her striking appearance immediately drew gazes of awe and curiosity. Her silver hair cascaded gracefully down to the middle of her back, and her eyes gleamed with a captivating shade of gold. Her stature was rather diminutive, reaching just to my chest, and her face bore a signature smile, brimming with a childlike playfulness.

However, I was well aware that beneath her amiable exterior lay an enigmatic personality. Despite her easy-going demeanor, earning her trust and truly getting close to her would prove to be a formidable task.

With the formalities of the ceremony now completed, the headmistress, with her golden-eyed gaze, took on the role of guiding me to the teachers' dormitories. These accommodations were situated at some distance from the students' quarters, which would remain vacant until their arrival a month later.

As we walked through the campus, the headmistress maintained her friendly demeanor and continued to inquire about my thoughts and impressions of the Arcanum Citadel. She was genuinely interested in understanding my perspective.

"So, Professor," she began, her voice warm and inviting, "what do you make of our esteemed institution so far? I'm curious to hear your thoughts."

I responded with my carefully cultivated persona, offering brief and honest answers, regardless of whether they aligned with her expectations or not.

"I find the facilities here to be well-maintained and the reputation of the academy is certainly impressive," I acknowledged.

The headmistress nodded, her golden eyes reflecting a sense of understanding. "Indeed, we take great pride in the legacy and standards of the Arcanum Citadel."

She inquired, "Tell me, Professor, what are your academic specialties? Are there particular subjects in which you excel?"

Maintaining my persona, I responded, "My expertise lies in magical theory and academic studies, Your Grace. I'm also well-versed in combat strategies and tactics."

The headmistress nodded thoughtfully, her golden eyes reflecting her curiosity. "Impressive, Professor. We value a diverse range of skills and knowledge here at the Citadel. It appears you'll bring a unique set of talents to our institution."

Our exchange continued, with her questions delving into various aspects of my background and expertise. The conversation provided a glimpse into the layers of complexity and potential that lay within the unfolding narrative of my journey at the Arcanum Citadel.

I knew she was probably just saying it for the sake of saying it, but I accepted the compliment nonetheless. Throughout our conversation, I subtly evaded questions about my background and past, leaving the headmistress with the impression that something must have occurred that made me reluctant to speak of it. My persona was careful not to reveal too much, and a sense of mystery surrounded my true origins.

As we reached the dormitories, the headmistress gave a light, friendly laugh. Her golden eyes held a warm and appreciative gaze.

"I must say, Professor Oliver, you have piqued my curiosity," she confessed, her playful smile ever-present. "I enjoyed our conversation and appreciate your presence at the Citadel. Thank you for coming."

Her words carried a sense of genuine appreciation, and I maintained my strict and meticulous image as I responded, "The pleasure is mine, Your Grace. I look forward to my tenure at the Arcanum Citadel."